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Posts posted by Checkmate

  1. I know, I'm 2 or 3 years late in building this kit. Has anyone have had any problems with the decals that came with the kit? IMO it's like applying Vinyl stickers to a plastic model kit. I used Solvaset, and the stuff just rolls of the stickers surface! Has anybody encountered this problem? Solutions?

  2. i've seen this question pop up here time to time but i just don't get it? i mean, just look for screws and start taking it apart.

    the only hidden screws are in the inner knees(remove the rubber venier and unscrew).

    then theres another down by the calves, you have to slide out the rectangular part that holds the arms in fighter mode. you can do this by prying it out with a thin knife, or just put anything sticky it on and pulling it out.

    as far as putting it back together, you'd be amazed how easy and straight forward it is. if you do it once, you can probably do it blindfolded, its really that simple.

    Thank you for you reply. Unlike you i don't regularly visit macrossworld that's why i missed the threads you're pertaining to. If only the old forum was still working i wouldnt have posted this thread and just used the search function.

  3. Hi,

    I remember a thread on how to dismantle a VF-1S 1/48 by Yamato. Sadly though it got lost when Macworld was hacked. Whoever made that wonderful thread I implore you to post it again. I'm planning on buying a Vf-1S soon but this time around i'm going to airbrush it. My only 1/48 was sold 3 years ago because i needed the money. sob.

    please help me. thank you. :)

  4. well i guess i can't persuade you anymore about getting an Iwata.

    about the air supply:

    try going to home depot. they have big compressors there with tanks that are around $135. it does'nt have an air regulator or water trap though. the regulator/trap combo i think ranges from $20 to $60. it depends on how it can handle the pressure coming from your comp.

  5. Have you tried using a gravity fed a/b? IMHO it's really better than using a siphone fed. you can airbrush at any angle unlike a siphon fed. And every drop of paint is really used unlike the siphon fed which requires a lot of paint. I used to have a Badger Anthem 155 which was a siphone fed, doub action. It was easy to clean and sprays fine. But in the long run i was limited by the angle i should airbrush.

    the .35 mm n/n HP-CS really sprays pretty good broad strokes. And really easy to clean. beacuase of the top paint cup it's easily cleaned by sparying thinner and wiping it with tissue paper. the usual rituals of removing the needle and soaking nozzles and caps still do apply.

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