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Posts posted by Vepariga

  1. alot of people drinking the haterade for TS,lol.

    Im with VFTF1,I liked and enjoyed Terminator Salvation,sure its not the future we envisioned,but that future from the first film is later in the future,perhaps it started like this?. I liked it,but it didnt do anything for the story,I just viewed it as a action film set in the terminator era.

    saying that,i didnt ahte T3 either lol,sure it wasnt that good,it was quite lame,but hell it was enjoyable,the john conner was bit lame,but the ending was great,probably the best part of the film.

    we all just have to remember,no new terminator films will ever be as good as T1 and T2.

    I guess the only terminator thing i dont like is terminator sarah conner chronicles,even my mum goes rank when i bring it up,saying 'the sarah in that crap show,isnt sarah! shes all skinny and not even hard,shes soft!' I laugh.

  2. this is an easy question..

    Why does anyone sing? becuase they enjoy it,its their dream,they like to perform.

    In macross's case,singing just so happened to be an effective weapon,thus they use song in battle since the pioneer for musical warfare minmay started it.

    plus,With the light and laser shows they have on concerts,who wouldnt want to go to one.

  3. oooh one of my favorite things,my list is never definative but this ones are real good.

    Tony Jaa Ong Bak 2 final fight in the village


    Bruce Lee - Fist of Fury

    Donnie Yen - Ip Man vs 10 blackbelts


    Jet Li - Fearless platform fight

    Jackie Chan v Jet li - Forbidden Kingdom


    Scott adkins - Ninja Subway fight


    I can keep going for ages so i might just leave it here for now..

  4. Oh, and the ship itself was criminally underused. I was hoping for some giant space battle and got nada. Same with the original Trek theme. *sniff* They almost didn't use it!

    Yeah I thought there was gonna be some epic battle with the enterprise, perhaps in the second installment we get to see some enterprise v warbird action.

  5. nekkid.png

    "Uh we're getting some weird video transmissions from where the Megaroad 01 disappeared..."

    I wouldnt mind being that pilot :p:wub:

    someone tell me why they dont bring out a book like the Sheryl visual collection or the Ranka book thats out, all about Misa with new artworks and a big poster,that would be a gift from the heavens.

    speaking of which,anyone got any of the scans from the Ranka book?

  6. Yeah reviews sound like they were expecting the best movie ever, This movie is just for fun,a solid action flick nothing more,its just a visual film really. To be honest im looking forward to scott atkins in isaac florences 'Ninja' to be the better film.

  7. just to add on to freiflug88 on alien hybrids,Ive actually read and watched alot of abductee accounts where they have been taken twice ,usually the second time is months later and in this time they recall being shown a child,and being told that its theirs. The strange thing is that many people have said the same thing has happened to them,even countrys apart. its interesting no doubt.

  8. No...um, I meant for my avatar. I don't believe I have any rare DYRL pics. The DYRL novel (unlike My Fair Minmay and White Reminiscences) only uses black-and-white screenshots from the movie. Pretty dull, actually.

    oooh i see :lol: i guess i was just excited. That is pretty dull,you'd think for a novel they would have alteast one or two pictures drawn just for the written work..ah well.

  9. The problem is we have working theories on how the pyramids were built. We have evidence of the evolution of the form and the techniques used to build them. Same for the pyramid forms in South America. We have egyptian records on food production, we know where the rock was quarried... we have all this information and yet the conspiracy theorists keep claiming that it's "impossible" for ancient egyptians to have built the pyramids.

    Yet when we have a euro mega work, stonehenge, it's all about how it was a prehistoric religious artifact and not some alien built something or other.

    There is actually Little evidence of human-built pyramids, There is no evidence or writings of the construction of the giza pyramids ,so the theory of ramps being used by thousands of slaves to pull a 4 ton slab up on rolling logs is widely accepted,but I dont believe it for a second. In fact,It would have taken more effort to construct the ramp then the pyramid itself,yet there is no evidence of a ramp around the area,stones that heavy would have sunk in the ramp anyway and thousands of slaves? not in 20 years could have these pyramids been constructed by mere men,the stones lie about 1 inch away from eachother, and its been proven that inside was evidence of radio-active sand. Humans did not build these alone.

    I believe the masses believe that humans built them becuase they dont want to worship something that could have been constructed by another race which makes us feel inferior.

  10. So, we start with "What hard evidence is there that humans have encountered alien species?"


    well thats the hard thing, lets call Alien beings,masters of staying elusive,they dont bring anything down with them that could be left behind, all we have is witness accounts,photographs ( a rare amount are genuine unfortunatly), theorys on ancient carvings from lost civilazations and relics that are questionable in design and video footage of the ufo phenomena, also there was a press confrence called 'The Disclosure project' where many high ranking officials and military personnel come forward to give there testimonals on what they have seen and encountered,some put forward some amazing accounts and these are from respected and reputatable people. unfortunately for the average person and researcher this is all we have to go on as our evidence.

    I myself have seen UFO's before where i live,and even the airforce base reported that no aircraft was out there,I remember it like yesterday I was inside watching "mars attacks" lol funny, and my dad said to come out side and 'check this out!' went out side and there they where, 4 bright orange slow moving objects,like sleek almond shape,no sound,one of the most amazing things ive ever seen pretty much everyone saw them they travelled slowly for about 10 minutes before just disappearing. the next night had black hawks flying around all night,good week.

  11. will take abit to beat Fire in the Sky, but i want to see this film so ill be checking it out as soon as i can,Im really into this stuff,i research it a fair bit.

    Freiflug88,id like to hear a detailed account of your experiance,did you feel strange or notice anything different when you woke? any thing else you can recall of the event?

  12. well i like her but im not a huge fan of Darth Talon, theres many more that are awesome,but she has something that clicks with me,the statue looks awesome regardless of character.

    would be awesome if they made a Darth Revan or Plo Koon epic statue.

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