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Posts posted by Vepariga

  1. Heard they kinda shafted people on that and only showed about 30 seconds, the full one apparently is on XBL on the 21st or something.

    yeah it was good but wasnt the whole thing,they showed like 2 minutes of it then it finishes and says 'veiw the full trailer on the 22nd of december' lol..i dont see the point really? why not just show the whole thing.

  2. Looks like they are bringing out a new A-Wing aswell,but i dont see any real difference on it from the current one thats already out. I wonder if the bespin cloud car always had conceled laser cannons,they had to shoot hand to stay on course in ESB,but i dont recall seeing any in the cross-sections.

  3. I just picked up Volume 5 of the Frontier manga (as well as the repackaged Macross 7 Trash volumes 1 & 2...and it's ONLY a repackage. Nothing new in it at all), and THANK GOODNESS the burning unresolved question at the end of Frontier FINALLY gets an answer:


    Yep, both of Nanase's eyes are intact, and she's fine. ^_^

    thats good,I was wondering if that would get touched on again...shame luca is in the frame tho. :/

  4. Because it wasn't humans that were being graphicly dismembered.

    While on the subject, did Austrailia ban Borderlands? I'm asking because with some of the weapons (the ones with the explosive element, at least) it's quite easy to dismember someone (seeing some bandit's head pop like a zit brings a somewhat warm and fuzzy feeling to my heart). The acid (I don't see why they call these weapons "caustic", that term is way on the other end of the ph scale) are even more fun to use, because I love seeing armored foes literally melt on the screen.

    yeah we got Borderlands,no problem,not even a word about that one is raised lol

    what about dragon age? Did they censor that too?

    and nope DragonAge didnt get censored,it got in no dramas aswell lol

  5. yeah taks i know what you mean, wtf is with the censorships today? i mean a few years ago they let everything in now they are being anal. Im jsut going to import AvP if they do this,hopefully segas appeal will make them re-consider. I dont see how they let Dead Space avaliable when its graphic and has dismemberments,yet dont let AvP in? strange.

    atleast its not as bad as germany.

  6. *casts thread ressurection-so-I-dont-need-to-make-a-new-one*

    Hey,just thought id say that Season 1 complete dvd set is out now if you havent already noticed,I ahve to say i really enjoy this series,season 1 did have to work itself in but when it did it was quite awesome.

    so far im impressed with season 2, that episode 'Landing at point rain' is one of the best ive seen so far

    anyone else following the series?

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