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Everything posted by troyness

  1. Unless your a sociopath/solid block of evil(which anikin is not) NOTHING explains anikin killing children by human standards, even if your conflicted or manipulated,even if you cross the line there,d be a point where you,d be shocked by your own actions..and since anikin has been "flirting" with the dark/lightside which implies that he ISN,T a sociopath and that in ROTS he shows no sign of remorse..then it,s just another plot hole by lucas. IMO the clones are one dimensional-"yes sir, no sir,I wanna be on the frontlines,sacrifice myself with little hesitation, don,t leave a man behind" cliches I guess order 66 would work,But I guess the series is trying to imply that the clones have depth so yeah they,d probably hesitate,,another lucas plot hole..but I really enjoy it for what it is,an excuse to have video game style action.
  2. From what I,ve read about the live-action TV series, there,s no Jedi or Sith ....only stormtroopers and side characters from previous films/books..still want it to get off the ground?
  3. Thanx for the update areaseven , like Keith said no surprise there!! I,m glad that this movie is as dead as vanilla ice,s career. I didn,t like the costume designs or the cheap ass looking teasers that were released. But that animated TV commercial , which I,ve seen a few times before, would,ve been quicker and cheaper to make, and it would,ve been out on DVD by now.
  4. Awesome, amazing, thanks for sharing Kyp Durron !!!! True collectables right there, I bet it looks even more amazing in real life
  5. I guess most jedi/sith would suffer carpal tunnel/tendonitis from fighting with lightsabers..and use the force to rehabilitate their forearms ...except Darth Vader.
  6. Yeah the scene,s sh*t, but luv the reveal lightsaber prop that coming out!! :lol: excellent lightsaber umbrella Solscud007!!! Can the umbrella open with the fx?, that would be funny, you,d be a hit at a convention!!
  7. Didn,t someone slip him a "mickey", and under the influence had an experience with an entire football team? Shame/"lose of face" prompted a name change to Graham and relocation to Hong Kong to start a new life? More battroid/gerwalk pics!!
  8. I saw some footage on youtube, from some convention(can,t remember which). Luke is in a cave , while C3-PO is waiting outside looking in. Luke(not Mark Hamil) face is hooded (can,t make out actors face)is working on his lightsaber hilt with some type of screwdriver. Luke finishes with screwdriver, then ignites his lightsaber to inspect the modification etc.. All the while this is happening Darth Vader is reaching out to Luke with the force from his regeneration chamber ,pleading Luke to join the darkside "it,s the only way" etc.. The scene was probably about 30sec long, I don,t know if this was the entire scene ,or an extract from it. I didn,t see any lightsaber parts floating thru the air manipulated by the force. The scene might still be available to watch , if you do a search for it, but it may also have been removed by lucasfilm pending the blueray release.
  9. Awesome!!!! Thanx izzyfcuk. Are they your pics, if so very professional!!! Man I never really liked this when it first came out ..but now I haven,t been this excited since lady gaga had a wardrobe malfunction
  10. Luv your weathering derex3592 & rabidweezil!!!(the blue background really makes it stand out) luv to see some battroid pics, I guess everyones scared to transform their valks!!
  11. eugimon, m0n5t3r,charger69..I,m de-hydrated from watering at the mouth!!! Can I please have some battroid pics!!!..I,ll bring a bottle of water.
  12. Luke Skywalker ROTJ "reveal" lightsaber approx$499.00 due out around July also. The lightsaber prop replica is taken from the deleted scene(which is gonna be added back in on the blueray release).With luke building/working on his lightsaber(it isn,t Mark,but a standin actor) The hilt can be extended to reveal the inner workings of the lightsaber ,with a quartz crystal.
  13. Thanx Vepariga Did a search , will check out "The rise of Darth Vader" novel looks good!!!(although it,ll probably won,t explain why Vader,s limbs weren,t regrown/cloned..but that,s another topic) An animated Vader series will allow better ,more exciting action/fight/lightsaber duel scenes, but live action with CGI ,wire stunts and rapid editing ,shakey camera will probably ruin everything!!!(even if Lucas stayed away from scene to scene character dialogue) The clone wars series ,for me has had the most exciting action scenes with the name Star Wars attached.
  14. Hasbro fx lightsaber removable blade Luke Skywalker : ANH looks to be released approx 20th July 2011.!!! I,m gonna get!!Which means that luke:ESB should soon follow!!! I can,t wait to hide in the dark and scare the sh*t out of people with it.
  15. Every wkend on cartoon network ,there,s been a "lightsaber wkend" 4 eps in total of season1 &2.(in Australia) I just got on board with season 2. and really enjoyed it!!! New eps of season 3 have been showing once a wk aswell. Gonna go back and see season 1 on DVD, catch up on the remaining season 3 on cartoon network...can,t wait for season 4. For me this series has been better than any live action prequal!! Once the clone wars series is finished, do you guys think Lucas will do another animated series of Darth Vader after ROTS ,hunting down/killing the remaining jedi??? (sorry if this question has been asked before)
  16. Saw it 2nite, it was good, fx was OK, I wasn,t blown away by it, I think I,m abit de-censortised to super hero movies from the last few yrs....but still good!
  17. I just watched the 1990 version of cap on cable.....bad!!! Not soo bad that it was good....but in the middle,which makes it......bad!!!
  18. Anyone got any pics of Medicom-Captain Harlock they,d like to share or a review on it? Or punisher?
  19. I hear ya on the boots!! I cut mine at the back(down past below the knee) to get some posability with the legs.
  20. I surrender :D Luv your takara/junes!! Is the body better than the Medicoms? My medicom mark and jason ,s cloth is coming apart, plus the helmets plastic is getting very sticky!!!!! :ph34r: I was gonna sell them ,lucky I opened them and inspected both ,because they don,t age well in the box(plastic wasn,t sticky 3yrs ago ...but now very sticky)
  21. :lol: both, but there,s also responsible planking involved.
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