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Posts posted by troyness

  1. I'm fairly certain it was picked up early for a second season. I had to stop watching it after episode 3, I can handle it when Star Trek has Kirk go on all the away team missions - it was a lot tougher sell with a US Navy ship captain. What really turned me off was when they Captain and a crewmen or two go back and take on a village full of armed men - when they could quickly and easily have gone back to the ship to get backup... (oh - and NOT checking up on a "friendly" radio signal in any way)

    Lol..You just reminded me how much my standards have dropped for quality viewing since being in China with "restricted"shows.

    It's the end of the world, protocol is halfway out the window, I just assumed that they didn't want to expose any more of the crew to potential injury/death/virus..but now that you mention it it is a bit Kirk of him to get into adventures (that issue was brought up a few times in further episodes, which I thought was handled pretty well) ..I liked the season 1 finally,season 2 should be an interesting resolve..But after that it could go slightly "Team America" episodic. "Fargo"& "Masters of Sex"seem safe at the moment here. I gonna get thru those series quick!

    "The Flash" is hard to find here..any good?

  2. Just gettin' used t my ipad camera/lighting.(need to get better lighting..)

    Forgot how amazing the engineering is on this toy.

    Glad I kept the transformation instructions!!!

    The cloth on Ley/Rey is like leather compared to Stick's.


  3. How so?

    Sorry for the late reply.

    My painful discovery was that the foot peg and hip/crotch peg share the same screw.

    ...So armour mode will suffer connecting hip + crotch. on his left side.

    ...Still a tuff lookin' bike!!




  4. The red fabric on my Beagle Stick is falling apart. Rey is fine though. :unsure:

    Me too!!! the cloth on my Rey seems a lot tougher..stored in the same conditions..I haven't the courage to slightly articulate him yet to see what happens I'm still feeling fragile over my Stick at the moment...I don't think my blood pressure can handle any more shocks right now LOL...It also means that I can't have them both posed on their bikes at the same time/ in the same pose with that missing foot peg on Stick's bike..I'll have to get a screwdriver set and take Rey's foot peg off and put it on Stick's ....Stick will have to play "air" foot peg on his left side if I want them together on their bikes....DAMN Chinese factory "put togetherers"..........I just forgot armour mode will be a fail too ..NOOooooooo.

  5. Lucky for people that I don't own firearms, I really feel like de-populating my neighborhood right now.

    Or another way of putting it ...it gives me freedom to pose the sh*t out of this thing now and have some fun with my flight pose stands.

    I've got some cool ideas ..stay tuned as I'll post during the week..

  6. So I opened my Stick Beagle which was MIB , and either I'm unlucky OR I'm gonna have to assume that the cloth does NOT age well inside the box!!

    My previous Stick that I opened back in 2009 took alot of beating before the cloth died a dishonorable death!!

    As you can see Stick's left arm looks OK...but slightly rotate the arm outwards..well the pic speaks for itself...then as I raise both arms ..and well F*#K comes to mind.

    Makes me think twice about buying ANY beagle MIB on ebay .

  7. I just assumed it'd be Max DYRL 1S next , since Arcadia milked the Hik & Roy .

    If it is an Alaska 1A...my best guess for WF would be:

    *DYRL Max

    *Alaska 1A

    *rare new mold.

    (I hope it's 1A , not that I'd buy Alaska but because it may be Arcadia getting ready to milk other VF-1A variants..and that would be exciting!!)

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