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Posts posted by troyness

  1. I don't think 'pre-yellowing" is the right way to put it. They took old stock VF-1J Hikaru toys and put a brand new head on them. The new head was cast slightly whiter than the previous head. I don't think it was a case of yellowing but more like if you go to the paint store and get two cans of the same paint, they're not always 100% the same.

    ....weren't there shoulder issues aswell with that release?

  2. Usually when the online shop's allocated pieces are "sold out". If you're on the fence, might as well order from HLJ as you can cancel the pre-order any time before the release date, should you need/want to. :)

    Thanx Phalanix, I'm def gonna get this, but my credit card has expired and looking for other means of payment like Moneygram or western union, ...back to 1990's paying methods Lol.....I have noticed that pre- order windows have closed/ opened within the pre-o month?

  3. Thanks for that areaseven!

    ...I'm soo thankful Sony got kicked in the balls last year, could give Marvel co ownership of Spider-man film rights.

    ....I don't think Sony would ever give complete ownership back to Marvel. Sony's smart enough to know that all they need is another Spider-man hit to reap profits...and my guess would be that sony would Piggy back off the success of CA:Civil War, strengthen the spider-man brand again...and then play hardball.

    ....Gwen Stacy as a clone..I don't think so, too much for an audience to absorb.Emma Stone as MJ?...No the audience will be confused and ask " why is Gwen alive and got red hair?"

    Maguire had his time...fresh spider-blood to move forward.

    Mark &Andrew gone?..that I can believe.

  4. I dunno, I own 2 Arcadia valks and I think it's really just nitpicking. Yes they are white, yes it is very white, especially next to a DYRL Yamato Valkyrie, but it's not pink. I've heard it can be seen in very specific lighting conditions, but I've never noticed it.

    ...Cool , thanx Brand-X!!!

    there were no picture of stand in hobbysearch, amiami and other site

    the description also includes

    Macross stand for attachment (hobbysearch)

    Macross Stand attachment (amiami)

    so I think it is safe to assume that it is only the stand attachment.

    ..Yeah I think I just felt reality set in....no stand OR option parts would make sense with the price it's going for..must be a hlj.com description error....and it seems obvious the extra head/ grey goggles is a printing mistake on the box art.

  5. I live nearby. HLJ works just fine :D

    You live in North China? ...hkcollectibles has been good for me buying in HK dollars, but it' s not up at their site yet..so hlj.com is prob the way to go!

    ...Anyway this release has a stand and grey side covers!!...I'm officially excited!...No mention of option parts,but I'm happy enough with price + stand

  6. This is why I think Spider-man 2099 would work for MCU:

    Retracable Talons that can cut thru steel, concrete & flesh like Wolverine.

    Night vision ( sensitivity to light-has to wear sunglasses)

    No spider sense-but enhanced refexes.

    Fangs ,, with venom that can paralize his enemy.

    Organic webshooters from the opposite side of wrist/forearm.

    No cocky one-liners as spider-man (O'Hara was almost mute as spider-man)

    ..timetravel..BAM spider-man + Avengers.

  7. I don't think Marvel will ever get Spider- man back from Sony.

    Sony will just keep making steaming piles of spider movies to maintain the rights.

    ...plus if Spidey was in Civil War , then we'd have to endure that nausiating "One More Day" storyline(not Marvel comics proudest moment) ...and Sony doesn't have the intelligence to make that work as a movie.

    If Marvel was smart they find a way to make Spider- man 2099 ..( I know I'm biast because of my avatar Haha)

    .....@ azreal, I think we were submitting posts at the same time and you beat me Lol.

    My post was talking in general about Sony's vice grip on Spidey rights...but your right, the January meeting is about the inclusion of Spidey in CA:Civil War ..NOT about who has control over Spider-man.. Just thought I'd clear that up now...If Sony said yes ,could you imagine the brain swell they'd have trying to clean up the mess with "One More Day"?

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