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Posts posted by troyness

  1. I don't think Marvel will ever get Spider- man back from Sony.

    Sony will just keep making steaming piles of spider movies to maintain the rights.

    ...plus if Spidey was in Civil War , then we'd have to endure that nausiating "One More Day" storyline(not Marvel comics proudest moment) ...and Sony doesn't have the intelligence to make that work as a movie.

    If Marvel was smart they find a way to make Spider- man 2099 ..( I know I'm biast because of my avatar Haha)

    .....@ azreal, I think we were submitting posts at the same time and you beat me Lol.

    My post was talking in general about Sony's vice grip on Spidey rights...but your right, the January meeting is about the inclusion of Spidey in CA:Civil War ..NOT about who has control over Spider-man.. Just thought I'd clear that up now...If Sony said yes ,could you imagine the brain swell they'd have trying to clean up the mess with "One More Day"?

  2. If this is the one you are referring to then yes it is a fan trailer. Not too bad either but not a real one. It has no actual footage in it. The image of older Luke is an edit of an image of Mark Hamill at the Hobbit premier.

    It's as you described it, Stormtrooper with lightsaber and everything. And yes, it's fake.

    thaks guys for clearing that up, I'm a idiot...would have been cool to have a cloned Vader!
  3. Well, Morgan's gonna be re- introduced soon( hopefully for the mid season finale ) ..so someone,s gotta die..

    The priest's big past NoNo was just trapping some church goers underneath the church floor boards right..?

    ...Am I missing something?....that priest should just take a spoonful of concrete and harden the F#*k up.

  4. I think Eugene has passed on enough skills.

    ....Eugene awakes:

    Eugene:".....ah, or another way of putting it is that I AM a scientist....No?"

    Stirring in the bushes..

    Morgan:"Hey guys,hey guys. Couldn't help over hearing, if Eugene hasn't got the humankind cure on a "post it" note hidden in his mullet,I say clear him?"

    Eugene:"I've got some fun facts about DC?"


  5. Remember the good old days when there was slightly less character development and more pace.

    ...ahh miss you season 3! ....and why is everyone sympathetic with Eugene?

    A lot of people died protecting his ass, check his boot size and roll his shovel face to the curb..

  6. Seinfeld: "Not that there's anything wrong with that"..."Not at all"

    ....But Daryl's got an aura of mystery around him that makes him cool IMO.

    Which would all be easly explained away if he were gay(hey that rhymed)..."again, not that there's anything wrong with that"..."No not at all" ..thanks fellas..Daryl keep killing in a manly way...luv ya man...I mean..you know what I mean.."not that there's anything wrong with that"

    ...I didn't know that Beth was 14?..."there's something wrong with that"...

  7. The rumour goes that the producers are considering Daryl as a gay character, it would seem to explain why we have as of yet see him become physically intimate with either Beth or Carol.

    (..and no I am neither joking nor trolling, can anyone confirm or deny this rumour?)

  8. I was listening to postshowrecaps after the episode last night and there's one aspect I agree with. Without the whole Washington DC. storyline, there isn't much for the show to head to. I was kinda happy when they introduced Eugene because of that one thing. Now it seems like they're gonna get into the rut of saving someone within "the family" from some crazy post apocalyptic commune. So far the pacing of the season has picked up, so I haven't thought about it but the last three episodes without Rick and the rest of the gang has me uneasy. It's like watching Game of Thrones without any King's Landing storylines. They should really learn on how to intermix these storylines into single episodes. Carol's flashbacks weren't really necessary apart from the whole fire/smoke symbolism. Which I'm not really into.

    Aside from the rant... great things this episode:

    Deserted city scenes

    crashing the van was great but really dumb situation to get into. (how come these guys still don't carry ropes?)

    camping zombies

    abused center zombies

    The line "They've got people!" I said "So do we!" at the same time as Daryl.

    Carol and Daryl... it's so good it rhymes.

    enter paraoid Morgan next week, he knows things & he's ready to inflickt crazy!!

    Thus giving everybody a new directive...which can only be : "hey guys, I know a place...." or "Lets's just shoot anything that move's...and try to have fun with it.."....but I thought the whole being hunted by cannabuls was cool!!! It didn't last very long..and what about eating some infected meat and have intelligent zombies like back at the jail..I want the team to be hunted by people who have just digested infected meat..turn this thing into a suspense thrillar for a few eps.

  9. Love Eugene's sense of humor!!!...He's a character isn't he?

    That's the best face plant/ plank I've seen on T.V....laughed my ass off!!!

    What commitment ,keeping his arms by his side in free fall he's gonna have an awesome side profile after that!!!

  10. Netflix introduced me to a new addiction: The Blacklist. I missed this on NBC last season.

    This show is all about James Spader and his team of criminals. They steal the limelight from the FBI every week. Spader's character, specifically, is written to be charming, even though he is obviously disturbed. Megan Boone's FBI character was originally introduced as a talented FBI profiler, but instead of showcasing her skillset the audience gets to see her running errands for Raymond Reddington (Spader's character), which is rather weak. There are even times when she crosses the line into corruption. I think it would be nice to see some real consequences for that. The show has tried a couple of times, but quits before making any lasting changes.

    I like this show because it is not the usual police procedural. I think it could be a lot better if there wasn't a concern with making the bad guys sympathetic to the audience in each episode. I do think the writers are on the right track, though. And each episode shows


    Has anyone else picked this one up?

    I absolutely LOVE James Spader!!! Ever since "Boston Legal", I've seen season 1 of "The Blacklist"and the finale to that was killer! Just caught ep3 season 2..not too bad. Both seasons feel a little episodic :Bad guy introduced in the first 3 mins...bad guy's No. on the blacklist...Reddington reveals bad guy to FBI..they hunt him down..etc..

    Megan Boone's acting was ruining season 1 and you could feel the other actors having a hard time re-acting off her ( I get a feeling that she was told to "stop phoning it in" because she seems better lately) The antagonist character :Berlin,hopefully will have a resolve soon with Megan's character's ex husband not far behind.I really like it..but I feel it could get a little old soon, the writers are gonna have to mix it up soon....it was really cool to see Peewee Herman in ep 3, hope he becomes a regular!!!

  11. My prediction: Han's & Leia's children will use the Falcon for all that screen time. Can't imagine 70 yr old Han flying around getting into smuggling adventures.Perhaps Han will use it at some point in the movie as a salute to fans (most likely in the beginning of the movie) before passing the torch.."Look after the old "bucket of bolts" for me kids"...said Han behind his Admiral desk."No screwing around!"

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