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Duke Togo

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Posts posted by Duke Togo

  1. It's Independence Day week, so let's focus on director Roland Emmerich. Of all his films, which is his worst?

    • Moon 44 (1990)
    • Universal Soldier (1992)
    • Stargate (1994)
    • Independence Day (1996)
    • Godzilla (1998)
    • The Patriot (2000)
    • The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
    • 10,000 B.C. (2008)
    • 2012 (2009)
    • Anonymous (2011)
    • White House Down (2013)
    • Stonewall (2015)
    • Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

    All of them

  2. Has the only 13 episodes left scenario discussed by the shows producers been confirmed by HBO? While I understand how the size of the production makes it more practical to have shorter seasons, there are so many storylines left that I have a hard time seeing how they can hack it down to size in 13 episodes.

    One of the directors confirmed it. It was already not a very well kept secret when he did.

  3. If they were smart they'd do that, Kawamori specifically said in an interview that he's willing to help them. Which is massively generous given they've been the gatekeeper dicks who have stopped his creations from reaching wider markets.

    1. It's not his battle to fight, and 2. Harmony Gold hasn't stopped anything. Anyone around here have trouble watching whatever Macross they want?

  4. It all boils down to Sansa not being in the North in the books, and the show not knowing quite how to handle it. They've made a bunch of missteps with her, and for every scene of her we get where she's being smart and strong (like when she calls out Littlefinger and threatens him), we get stupid nonsense like what happened last episode. She's been a one-woman version of the Dorne storyline in the show: poorly handled and all over the place.

  5. As for the "no one likes anything but xyz here" discussion, you have to realize how focused this forum is. We talk mostly sci-fi and fantasy films, and frankly, most films of those genres tend to be mediocre to bad. Some of you just like the spectacle and don't care about the rest, and that's fine. I'm a cinephile, and that doesn't quite do it for me. There are a great many films I could talk positively about all day long, but I doubt they'd generate much discussion here. You'd probably react to them the same way I'd react to a new Transformers movie.

  6. I'm not sure you're correct- it looks like it's more than doubled it's money at the moment and it hasn't been fully released around the world yet. That doesn't include DVD sales either so I'm not sure how you wouldn't consider it a success as far as ticket sales are concerned.

    Looks to me that the US isn't very relevant to the movie's success and opinions from that market has less of an impact compared to the global outlook which probably will give them reason for a sequel if they wish.

    Marketing for big-budget movies is often equal to production costs. And my understanding is that the box office slowed down greatly in China after its rather huge opening weekend.

  7. Once I'll forgive, twice is pushing it, three times is over the edge. What we end up with is John Snow the unkillable character - no matter how badly he screws up. It is a very far way to fall from earlier in the show/books.

    We're witnessing the new Age of Heroes, and Jon is on a hero's journey. He's special. This has been plain for a long time. That he rode out after Rickon doesn't make him stupid; it makes him human. It's exactly what Ned would have done. In doing so he nearly gets himself killed, but he survives. Why? Because he is meant for greater things. That's how the great mythological tales go.

    Again, I'll ask you, is your personal vision for the story that everyone dies to the White Walkers? I honestly want to know what you expected out of A Song of Ice and Fire.

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