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Pat S

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Posts posted by Pat S

  1. I just checked out all the ign.com insider videos for PS3. WOW. I told myself I was done with consoles, but, just wow. We're at the point now where companies need to spend 5 years on a title, otherwise either the gameplay or the graphics will suck. I definitely understand why they license game engines after seeing how immersive these games are going to be.

  2. Teaser: Yeah, I put the gun hand on the right hand, and it was a major pain. I won't be switching back most likely, but I'll bet that will be a problem if you switch back and forth often.

    dejr8bud: I have a Chirico figure, not sure if Yamato USA released one though.

  3. Someone said it's twice as powerful as the X-Box 360! Wow. Quite a reversal this time.

    What would be cool with that controller would be if there are buttons under each finger too, so your thumbs aren't doing all the work (not talking about the R1 R2 L1 L2 buttons).

  4. Got my Scopedog and Chirico yesterday.

    Scopedog: Amazing toy. 300+ parts, wow! Very tall and lots of detail. The cockpit is amazing also. My only gripe is mine is a little loose, you have to balance it carefully. This is one of the best toys I've every seen. Lots of articulation. Just amazing.

    Gotta give it a 9. Looseness is the only real negative.

    Chirico: Great design except for the manboobs. If you put the helmet head on (the heads and hands pop off to switch out) you can pretend it's a girl.

    I give him a 8. I'd liked to have seen a better sculpt for the face, and no boobs.

    Picture stolen from Transfans, cause I'm too lazy to take pics today.


  5. You pay for a certain upload/download speed. As long as you don't exceed that (you can't really without hacking your cablemodem) I don't see what the issue is.

    The fastest I can go is 400k down and 40k up, some days, that is being used to it's fullest for hours and hours. How can they tell me not to use something I pay for. I'd just ignore the e-mail.

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