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Everything posted by Letigre

  1. Just when I thought Gamlin would put that thing out of my head..
  2. That reminds me, I was just short of evicting my SV-51 from it's stand, but after I transformed it to fighter to box it and started looking at that, I didn't have the heart to put it away. SO..well, I guess it's gonna have to stand until I order a pair of flexi stands.
  3. The guns are a little disappointing, but the sculpt and color is wonderful and it seems like everything clips and moves tighter. But in general it's a well deserved repaint of an already wonderful figure. I'm estatic to finally have the thing. And it will be damn tough to pass up a M&M version if they're made.
  4. That is supposing they don't pull the "limited numbers" crap... The Armored -25S is supposedly coming late Aug-Sept- not that it helps anything.
  5. It does lack one or two touches from the Prototype that I don't actiually miss. Most of the additional scripts are on the sticker sheet however (but it's not tampo..I know.) Holding them together I do miss the highlight at the tip of the -21's upper engine nacelles. Mine only has one blemish, the factory missed a screw for the inner portion of left leg's belly plate, so it's not quite as tight as the one on the right leg. The joints are tight, super tight almost; it didn't want to come out of fighter mode without a fight. It stands rather well on it's own, the swivel for the legs locks in better on the -22S than the -21. There is no lip surrounding the visor by the way.
  6. It's very dark, almost an charcoal/asphalt color, maybe with the slightest hint of blue to it.
  7. Woot! Mine should be delivered anytime now..
  8. Well isn't that really the point of it?
  9. Probably, because it's worth noting they pictured the DX and the VF 100 standing on their own, but not the model kit. ] GAH! Why can't they just say September 1st?..end of the month nearly always means the very end of the month.
  10. I'm feeling the same way..espeically after seeing that custom. I just don't know if his awesome huge-ness outweighs his awful kibble. Blackout atleast could have been gifted with a leader-class toy like Brawl. Who knows, a couple years down the road the idea might not be so crazy. Barricade is supposed to get a Human Alliance figure, although paired with Frenzy.
  11. Mine shipped yesterday (it supposedly left Tokyo International just before midnight their time) and will hopefully make it here by tomorrow. Otherwise I won't see it until I return from my long weekend holiday.
  12. I think you really mean a "stay of execution"..
  13. WOOHOO! I just got email notice that the VF-22S is in stock at Hobby Search! YES!
  14. I figured that as well. Also, annoyingly strangely enough it's alot easier to pick the large verniers out on the Super Pack's boosters.
  15. Could the added two ports (on either side of the 25mm hip guns) on each hip armor section account for four of them? When viewed from the backside, they're shown to be directly on top of a pair of conspicuous canisters. But then they aren't as obvious as the one on top of each booster either.
  16. I'm glad I'm just not into the VF-1's like most everyone else.
  17. Damn, I never noticed the vents before. That said, scoruing over the drawings again, none of what appears to be venting on the rest of the armor (like the slits on the leg pods) appears elsewhere, the chest and particualrly, the shoulder pods do not seem to have any visible venting. Maybe, maybe not. The lack of an offical word is rather annoying since they seem to be so detail-oriented otherwise. Also, if you look closely, the detailing of the two ports on the chest closely match that of the packs on each arm. The the gun barrels seems to be inside the port, what you largely see appears to be an armored housing.
  18. I just don't buy the idea of those being exhaust ports, since when have mini/micro missle launchers used them in-universe? ever used them? It's an odd placement for them either way, I can only imagine they're just more manuevering jets if they aren't gunports..
  19. SWEET. After finally seeing close ups the line art, do you guys agree that the pair of ports on the chestplate are two of the four RÖV-22 22mm beam machineguns? (It's now obvious as well that the two ports on the hip pieces are for manuevering jets after seeing the backside, now.)
  20. Good luck there. You can find things if you look hard enough,or are patient, but Ebay is often crowded with Hong Kong sellers that typically don't save you much money either. Most of the time, any savings on the item is lost because the shipping costs are even higher than those from stores like HLJ, Overdrive and Hobby Search. US sellers aren't much better, their item prices usually present the high cost of stocking the items in the US. The worst price gouging I've seen though seems to come on Amazon, sadly enough.
  21. Yikes..I just cannot conjure that sort of patience.
  22. Link? (Hobby Search and HLJ still list the release as Jun..although it just as well could be the 30th at this point. )
  23. The Armored Ozma, yes. I had been bouncing around the thought of canceling my preorder because of other carrots dangling in front of me (can you say BSG Bluray boxset? ). But the newer pictures still make me want it..badly. Ugh, is it still looking at a AUg release, or have to pushed it to September? The DX Quarter, I just don't know, due to the same concerns.(Box set!) The little figures don't do anything for me except annoy me that there will be more small accessories to store and keep travk.
  24. True, but including the 22 Gamlin they have more that a half dozen things coming down the pipe. They might just be interested in getting thsoe out before annoucing anything else. I can see the run up on those already if they would be limited, but on the other hand I'm sure Yamato knows they'll p[robably sell every one of those they make. Gamlin is arguably a bigger risk than M&M.
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