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Posts posted by macrossnake

  1. Saw it with a bunch of buddies. Didn't want to see it but I wanted to go with my boys anyways. Saw Terminator Salvation, Star Trek this summer, so why not the last summer blockbuster? Overall, like T:Salvation, it's a good action flick, but I'm still not fond of Bayformers.

    + Megan Fox: The main reason I was willing to watch any of the TF movies. A bit of mild Fan Service was a nice reward. She can paint my bike anytime.

    +/- If you want pure action, I guess this is your flick. Rare is a minute in this movie where huge objects aren't flying around or something isn't being blown up.

    - Some seriously out of place dialogue. I mean, really... "Punk a** Decepticons," and those 2 twins... I rolled my eyes but at least I didn't sigh out loud.

    + Seeing alot of military hardware.

    - Bay SERIOUSLY needs to back the view up some more on the action scenes. I got really irritated by looking point blank at some robot's panel when we could be having a better view of the overall action and movements. The forest fight with Prime showed some potential on what could be done, but lots of point blank actions scenes that should've been done differently are scattered about. Not as bad as the first movie (lots of close ups AND dark lighting) but leaves something to be seriously desired.

    - Did Sam's parents REALLY have to be having that much screen time? Especially towards the last scenes? Early on they were fine, especially with the mom & dad's innuendo, but when the story progressed to the end, they were out of place (IMO).

    - Megatron's master / mentor = HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT. What was his d**n name anyways? Was it really "Fallen?" If so, HUGE, LAME DISAPPOINTMENT.

    - Bay copped out by not keeping Optimus Prime dead. Like someone mentioned earlier in this thread, this movie could've been a cool "Empire Strikes Back" where the Decepticons really shine and for once not appear to be a bunch of incompetent fools. Show the Autobots being beaten. Keep Prime dead, or somehow pass on leadership. I really thought this movie was going to introduce Rodimus Prime, but I guess I was wrong.

    - Jetfire having no real chance to shine. Didn't fight in jet mode with Starscream or something. Disappointing.

    - Last fight scene of Prime vs HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT GUY: Biggest letdown of the movie. It was a good thing I didn't yawn when the fight started, otherwise I would've missed the entire thing.

    Man, I agree almost everything you just comment.

    I didn't really like the first one, but I do enjoy this one as a summer action movie. And the actions in later part of the movie are too long.

  2. Agreed, I bought my WAVE SDF-1 when they 1st came out, I like it so-so. But something like the SDF-1, heaven forbid a Macross Frontier, expensive or not, should be a Big Toy at 1/3000 scale minimal... But 1/2000 is even better!!

    I am not sure about this poll...

    Even by making a smaller scale SDF1, Yamato would might charge us the same money as 1/2000 scale! :lol:

    Seriously, they might reduce the size just for the reason of retail space and transport cost. (not for the buyers)

  3. I like the Sony E3 show. Not great (BAD motion controller, too much time on PSP GO news), but it is still some good. Final fantasy 14 MMO, Uncharted 2, God of War 3 and The Last Guardian etc.

    Also one of the surprise is ModNation Racing. Create/edit your own characters, easy fully customizable race tracks.

    It is 'Game', just fun, that is all about. ^_^


    gameplay video:


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