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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. I would like some non-transforming kits, but at least with fighter mode I want them like the Hase kits: 1/72 scale kits that you glue and paint, no snap kits and no colored plastic please.

    also nothing in 1/144 scale, those would be TINY. 1/72 is small enough as it is (I wish they just made everything in 1/48).

    I suport the idea of a PG perfect transformation VF-25. if they ever did a pre-painted version it would probebly be that. it would probebly be 1/48th scale and hopefully it would have both super and armor parts bundled with it, though that might be a bit much to ask for.

    My take on this is that a model or toy in a larger scale would be so expensive that i wonder if any company take the chance to make a whole line of mecha in that size. Yamato has tried but we can see they seemed to struggle since, we saw them milking over and over again the same valk with a different color schemes. Why in the end would they opt for a smaller valks??.

    I wonder if probably the reason for this is cost effectiveness on materials... or May be they realized that Japanese have very limited living space and in the long run they would find out buyers would not fit them on their apartments making production very limited??.

    I can only imagine how expensive and big would a 1/48 armored VF-25 would be...?

  2. Read this thread and many others on MW with avid interest (fantastic reference resource), the VF2SS has to be one of the cleanest looking VFs out there. This build is fantastic and very inspirational thanks Fly :)

    With the excellent help of Getter 1 I am attempting to build this beauty in Card at approx 1/33rd scale have a look on


    Its not plastic, but when I eventually get off my backside and push it out on the forum there, I am sure some one will convert it. (btw it can be made in any of the 3 modes but isn't quite transformable)

    Ty Fly and yes Cheng's stuff is jaw dropping.

    The problem with Zealot forums is that you can only see the pics if subscribed. Could you post some pictures directly to this forums?. Cool things come out from that site but most of us don't want to sign in just to see a few pics hre and there ;) ...

  3. I know how much it will be but that is not necessarily what SSM will charge so it would be best to wait for them to post its availability. It will not be that expensive though B))

    Hey MK have you ever PMed Graham and suggested a bigger or closer linkage to SSM?

    They are a great website, a bit self centered, but full of good people and modelers. I think it could be beneficial for both sites if there was more interaction between them. We have many things in common after all...

  4. I would also suggest you using the forums search engine for old treads about building models. MW Cheng have great step by step tutorials from which I learned a lot by paying attention to detail and then playing it back in my head on how would I approach that step. The rest is trial and error unfortunately...

    Some parts sub assemblies have to be painted before hand like the feet/thrusters inside of the lower legs. Most of the rest can be done after the model is built...

  5. That looks sweet. Now you know what we all model builders of the famous hasegawas' have gone through.

    I do paint the nozzle bay areas carefully by hand. I would easily waste 1 hour taping the whole fast packs for 3 little holes to peak through....

    Another way I have done it successfully is making a mask cut out of paper or thin transparent plastic and paint it like artists do on animation airbrushing cels, placing it over the part to be painted...

  6. I can totally see online shops just jacking the prices on these things considerably since the show obviously was successful and the first model kit sold out like it were nothing.

    Image Anime jacked up the price from a 49.99 pre ordering to now 60 flat and other sites listing pre order or sold out were close to 70. Pushing it pretty hard on that.

    That's easy to fix.. simple have every Macross fan in HK not buying any VF-25 until the prices come down...

    1. They will reissue the molds to death since the sell was successful. But they'll be smart about it...

    2. Bandai probably ( and I hope); eventually will find a way to get the product in the US. They are pushier and greedier than Hasegawa and AFAIK. Macross F has very little to do with the original Macross therefore copyright might not be so much of an issue...?

    3. Great thing will come to those who wait. Eventually the prices will drop. and we'll find good market on Evilbuy

  7. To me is the realization that, because I have a modeling addiction, I could have used the money to buy another motorcycle, take a trip to a few countries to Europe or pay a few semesters at college instead...

    In the end I can't complaint because building them (whenever I have the time to) makes me happy and keeps me away from ever more harmful stuff like drugs, women and sex.....oh, and driving 70 mph to work because I took too long putting greeblies on my fine molds x-wing..

  8. I think is funny how people dwell over and over again about the love triangle...

    WHO Cares !!

    Is true, Macross is a space opera based on love, emotions and music , whatever. But has anyone realized that M Frotier was underlying much more than that? About surviving the possible extinction of the human race. Seems that very few are omitting the bigger picture... The uncaring air Alto had for the 2 butterflies seems to have kept them in the edge enough to at least care for something. He might have been playing them both but his purpose might have been a different agenda which proved succesfull in the end...

    Who cares if the love birds turn they day into a "menage a' Trois..?" to some extent seems irrelevant. Give it up...let them be...

    The K-mory God already spoke...

  9. Not only that but the VF-9 cutlass which along the 5000 are the smallest valks I know of. Also missing the vf-25.

    And no we don't need a 1J or four VF-1's comparisons. They are exactly the same size than the normal VFs with a different cock-piece... I mean head...

    We should use just one VF of each and a F-14 OR f-18 as well for comparison ...

  10. hey 007-vf1,

    "I saw your website and the tutorial at making the paints in PC adobe."

    I have a website...WOW!! :blink:

    Ok then maybe it was not you, but i saw a web site where they give the tutorial of how to paint the Valkyrie you have as an avatar ( I thought you made it).

    That cleaning stuff looks pretty good.

    You might also consider buying some latex or cotton gloves so you don't leave finger prints when holding the model while airbrushing.

  11. Hi all! I know this isn't a model kit (plastic/resin and all), but i think this one is cool. And to think that this is the closest thread i can find.

    That's a wood model. It was made in a garage by some mayor geeks in Thailand or Korea, I believe ( don't remember). The best thing is that it transform into attack mode.

    I think this one goes in the "Guinness" books as the biggest SDF-1 ever built... by guys who doesn't have girlfriends :lol:

  12. I saw your website and the tutorial at making the paints in PC adobe.

    Believe it or not when you use the airbrush is of a similar effect painting on a flat surface. One thing you will find out is that with the airbrush you get more controlling strokes but is just as tedious to do. The effect is the same with a single action Airbrush. The difference is that with the double you can control the stroke from a fine to a more concentrated flow on one spray from the trigger. On the single you'd sort of have the same flow always, but for a big painting area some times is a better choice. I am sure you have done your research about what they do.

    For superfine lines I'd go with the double action just because at first it will take longer time to get used to but in the end you can't compare the minute flow control you get over the single action ones. Specially if you want to paint 1/6 or 1/12 scale faces

    What I can't suggest on is whether gravity feed is better than bottle attachment ones. Usually for my painting technique a small to medium gravity feed container doesn't work because I have to always refill the container and that takes time from the painting. A big gravity feed might be a good option but I don't want to get tired 3 minutes after I started painting just for holding the sucker.. plus I find the gravity feed angle of painting uncomfortable

  13. The reason of naming Iwata is that you are already are in Japan. My guess is that is of easier access and may be less costly for you getting one in a store.

    I like Paschee as well. I like the VL double action a lot. I owned 2 and they lasted me about 5-7 years each I purchase them from "Evilbuy" and they are cost efficient, and durable for their price...

  14. This is a fantastic idea . I vote yes, but only if....

    1. they stop making us wish they make this and that fighter line. They SHOULD make them "all" and get it done right.

    I am so Pi$$ed @ff of a company making toys or models and becoming rebundant on the obvious VF-1. Someone please stick to a scale and make some of the "öbscure" fighters already so i can decided once and for all... I want my VF-4, VF-17, VF-9, VF-19 in the same scale regardless of the overall size. But commit a bit beyond the VF-1, VF-19 & 21 Macross is more than those. Between Yellow submarine, Bandai and Kaiyodo they came so freaking close with their 1/144 line but never finished the series. Too many potentials were left out and now the series is dead. But by far more affordable than many other models. The problem with them? too small and well, they are models and not toys so not for everyone...

    I am still waiting to be surprised by Hasegawa beyond the vf-1 & 19 But the future look grim now.

    2. Price is affordable for the masses and not just the rich...

    After the 5th valk I am going to look back and say "wow, did I just spent that much money on this..?" It has to be worth spending my hard earned money for something you desire. But don't want to regret buying them once i found out Kaiyodo comes out with a newer line in "perfect" scale of VF-1 in platinum edition or whatever. I want Yamato make me wish i am looking forward to fulfill ( and hopefully complete) this collection.

    3. Quality.

    I am truly surprised with Chara works more even than the Doyusha because of the detail put into them and far cheaper as well. But I am starting to see the pattern. They will milk the VF-1 line to dead and probably will never get to see a VF-11 of our so loved VF-4. Reason.. ? I think I might thrown up If I see another vf-1S hikaru...

    If the quality is visually appealing people tend to buy it just because... I would like some companies not just get a Valk out in the market because they can milk it.

    I think the ability to have interchangeable gun pods, fast packs, etc. among some of the fighters ( just on some of them, I know) would be a nice addition...

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