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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. Oh yeah baby, yeah...!!!

    A metal prop pylon...smart

    I think this model is straight forward and relatively simple to put together. I would think more people would jump on the Commanchero build wagon...

  2. As far as I know any SSD over 12" is resin unless is made by a toy company. Non made of plastic or fiberglass that i know of. I am surprised to see them on ebay now a days. There's 2 of them right now and one of them under $300 for a 38"!? Their original cost was close to $500 that's why i didn't buy them back then, but economy sure has make it a bargain for some people like us...

    None of the SSD made today, for what i have seen, is as detailed as the 38"... it even has a little Darth Vader or R2-D2 head hidden in the trench like the original studio model does..

  3. What? 38 inch SSD? WHO WHAT WHERE?!?! Can I have a link please? Pics?

    These are the only 2 pics that i have found that survived.

    The last run of this project was sold at the beginning of 2008. I have found that some people who orginally bought then back then were selling them not long ago; but i lost connections with them...

    Right now there's a couple of people who are producing a 17.5" model one is AMP and the other is the 14.5" scale solutions' ...



  4. I have the ERTL ISD too! Was so excited to finally find one. There is not enough ISD/SSD love out there in terms of kits and toys.

    I got the Scale Solutions SSD too, but am still hoping for a proper plastic kit. A Fine Molds SSD would be a dream come true. I don't care if its 20,000+ yen.

    Can we see more pics of the ISD you have. Like to see what detailing you did, esp on the heavy turrets.

    Well there was a well detailed 38" Super SD a year or so ago, that cost about $400. I have the 38" Randy cooper's ISD. Is an amazing kit which i can't built at this moment because of space.

  5. Yes STP, I always thought of it to be the ONLY possible place to find if any, but Why not a ONLY, just for Star Wars model fans tread instead? every other Sci-fi forum has it.. Besides if you want to to go back to a specific post you might take a while to dig for it on another tread; Where it might be easier to recognize and find here.

    Nice Republc SD. is that ISD the old mpc one?

  6. I was wondering why no one has created a model tread for the Star wars enthusiasts. There's a toy tread but my request for models in it was sabotaged right away. So I am creating this tread to see if there are more modelers like myself who enjoy this genre and show their creations, builds or kit-bashing from toys at any scale and make.

    I am starting with my last builds form Fantastic plastic resin kits at 1/72 scale, my favorite size, along a couple of toys from hallmark and titanium at a relative scale as well.

    then is the B and E wing at the same scale.



  7. When time allows I'll get this SDF-1 Finished one day, So far its at this stage. Eventually it will be aged/weathered and panel lined. For now on the mantel she sits. B))

    I am wondering if you used Gundam parts to make the arms work?. I am surprised the tinier 1/8000 counterpart has more mobility on the arms that the 1/5000 and why Bandai just wouldn't make that bit more of an effort. Have to love the 80's.. Did you also mod the hip joints on it? I am not touching any of the models again, buy the 1/5000 wave or anything like that; I am waiting for the 1/2000 Yamato to come out and focus on detailing that one instead... it would be the next grail kit or toy for that matter.

  8. Hey guys... I know 007 has already gone with a more conventional design, but I found this design pertinent to our earlier discussion, which I wanted to share for people's interest.



    that's sweet. I haven't touch the YF 21 since last year. School is taking all of my time. I am hoping that for spring break i can finally tackle some of this stuff that's been sitting on my bench since the past Thanksgiving.

  9. Nope, It won't be that big. 12 meters is only around 17cm in 1/72. Unless you are talking about another vehicle. Still have to figure how to make the stairs.

    I think the stair would be the least of the problems.. Almost any aircraft model has the mounting steps on its building parts that can be used as a mock up. The wheel axles, cabin angle, windows and little greebles behind it would pose a bigger challenge...

  10. Here are the pictures that he was talking about.

    Keep up the good work. B))

    That's the color I was talking about slightly light blue but not "gay" blue.. or in a blue-gray would be awesome as well...

  11. Well Noyhauser was right. You can fit a second seat on the forward part of the bubbly canopy of the VF-22. Unfortunately I started working on the VF-21 which canopy is way too shallow to accommodate a second crew member. Eventually I pulled out my VF-22 and found out I could have done the mods anyways. Then I was torn on destroying the cockpit that was already built to modify the second crew member or leave the extended the fuselage which i have already started on.. So I ended up extending the fuselage and leaving the original canopy intact ( less work to be honest..). I will add those wave/kotobukiya glass eyes on the co-pilot openings...

    Now, the new observation is as it was mentioned before; should I shorten the tip of the fuselage since I added length to the middle part, or leave it long and compromise the possibly "structural strain" that extra length might cause in extreme combat ? Now it looks like the VF-4 or VF-2SS slanted fuselage

    I am also adding a mock-up front I might end up modifying on the model; so in the end the Battroid doesn't look...errr; well endowed..?

    Any suggestions?



  12. I would also suggest to go somewhere else , If you can, to get this kit in your hands. I placed an order at hobbyfan for a kit that needed 10 people to have it casted; After emails that stated the item would arrive next month and 2 years later, I gave up waiting, Almost to the point of completely forgetting I put a down-payment in the first place...

  13. That p-38 is awesome. didn't know about the front seat conversion with exception of the bombers like the Mitchell. My biggest problem would be to find a canopy bubble to put in place plus the nose would have to be raised and widened anyways at least a bit to make space for a second crew member (possible a pain to sculpt for me) which in the end might make the nose look stubby and cumbersome. Although the idea of shortening the nose and maybe adding some gadgetry to the already lengthened fuselage sounds interesting...

    Thanks Noyhauser..

    All this brainstorming does help a lot.

  14. Would you be able to sell a canopy copy?

    That building up looks great. I like the blue scheme pretty much. I was thinking on doing that on mine on a lighter blue but not "gay blue" or light gray..

    I need to sand mine and get the old paint off first

  15. heyyyyy...great idea... this will look killer when it's done ^_^

    hmm...here's a crazy idea I got for the second seat... don't know if you like, since you already cut plenty of plastic, but hey, you can put it back together

    Please excuse my lame photos hoping abilities.

    Actually that looks really good. I have the VF-21 with Guld's canopy which has the bubble window top. I thought it might be symmetric to have the secondary windows also in bubble/ round type instead of square...?

    I still need to know what manageable sandable material use to fill up the fuselage gap?

    The original radar I was thinking on would also have detachable sides like Luca's vf-25 version. The problem I run into is that the one I built is rock solid in Bondo and can't cut it off without damaging it. I was hoping to use a E-2c Hawkeye's radar which are relatively thin and hollow which makes it easy to cut off but couldn't find one in 1/100 since 1/72 is too big. Maybe a 1/144 could be just about the right size..?

    One more thing I like to figure out is what would be a proper color scheme for a camo recon-fighter, without calling it "Mysterious/shadowy black"?


    Thanks for all of your input guys...

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