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Everything posted by Einherjar

  1. I heard that outside the country of origin, it's really difficult to enforce intellectual property rights. Even with agreements made between the involved parties, HG could be stretching the limits of their license(s) these days.
  2. Recently, I've never seen any of the Robotech novels for sale in bookstores in northern California. However, there was one time when I saw one from the Masters Saga in a bargain bin at Boarders. Your best bet for finding them these days could be online stores, but is there still a demand for them with its current status in the series?
  3. If the draft leak for the Shadow Rising years ago was real, the plan might have been to copy DYRL? http://robotechflash.blog.com/3175335/ (check somewhere in the middle of the page)
  4. For HG, it could have been an issue before when the Robotech novels were being released. Now, with the books retconned out of the series, there might be a very slim chance that could change, but only if companies are willing to put up with them. However, after 25 years with no attempts, I hope HG doesn't think it's still an opportunity to gamble on for money.
  5. Hopefully, everyday can be Pon Farr for the Vulcans now. EDIT: ... except leaving out the ritualistic combat part.
  6. Well, Robotechfanplus can't be dougbendo anymore because he's moved on to video himself. Can't believe he's trying to become an authority on Robotech now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsmsiNlDo8g
  7. More spoofs for the film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QhxAjoclRI http://www.hulu.com/watch/72268/the-soup-new-yorks-star-trek
  8. Last year when I went to Fanime con I found this bag with some random ccg cards and U.S. comic books abandoned at a rest area. It must have been a grab bag someone bought but didn't like the contents. Anyway, it said "Free" on the bag and no one was interested in it at the time so I quickly snagged it. That was a good day.
  9. Brett Ratner for X3: The Last Stand, the butchering of the team (Cyclops, etc.).
  10. You think Macek was/is bitter about his experience with stuff he tried to do after the the TV show run? I know he talked about the problems he had with the Sentinels Untold Story, and 3000, but you think he would hold a real grudge because of it, especially with what's happened to Robotech in recent years by other people?
  11. Except that in here All we knew about Alderaan is that the people there are supposedly peaceful and then BOOM. More reasons why we should care came around in the following years.
  12. A question for anyone into physics and stuff,
  13. Did it try to defend Macek's version of the story through; talking about the syndication factor or how the original versions of each wouldn't work for U.S. audiences (ex. devaluing Minmay's singing, etc.)? Actually, were his quotes posted a couple of pages ago from that artbook?
  14. Besides claiming his version was better, did he ever talk about the people who animated it by name or something? They did refer to everyone that worked on the animation as Tatsunoko, but what did he say if someone asked who exactly worked on it?
  15. Some of the cast was on Saturday Night Live this week. A classic: http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/vid...r-trek/1099561/
  16. (Edited because the entire quote was too long. You can put that many "$'s" on one line?) I'll admit with Carl Macek the strategy worked. Him and his vision worked because of his audience's ignorance about anime or Macross back in the day, which he used to his advantage. Like I said, when the whole thing became popular, he could say whatever he wanted about Robotech/Macross because HG dealt with Tatsunoko and they were fine with it. Also, since anyone who would have a problem were in another country, no one who could get him into trouble. Although, there must have been awkward times whenever people asked about specific stuff about the series. For example, did he take credit for making the Veritech, conceptualizing it, and getting someone to animate it? However, it doesn't seem like a strategy that could last a long period of time. Probably the best thing to do after a stunt like this is to walk away with the money. If not, then they would have to invest money to get new stuff done. Instead, he or HG thought it would be a good idea to milk it as much as they could. In the end though, these people had no business in making animation, only buying and repackaging them, and look where it led them. That's greed for you. Despite walking in his footsteps, Tommy Yune can't follow the same strategy and expect similar results. The Internet makes it harder to keep secrets like Macek did and the anime world has changed significantly. You can't adapt another series into it because people here will immediately know. In fact, the revelation from the original series continues to be a huge blow to the integrity of the franchise since then. The only way Robotech and HG are going to get out of this if, *gasp* they spend money to actually do some honest work. Oh the humanity! [/faint]
  17. Agreed, remember that Macross was supposed to be a lighter parody to Gundam but then matured while Robotech became a patriotic parody to Macross. Macek lied because he could back in the 80s, and kids ran with it.
  18. Yeah, but who knows where the hell Tommy Yune has brought Robotech now. It's like the franchise is right back at square one with only series pilots moving towards something(?) being released. And then with the LAMR, a blatent retcon, so it's hard to tell if Robotech even has a past, present or future now.
  19. They should have blamed the era changes to all kinds of corruption. It's the only way people like T. R. Edwards and Rolf Emerson could ever gain the power and influence they had. Plus, it would also mean Kyle Linn was right all along about the military.
  20. A good rule to go by when making a series like this; first start it strong, then do Aseop in space with the same quality. The sequel should have the Trekkie elements fans are pissed about (but please tone down the techno babble).
  21. Apparently, the best way in dealing with increasing Zentradi rebellions caused a switch from more militaristic mecha to space helicopters and hovertanks. Because that's a logical evolution when most of your defense force is sent off world to negotiate with aliens in another part of the galaxy while taking all the best mecha they had. Johnathan Wolff did have a relationship with Minmai in the Sentinels. Maybe they wanted to make more drama by screwing up the love triangle and chain of command with him on the Macross.
  22. Would you really want to see all the content from the novels animated? Anyway, I have an Animerica issue talking about Macross and Robotech separately from 2000-2001. It was more in favor of Macross but treated Robotech well due to nostalgia (They mentioned Macross Zero for the first time in the U.S. I think). Before then I had only heard rumors online and from high school friends.
  23. Was Johnathan Wolff just a one-time character they decided to expand in the Robotech universe like Dr. Emil Lang and Lazlo Zand?
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