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Information Needed Regarding Resin Kit

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Along with another MW member who is a fellow fan of Gundam/mecha resin kits, we are trying to track down any information we can regarding this kit.

I'm not sure which game first, the Xbox game called "Murakumo," or the mecha. Here is a link to information regarding the game, and the various mecha designs:


Apparently the game is pretty crappy, but we're not interested in the game, just the robots.

All of the designs are sweet, but so far we've only located one version that has been made into a resin kit, and it definitely is sweet looking. :o

If you have any information or insight, please post it. Here are pictures of the unfinished kit, and the finished version:






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About the only insight I can give is to do a lot of web searches particularly for Japanese sites.

A lot of Japanese video games have small short runs of related resin kits...the various ships from the R-Type games for example...these kits arn't typicaly produced by the larger garage kit producers like B-Club, instead they are made by much smaller groups (even individuals) produced in small numbers and sold as exclusives at the various Wonderfestival and related hobby shows...

Your best bet to locateing one of them outside of traveling to Japan and searching through every hobby shop and trade show is to keep an eye on the Yahoo Japan auction site where a kit may turn up from time to time (just want to warn you that there may only be somthing like 10 of these kits in existance, maybe even less)

Also you could contact the site owner where you found those images of the kit, he/she may be able to give you more info about it (who produced it, etc..) which could aid your search.

Another thing you could do (this could be much easyer then getting your hands on one of those kits) is to gather as many images of the mecha as possable, maybe even locate a copy of the game to pull the 3D game models off of for refrence...and scratch build your own model of it :D

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Does it transform?  :blink:

It would be cool if it can :)

The Murakumo Mechs don't transform.

Add: I'll be at E3 this year, maybe I can ask around. I doubt if there's going to be any info on any kits. This is probably one of the worst game ever. But the mech designs are incredible.

Edited by >EXO<
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Thanks for the detailed post, and suggestions. ;)

I know it might be a long shot, but I figured it can't hurt to try.

I'm going to have to contact a Yahoo Japan bidding service. I'll do a search here on MW, but does anyone have any recommendations?

I'm not quite sure how the procedure works.

I'm not much of a scratch builder, and proof of that rests in the fact that I commissioned Fulcy to make the 1/48 AG armor. ;)


I appreciate your help too.

Yeah, I was excited about the game until I read the IGN review. <_<

The mechs are pretty freaking cool though.


Christopher B))

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