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new guys 2 cents


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Ok, I've been looking at macrossworld forums for about a year now without registering. After seeing on rt.com the new DYRL posables I knew I had to register.

I have often considered myself a robotech fan, due largely to it was my first and only exposure to macross from the time i was 7 to about 15. After I acquired a real copy of the Macross series I admitted it was alot better than Macek's hodge-podge. Still I have a nostalgic feel for robotech, basically because until a few months ago, Mospeada was hard to come by. But after seeing HG and Toynami trying to sell DYRL toys under the premise "these are robotech toys" I got a little miffed. DYRL was NEVER a part of robotech, nor could it ever have been sliced up enough for a saturday morning "robotech fill in". This kind of bull keeps people who enjoy both Macross as a pure form and Robotech:the Macross saga from getting the high quality Bandai's and Yamato's from Japan without going through alot of nonsense. Instead, we get rock-em sock-em style PVC figures and mold lines galore from Toynami. As a fan of both series, I want a choice, not "It's rick Hunter, not H. Ichijo" So, in closing, I think you Macross purists have gained an ally, I'm not dealing with the crap HG is trying to spoon feed me anymore.

thanx for the vent!

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