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Far Cry game demo

bsu legato

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You know what I miss? The day when corpses didn't vanish. I swear... they try to make the shooter as realistic as possible.... but then they make the corpses vanish in thin air. <_<

I know, that always bothers me about games. I think that's one reason I'm currently liking Morrowind alot... because the bodies stick around.

There hasn't been very many FPS games I've seen where the bodies actually stick around for the whole game. I think there are some realistic military games where there's no "disappearing bodies" like CoD and OpFlash. I don't think bodies disappeared in NOLF either.

Vostok 7

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Wasn't painkiller mentioned a few pages back? Well, the demo came out and it kicks far-cry's ass. The detail and physics are amazing. And it is in this game I have seen the coolest melee weapon yet. In stead of the cheap ol' knife in fps's, you get this lawn mower blade from hell. Not only does it spin, you can shoot and hook enemies, sending them over your head. You also get this very sophisticated cross-bow. You can shoot these huge-ass stakes into zombies heads and watch them back-flip in a cloud of red vapor. I'd recomend all you going to getting this one, at least the demo. The graphics are better and you'll have a hell of time. I got mine from gamezone, but i think you can get it off their website. If you do play it, every weapon has alternate fire and the ammo is disguised so well, it looks like its part of the map; they look like crates and such.

I don't know about that. Far Cry seems to involve alot more brain play..... Painkiller is fun.... but its like a lite version of Serious Sam.

As for having better graphics..... you must be smoking. I get a ton of graphic glitches in Far Cry but it is a whole lot better looking then Painkiller from a technical stand point.

Have you played the demo, becuase I thought far-cry was better when I had only seen painkiller's screenshots.

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On a lighter note... I did download Painkiller. While not anywhere near the quality of Far Cry.... its still great on its own. Its like a lighter version of the Serious Sam games, without the silliness and with Havok physics engine.

Seriously.... nailing a zombie against a wall with a wood nail the size of a small car is alot of fun. :lol:


From last page.

Clearly she did play the demo <_<

Vostok 7

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I believe that the corpses may be a variable you can reset. IIRC, Half Life had a "corpsestay" variable, so I can't see why Far Cry wouldn't. Besides, half the fun with ragdoll physics is playing with the buggers after you've fragged 'em.

I was kinda disappointed you couldn't like pick up bodies, with the physics it has, there would be nothing more fun than picking up a body and chucking it off a cliff.

Even better, the ability to just KO enemies and chuck them off cliffs.

Another thing I didn't like was one time I killed the Osprey that drops the soldiers, and it exploded and fell, then I went inside the building and when I came back out it was gone <_<

And next time I should blow up that boat at the bottom so I can get in it :lol:

Vostok 7

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On a lighter note... I did download Painkiller. While not anywhere near the quality of Far Cry.... its still great on its own. Its like a lighter version of the Serious Sam games, without the silliness and with Havok physics engine.

Seriously.... nailing a zombie against a wall with a wood nail the size of a small car is alot of fun. :lol:


From last page.

Clearly she did play the demo <_<

Vostok 7

oops, abombs, sorry. Maybe I just got tired of far-cry. Either way, I think may be buying painkiller. I always loved serious sam game play, in fact that is one of my favorite games. However, painkiller dosn't literally have 200+ enemies on the screen simultaniously like SS2. When Painkiller does get a lot of enemies however, I thought the gameplay was going into slow-mo. Well thats not the case, apparently I need to upgrade :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Far Cry goes GOLD!

According to the Offical Site it will ship WORLDWIDE on the 25th of this month.



Supported OS: Windows 98SE/2000/XP (only)

Processor: AMD Athlon 1 GHz or Pentium III 1 GHz

RAM: 256 MB

Video Card: 64 MB DirectX 9.0b-compatible graphics card (see supported list)

Sound Card: DirectX 9.0b-compatible PCI card

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0b (included on disc)

CD-ROM: 4x DVD or 16x CD-ROM

Hard Drive Space: 4 GB

Multiplayer: Broadband with 64 Kbps upstream to play (512 Kbps upstream to host 8 players)


Supported OS: Windows 98SE/2000/XP (only)

Processor: AMD Athlon 2400-3000+ or Pentium 4 2-3 GHz

RAM: 512-1024 MB

Video Card: 128 MB GeForce 4 128 MB to GeForce FX 5950; ATI Radeon 9500-9800 XT

Sound Card: Sound Blaster Audigy series

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0b (included on disc)

CD-ROM: 8x-16x DVD or 32x CD-ROM

Hard Drive Space: 4 GB

Multiplayer: Broadband with 64 Kbps upstream to play (512 Kbps upstream to host 8 players)

NVIDIA nForce or other motherboards/soundcards containing the Dolby Digital Interactive Content Encoder required for Dolby Digital audio

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I love how it only costs $40 :D

BTW, if Abombz joins us in MP...  Whatever you do, don't let her get the rocket launcher :blink:

Vostok 7

I'm passing on Far Cry. I can't seem to get a decent performance out of this game... and I don't need yet another 5 CDs laying around just because the producers were too damn stupid to shove the code in a single, neat DVD. <_<

And to be honest.... without demons, monsters, zombies or all that kind of crap... this game seriously doesn't appeal me one bit. If I wanted to watch humans shoot humans I would watch a movie.

I'm getting Armed and Dangerous, and Painkiller instead.

Edited by Abombz!!
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I'm passing on Far Cry. I can't seem to get a decent performance out of this game... and I don't need yet another 5 CDs laying around just because the producers were too damn stupid to shove the code in a single, neat DVD. <_<

And to be honest.... without demons, monsters, zombies or all that kind of crap... this game seriously doesn't appeal me one bit. If I wanted to watch humans shoot humans I would watch a movie.

I'm getting Armed and Dangerous, and Painkiller instead.

You and your demons and zombies and stuff.

lol you change your mind as often as you change your underwear :p

Vostok 7

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Actually, you do fight monsters in the later levels. The island is your classic Jurassic Park/Dr Moreau/science gone awry setting. Later on, the beasties get free and you have to take 'em out to survive.

Hmmmm.... sounds better already. Theres still the hole "5CDs" deal though. Specially if they go about it like they did in XIII.... and considering this is Ubi again... I'm 100% sure they are going to make us switch CDs at every loading time, for the sake of copy protection. <_<

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I'm passing on Far Cry. I can't seem to get a decent performance out of this game... and I don't need yet another 5 CDs laying around just because the producers were too damn stupid to shove the code in a single, neat DVD. <_<

And to be honest.... without demons, monsters, zombies or all that kind of crap... this game seriously doesn't appeal me one bit. If I wanted to watch humans shoot humans I would watch a movie.

I'm getting Armed and Dangerous, and Painkiller instead.

You and your demons and zombies and stuff.

lol you change your mind as often as you change your underwear :p

Vostok 7

I'm sorry if I'm not weak hearted or some crap like that. I find shooting ppl to be the silliest thing to put in a game.

At least Return to Castle Wolfenstein you didn't shoot ppl.... you shoot Nazis. <_<

And besides... as long as its my money thats going to be used to get me a copy.... I'm going to change my mind as mine times as I damn well want.

Edited by Abombz!!
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I'm sorry if I'm not weak hearted or some crap like that. I find shooting ppl to be the silliest thing to put in a game.

At least Return to Castle Wolfenstein you didn't shoot ppl.... you shoot Nazis. <_<

And besides... as long as its my money thats going to be used to get me a copy.... I'm going to change my mind as mine times as I damn well want.

Don't even go there again with the monsters thing <_<

And frankly, I could care less if you change your mind about anything. <_<

Vostok 7

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I'm sorry if I'm not weak hearted or some crap like that. I find shooting ppl to be the silliest thing to put in a game.

At least Return to Castle Wolfenstein you didn't shoot ppl.... you shoot Nazis. <_<

And besides... as long as its my money thats going to be used to get me a copy.... I'm going to change my mind as mine times as I damn well want.

Don't even go there again with the monsters thing <_<

And frankly, I could care less if you change your mind about anything. <_<

Vostok 7

If you don't care.... then stop commenting on it!!! <_<

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Right... that seems to happen alot lately. <_<

Only because you haven't talked to me in months. But what exactly have you been riding me about in FFXI? Something you "don't care about"?

whatever. this isn't the place to argue about stupid crap. <_<

Vostok 7

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I played the demo level recently and I must say it was interesting... enough so that I might buy the full game later on this month when it comes out. Having beat VC: Fist Alpha a week or more ago and there being that lovely 4 month wait until they push back the release date of HL2 again I need something to fill my off hours.

On another note I bought my fiancee (her being laid up) a nintendo game cube to help her use her hands to speed her recovery... I have her hooked on Resident Evil Zero and I just ordered her Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. Pretty soon I'll have her on the computer playing these games... then will come the day that she kills me in a game several times. :lol:

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So far there's no demo....and no explanation where it's gone. But to tide you over, here's yet another trailer. This one shows off Far Cry's vehicular mayhem. Get run over by Legato's jeep HERE

And I swear, I'm going to park that Humvee right on your head, Vostok. :p

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So by now Far Cry should be in stores. For those who are truly adventureous, here's a link to download the 180 page manual for the Sandbox level editor.


Who will be the first to creat the official Macross World map? Think about it...you could make a single player adventure where you have to sneak into HG's secret island fortress to destroy the video masters for RT2004. Or a multiplayer game of "Capture the Yamato." :lol:

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Who will be the first to creat the official Macross World map? Think about it...you could make a single player adventure where you have to sneak into HG's secret island fortress to destroy the video masters for RT2004. Or a multiplayer game of "Capture the Yamato." :lol:


Vostok 7

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I got my copy today at work and played it at lunch on my work computer... funny thing is it was putt putt on my work computer at the recommended settings at that was a P4 3.2 HT with a very very nice graphics card. I just got home a bit ago and installed it at home and same thing... putt putt.

The demo was never this pokey on my box and it ran pretty good but the whole game seems to have this... sort... of... lag... to... it... that... makes... it... hard... to... play.

I've even tried setting the settings down, changing the resolution and other things but it still putts along like an elephant on a moped. I can't figure out what is slowing it down so much for the life of me. My system even specs out on the autodetector as "Very High" spec and it auto defaults to almost max on everything... so why is the game chugging? Add to that the freaking long load up and exit times and it makes me feel like I'm playing locomotive in that it takes forever to start up, moves like a slug and then takes forever to stop. It's kind of really pissing me off as the demo ran just fine. :(

Oh and if anyone wants it the Gamestop freebie was the freaking pre-order demo disc (oh what a promo there guys) that I don't need. Free to whoever wants it, NIB unopened just pay shipping.

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Other game developers should take note. Ubi Soft has already released their first patch. ON TIME, too. Now that is what I call taking care of your customers.

The bad news is that the patch will not release today. We currently plan to release the patch tomorrow (3/26).

The good news is that the patch will address all of the following features:

-Fixed issue with FarCry anti-cheat kicking players connecting to non-similar regions due to post process copy protection

-Integrated Punkbuster anti-cheat system (special thanks to Tony Ray for his help)

-Support for All Seeing Eye

-Fixed a number of issues with language localization

-Added crouch toggle feature so players can bind a "one touch" button to cycle prone/crouch

-Added zoom toggle (see above)

-Fixed bug with AI autobalance that sometimes caused it not to initialize outside of DEVMODE

-Fixed issue where player spawns a little higher in the air after a load from checkpoint.

-Improved AI saving state at checkpoints.

-Added new netcode optimizations, vehicles now use significantly less bandwidth in client to server updates. We are still investigating netcode issues, it is currently our highest priority

-LAN servers now restricted to LAN IP's

-Fixed some issues with sv_port variable not working correctly

-Added network commands to help players tune the network rates for better performance, including the following commands:

cl_cmdrate - Limit the number of command packets sent from client to server

sv_maxcmdrate - Limit the max cmd rate clients can specify

cl_updaterate - Limit the number of update packets sent from the server

sv_maxupdaterate - Limit the max updates clients can specify

cl_maxrate - Max bits per second can be adjusted

sv_maxrate_lan or sv_maxrate (for non lan, ie internet) will limit the cl_rate allowed on the clients

sv_DedicatedMaxRate - To change the server update speed

-Open query protocol to allow monitoring of the server with external tools

-Server config can now be anywhere with any name

-Fixed bug where "Join game" button no longer worked in multiplayer UI

-Fixed issue with dedicated server running on Windows 2003 Server edition

-Fixed bug when players get out from a vehicle, the player will go in standing pose (no crouch or prone).

-The message "drop your weapon to take this other weapon" will disappear only when the player go away from this weapon, not immediately.

-Fixed no pain sounds if an explosion didn't really hurt the player.

-Improved shader speed (up to two times faster) for NVidia Geforce FX cards on very high settings

-Fixed fog bug with NVidia drivers

-Fixed realtime shadows from blended trees

-Made improvements to lighting shaders on very high settings

-Fixed bug with lake reflections

-Added support fro PS3.0 shader profile

-Set default dedicated server log_verbosity 0 to print out console data. Before it displayed no info because logging was set to 0.

-Fixed an issue with command line game joining with the FarCry shortcut

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