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Pulled my Transformers from storage


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I knew that my parents had shuffled things around while I was in the air force, but I still never got around to checking my old transformers that I had tucked away until now, and after we moved. I know something got lost in the move too, but not as much as when I was gone, many my brother played with as well. Needless to say, I no longer have many of the ones I thought I did :angry: . I have Cyclonus's Targetmaster gun, but no Cyclonus. I only have the White prime clone part of Ultra Magnus, with one hand. I don't have my G1 PRIME. I could have sworn I still had it. :angry: I do have my Powermaster Prime though.

Bottom Line: check what you have in storage if you're not sure. I'm kind of kicking myself for letting that sit so long, and they were packed so badly. But oh well.

On the plus side, my Computron and Abonimus combiners seem to be complete. Menasaur almost. I knew the chestplate was gone from it, not sure what else. Superion I don't know. I have to rummage through the box. Big plus, Scorponock seem to be complete. May be missing the big blue guns from Fort Max, and I know I lost Spike (lost him not long after I got it, used another headmaster head to sub) but that's it. Trypticon is not missing much as well to my knowledge, missing the car that attached to the chest is all I noticed.

I really should have took better care of them if I was going to save them like I have been, Wheeljack is yellowed and beat up there's nothing I can do about him. Rodimus and galvatron's stickers are tore up. That's natural though given how much play they got when I was young. Honestly, I'm kind of surprized what ones I still have are in as good shape as they are. I put a few pics for now of what I was able to find here. I'll add some more pics to the album when I get them fixed up and know for sure what I have and don't have. I know there are a bnch of Pretenders in there. Don't know how they survived instead of the other stuff.

What I would like to do, especially for Fort Max is clean then up. Then pack them up properly.

Does anyone have a recommended method to do this? Or a link to a thread where cleaning was covered. Remarkably, there is very little yellowing on anything (except wheeljack, he's just toast) so that is not a worry. Just want to get any dirt off safely. Very slightly damp rag, alcohol swab, or what? I'd appreciate any comments.

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I had a TON of Transformers when I was a kid, way too many to list. When I was in 12th grade this used toy shop opened up in my town. I wasn't into toys anymore at the time and was constantly searching for gas and girl money, so I brought most of my Transformers (and Star Wars) toys that were still in great shape there to see if I could get some cash for them. I even had powermaster prime in the box. Well, the guy told me that Transformers weren't very sought after (this was in 1994) and that he'd give me 50 bucks for the lot. Of course I thought, "Cool, 50 bucks!" and left there with enough money to last me for a week. I'm still kicking myself. <_<

Most of the rest of my toys ran through a steady gauntlet of a dozen nieces and nephews and few of them survived.

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I still have all of my TFs, but I'm missing many of the accessories for them. Those include the weapons and add-ons. Fortunately, I still have the parts that go with the combiners, like all the parts for the Stunticons to form Menasor ( feet, hands, hip & chest plates, and head, weapons lost though).

As for my brother's Protectobots (which he'd like to sell, but I'm holding them hostage), he has all the accessories that came with them (weapons, those oversized weapons that you stuck in the back and the sides while they were in vehicule mode); the only thing missing is one side weapon for the chopper (I forget the name). The parts to form Defensor are all there.

My Metroplex is another story. The toy is in great shape, but is missing a lot of the accessories for the companions that came with him. Those include the turret for the tank, one of the arm cannons for the six-gun guy, missiles, and a small weapon for the black car. Curiously, when I looked at Metroplex a couple of years ago, the head was somehow glued down with some sort of resin. I literaly had to open him up to clean out the gunk, and almost lost the spring, washer, and trigger in the process.

My Arialbots are in the saddest shape of them all. I can find no accessories for them, nothing. My Silverbolt had a broken leg, and even that's lost. That's too bad, because I always thought that they were the best looking of all the combiners when in giant robot mode.

The one I am most angry about is my Omega Supreme. I have all the parts, but my brother borrowed him for a college class when they were doing a project on kids toys; he then accidentally broke the back pack. :angry: Arrrrggghhhh!!! But he still works. If I put batteries in him, the lights will still flash, and he will still walk. I keep them out for fear of leaking and corrosion.

What's the motto of this story: only you can protect your cherished childhood toys. Never leave them in the hands of your parents, or other family members (I love them, but sometimes, they can be really careless). If you store them, make sure you're the one who does it, and check on them regularly. Seal up the boxes, and put the accessories in ziplock bags.

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God... I think everybody has a story like this.

Mine went when I rented my first house after college and decided I would rescue my Transformers/Robotech collection from Mom's attic. I know that I had full sets of Constructicons, Stunticons, Arielbots, Protectbots, and Combaticons. Along with Prime, Megs, Shockwave, Jetfire and about a billion others...

Of course when I got there... Missing an arm or leg or accessories or whatever from EACH of them!

Luckily this was about 8 years ago, so prices weren't outrageous yet on eBay and I pieced them together.

To this very day, I have no idea why so much was missing... I blame it on overzealous garage sale tactics from the folks, but they swear they didn't sell any of my stuff.

At the very least, they didn't mess with my treasured Gakken Mospeada Cyclone. But, I still would love for Takara to rerelease Shockwave and Predaking, so that I could feel complete inside. B))

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God... I think everybody has a story like this.

Mine went when I rented my first house after college and decided I would rescue my Transformers/Robotech collection from Mom's attic. I know that I had full sets of Constructicons, Stunticons, Arielbots, Protectbots, and Combaticons. Along with Prime, Megs, Shockwave, Jetfire and about a billion others...

Of course when I got there... Missing an arm or leg or accessories or whatever from EACH of them!

Luckily this was about 8 years ago, so prices weren't outrageous yet on eBay and I pieced them together.

To this very day, I have no idea why so much was missing... I blame it on overzealous garage sale tactics from the folks, but they swear they didn't sell any of my stuff.

At the very least, they didn't mess with my treasured Gakken Mospeada Cyclone. But, I still would love for Takara to rerelease Shockwave and Predaking, so that I could feel complete inside. B))

Yeah, shockwave is one reissue I'm hoping for. He is my favorite character. I wonder which ones Takara has planned next.

I unfortunately never had the constucticons. Used to have Metroplex, but I dropped him and he broke in half. I think my parents threw him away not long after that, along with any others at the time that had broken parts. I want to know what happened to the ones that were missing that I had tucked away, but they said they didn't touch them either. I know my dad went on one of his toss crap out binges and I think an extra box made it's way to the dump without him checking the contents. Either that, or there is still one box I have not found yet.

One more I am surprized of is Piranacon, or something like that. A set of 6 aquatic looking combiners where any one of the 5 small guys became the gun. I thnk I have most of his pieces.


I had a friend I played as a kid that had the big AT-AT walker, and an SDF-1, along with a bunch of other stuff. Odds are they ended up thowing everything away.

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anything you want to get rid of or even trade for? Let me know! Thanx! :p:D:lol:

I need to sort out what I have and figure out what parts I have to go with these guys. May decide to part with some of them. May be a couple of weeks before I really have time to try to clean them up. I'll add some pics to the album once I do. I know what's left of Ultra Magnus can go, and the Pretenders maybe. I'll see after I'm done and know what I want to save.

So what would be a good method to clean these guys up? A few have the stickers in decent shape, so I don't want to wreck those if possible.

One more thing, I used to have a link to a site with all the different catalog scans. Could someone post a link to that site or a similar one please? I need to find the names to these guys.

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well, one way I cleaned up all the dirt n stuff is either wet rag or paper towel with a little rubbing alcohol on it. Just be careful not to wipe the alcohol across the stickers, it'll wipe them clean off! So basically anything will do but just becareful around the stickers. Just let me know what you want to get rid of and I might be interested in what you have. Thanx

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well, one way I cleaned up all the dirt n stuff is either wet rag or paper towel with a little rubbing alcohol on it. Just be careful not to wipe the alcohol across the stickers, it'll wipe them clean off! So basically anything will do but just becareful around the stickers. Just let me know what you want to get rid of and I might be interested in what you have. Thanx

Thanks for the tips. I'll make an update after I clean them up and sort the parts and stuff out. Then I'll go from there.

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