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Yamato Prices


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Just wondering. We all know the retail price of the valks from the yamato site and we know the prices from online retailers.

But, how much are they selling for retail in the hobby stores in Japan and Hong Kong? Are they close or far-off?

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They are probably worth the prices charged when they are fixed versions, i.e. no breaking shoulders and stuff that seems to happen on a lot of first releases. Though I hear the new 1/60 VF-1s are pretty good for first release.

I'm not the best resource though as I don't own any valks, but someday I will have more money and I will get the ones I want... someday.

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It should be the same price as what they list on the site. The reason for two prices listed there is one has the 5% Japanese sales tax added and the other doesn't. Ordering from Overdrive and HLJ gets us the exact same prices as what they would be paying in Japan minus the sales tax. But then you sometimes have to pay some other sales tax when it gets delivered to your country.

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They are probably worth the prices charged when they are fixed versions, i.e. no breaking shoulders and stuff that seems to happen on a lot of first releases. Though I hear the new 1/60 VF-1s are pretty good for first release.

I'm not the best resource though as I don't own any valks, but someday I will have more money and I will get the ones I want... someday.

You're talking about their perceive market value.

Valk prices listed on the Yamato site is always maximum inflated... if other online retailers can offer cheaper that means they ordered alot and can afford to give competitive prices.

As for the QC issue part, if the toy companies do not do a good job the value drops to zero no matter what they charge.

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