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Eureka Seven: A New Wave


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Anybody else playing Eureka Seven A New Wave?

I've finished episode three and must say that the game is pretty lame. The speed of the LFO/KLF's is totally lost since the controls are subpar. :(

The levels where you ref board are pretty lame since they are only races and the tricks don't really count for much.

The graphics of the mechs are just ok but the graphics for the characters are horrible. :angry:

If your a fan of Eureka Seven its only a rent. Save your cash. :(

BTW holland show up in your first non academy mission and you fight alongside him. Other than that I haven't noticed any of the characters from the anime.

Hopefully the next one is better. At this point the PSP game (minigame based)is much better.

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I started playing it on Thursday and it's pretty MEH so far.

I'm about two levels in and the combat isn't too different. You pretty much use the same battle tactics (strafing with your rocket cannon) and vehicle mode is only good for making quick getaways.

The major turnoff was making this a prequel. I was looking foward to seeing the antics aboard the Gekko-Go with Holland, Talho, and crew. Intoducing these SOF wannabee is somewhat of a letdown.

Yet another letdown of a popular licensed anime down the drain by Bandai.

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So what did they say about the Towers?

They just explained that each of the various states (provinces or what ever they call them) have a tower that controls the local populations anti state groups. If they can't control the groups they call in (in the following order:

State forces (the tower)

Federal forces (what we see a lot of in the anime)

Sawers group (featured in new wave)

SOF (Led by Holland)

Its not word for word what they said but you should get the general idea. Personally I didn't notice the topic of towers in the anime until the meteors were crashing into them.

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