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Ok, how many hardpoints should be on the VF-1's?


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(from Tokyo Hunter's site for the Plamo 2006 coverage...)

Just got me thinking...

I know it'd be only strickly Zero-G capable coz of the drag, but how come Hase can break the rules? :p

I can't remember, i do need to re-watch the series, did the VF-1 's ever have '3' hardpoints guys?

If so, then i feel a little bit ripped off with the 1/48. :p

Does look cool, medium range warheads, with a couple of nukes on each wing. :D

Can you imagine it? '6' nukes each wing with the dual ports? rofl. Would that fit? I don't have me valk with me.

Maybe with the wings fully outstretched? Nah, maybe not.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
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From Macross Compendium

"Four pivoting underwing hard points for twelve AMM-1 hybrid guided multipurpose missiles each with four stabilizers which extend during launch (three on each hard point), twelve MK-82 LDGB conventional bombs (three on each hard point), six RMS-1 large anti-ship reaction missiles (two on each outboard hard point and one on each inboard hard point), four UUM-7 micro-missile pods (one on each hard point) each carrying up to fifteen Bifors HMM-01 micro-missiles, or a combination of the above missiles."

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It's a mistake that showed up in one of Tenjin Hidetaka "Valkyries" book too (art for a missile/hardpoint attachment kit.) The two outer reaction missiles are supposed to be co-mounted on a single hardpoint. I guess for ease of manufacturing/assembly/mounting/whatever, they opted to add a third hardpoint, and keept the two reaction missiles seperate.

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The Hase kit just makes no sense at all for it weapons mount, just ignore it IMHO.

Also---Mk82's are canon? I am SO going to rig up my 1/48 to carry some. Will have to buy some TER's though... I never knew any real weapons were listed. (Though it should be LDGP not LDGB---and yes I know the whole "Bofors vs Bifors and Royce vs Roice" issue, but it really should be LDGP---that's an Engrish thing, not a parody/avoiding copyright thing)

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