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I just started this game during the weekend. I've clocked in 13 hours and just returned to the village after getting the power of the wind. Okami plays like a adventure/action RPG. You travel around a desolate medieval Nippon (Japan) and restore it to its original beautiful luster by making trees bloom and righting what is wrong. You help the local populace with quests that gains you items as well as XP, (here known as Pride). Oh i forgot to mention you play a God incarnate wolf. ;) (wolves rock!)

Anyway anyone else playing this? There's so much to do and the graphics are beautiful. I can't put this down for the whole weekend. Hardly did anything productive. :lol:

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Viewtiful Joe was just...weird... but Okami was beautiful.

Like all things wonderful, though, the company was also short-lived. Let's hope the game isn't so :)

I need to pick up this game sometime when I'm thinking about it. Haven't played a console game in a while, but Okami raised eyebrows when I first saw it nearly half a year ago...

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Finished it last week. One of the very few games I actually thought went on too long. The second half is exactly like the first half. Nothing new, just more of the same. In snow. It could have ended at like 25 hours and I would have been fine. But the next 15 hours---actually kinda bored me. The first dozen hours are great, but it quickly seems repetitive.

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