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Gatchaman DVD Boxsets for $9.99

Apollo Leader

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Meant to post this before Macross World was hacked, but a month ago I made the discovery that Omaha and Lincoln area Best Buys have discounted the Vol. 3, 4, and 5 boxsets of ADV's Gatchaman release. I was originally picking up Vol. 3 at one of the Omaha BB's for what I thought was $18.99, but when the register rang up $9.99! I went beack to the DVD section and found out that Vol. 4 and 5 were also ringing up that price, too. :) In the next few weeks, I found other Best Buys in both the Omaha and Lincoln areas that were doing the same, some had the $9.99 price marked while others still had the $18.99 price marked. I know that Best Buy's website still has the $18.99 price listed for these three sets.

After I got the three sets I was able to snag an unopened Vol. 1 on eBay for grand total around $15... so far I've spent less then $50 to build my Gatchaman DVD collection.

Anyway, if you are a Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets fan and you got a Best Buy in the area, you might be in for a good deal.

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Meh, I'll wait for the inevitable thinpak set(s), is there anything worth having on those bonus disc's?

Keith, I have DVD's going back to 2000/2001 that I have not watched to this day so its hard to say for sure when I'll get these watched to verify if the extras are any good or not! :D

ADV has some info on what's on the extras DVD's in some of the boxsets on their webpage:


With Gatchaman wrapping up, it would be nice if a classic like Yamato or the original Mobile Suit Gundam would get a proper release...

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ADV's extra's more often than not (with the exception of the Mari extra's on Macross) are fluff, so I feel safe in waiting. As for Yamato, I'd actually hope a company like Funimation would get that, as ADV & Bandai would almost surely find a way to ruin it.

It's also doubtful anyone but Bandai & Honeamise will be able to touch Gundam, though here's hoping Honeamise makes a bid for the new remastered 0079 set once it's out in Japan.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a little update.


Boxset Volumes 6, 7 and 8 have now been reduced to $14.99 apeiece not only through bestbuy.com, but also at the stores! I picked up all three volumes last night. :)

All said and done I was able to get Volumes 1 and 3-8 for a total just under $100. Not too shabby I say. B)) Since I was ordering Macross Vol. 5 through bestbuy.com this morning, I went ahead and ordered Boxset 2 of Gatchaman even though it was $22.99... cannot understand why the first few volumes have remained at $20+ even though they've been out for almost a year and a half unless the first few were the biggest sellers. Probably will wait for Volume 9 to drop in a few months. :)

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