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Non-macross Mecha Looking For Comments


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Hi all,

This kit is a 1/48 scale Dougram kit that I bought preassembled but not really painted. I did it up in Battletech colors as it is the Wolverine in CBT. I decided to do it up in the Benjamin Regulars parade scheme, complete with the classic markings. I then decided that it was a member of a garrison force that saw early Clan action, and got into the thick of the fighting before it could be repainted in field colors, so it is in the dress scheme, but is really beat up. I also added some extra stowage on teh leg and back to give it that WWII tanker 'bring everything you need and strap it to your ride" feel. I also used some steel rod to add a set of climbing handles for the pilot on the back. Speaking of the pilot, on the original kit, there was just a big empty space under the head that was just begging for some work. Some plastic and metal GW pieces and a WWII fighter pilot figure later, I had a whole cokpit interior. I might go abck in and build up some sidewalls a bit, but it's pretty cramped as it is in there with the gun turret and all. Anyways, here are the pics and I hope you all like it. It stands about 12 inches tall.



Edited by promethuem5
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Hey that mech looks great!

I have a soft spot for these Dougram kits. My first mecha kit was a 1/48 Condar (from the Revell Robotech line of kits) I still have it!

I think these kits were very well engineered for their time. With a little bit of attention they can still be made into impressive models.

You've done a nice job on this model. Especially if it was already built when you got it. Your paint job is great all around, even on the pilot, great work on his face, but he really needs to do some push-ups! :p His arms look like they've atrophied! :D

The cockpit work is a nice touch too.

Keep up the good work and show us some more!

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It's a really old 1/48 scale WWII fighter ace figure.... the sculpting is downright ugly in some parts... and the arms are actually supposed to be in his jacket, I just painted them as flesh because Mechwarriors ususally wear next to nothing because of the heat buildup...

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Good use of stowage, love the sheet metal bullet holes, good work n the cockpit (big flaw iin that kit).

Now for the critcal points. Feet need to be more dinged up based on the rest of your look. Try Cody's Coop for an excellent set of weathering and wear & tear instructions. And while I love the sheet metal bulet holes I would have tied for a divoted depression look due to the ablative armor used in Battletech. You should also look into RustAll for rusting purposes. Your rust & dirt streaks look great except for those few 'spots' on the rear skirt (or at least I think that's a rear skirt).

Dang, still impressed by that cockpit work. Love beat up mechs.

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WOW. That's a really fantastic site... I think I will have to try alot of the technique there next time... less chipping and more actual physical dings and nicks on the armor...

As for the rust, those spots on the legs by the climbing ladder handles are actually ink from the handles that ran and I didn't clean up properly :unsure: I could probably go back in and cover them up with sume rustier paint looking streaks like on the rest of the kit. I think on my next one I am going to do surface dings and nicks and try the salt method for rust.

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Ooh, I always had a sweet spot for the Wolverine (although It can't hold is own against a real clan mech  :p ). Nice work.


marauder wastes them all





nice weathering by the way. I am a big fan of inks myself. Really like the chains ;)

Edited by kanata67
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Looks awesome Kylwell!

The weathering is outstanding, and I think the posture of the mech really conveys a sense of weariness.

Good luck in the contest!

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That Zaku is absolutely awesome. I plan on getting a whole bunch of 1/100 scale MG kits of the suits from the 8th MS Team and doing up a squad as anotehr MS team serving in the same group... 2 RX-79s, an RX-78 GM Sniper (for all the extra weapons) and probbaly the Shirow's Ez-8 from the 8th team. I'm gonna do them up with the same feel as this mech and use some of Cody's techniques. I'm also getting two more Dougram kits, so I will try out the actual physical damage techniques sometime soon.

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Wow. I just finished The 8th MS Team, and your model definetaly sums up the entire feel of the war and the sombre ending to the series... I almost don't know who to root for, with the Zeeks all being basically nuts, and the Feds being led by a truly souless man who orders the destruction of the hospital ship.... I totally wanna model an entire Master Grade Fed MS Team and a kill team of Zeeks....

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