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Movies with horses, ford mustangs, or ferraris


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hey guys, i am taking a class in video editing.

for on of my assignments i need to do some graphic matching, so i desided to do cars and horses. specificly mustangs and ferraris

i know there was an anime that featured a blue and white mustang, any idea what it was called?

any anime with horses?

i'm equally intrested in live action movies with these things in them, specialy ferraris, since there are several popular movies featureing mustangs.

thanks for the help guys.

*** edit ***

could also use super high resolution images of the mustang logo and ferrari logo.

Edited by KingNor
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Well... there is a promenant Shelby GT500 Cobra in Riding Bean and Gunsmith Cats anime... it looks like a mustang but that ain't no pony, she's a snake.

You of course have the automatic Gone in 60 Seconds original which features a nice vintage mustang... the remake has elanor as a Shelby cobra though

I'm too drunk at the moment to remember any more... I'll think about it and get back to you.

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Pairing up Mustangs and Ferraris... Kinda like eating with plastic sporks on silver plates. Or some other bettr analogy I can't think of. :lol:

I definately agree with the Bullitt recommendation, awesome movie, awesome car chase.

Why not try to dig up some F1 footage? The F in F1 might as well stand for Ferrari given their dominance, so it shouldn't be too hard to find some video of an open-wheeled Ferrari.

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