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Navy Field (a free naval warfare MMORPG).

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If you guys have some time to kill you should try this game out.


Once you're done starting it check out www.trainworld.us for tips, FAQ's, etc.

It's pretty damn fun. I'm pretty close to upgrading my U.S. Destroyer. :D

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seen it awhile ago its interesting. i must of misread it at the time i thought it was pay to play.


From what I've heard they're going to start charging in October. But for those of you that're already playing you'll probably be able to keep sailors and credits.

IMHO this game isn't that good to pay monthly fees. There's also talk of them making it a one time fee instead. :p

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Project Phoenix and I played this game for a while. It's a pretty interesting game, but controlling your ship while getting any degree of accuracy out of your guns is REALLY f-ing hard. There is an auto-aim function that will automatically point your guns in the right direction and angle, but they get reduced accuracy (I guess they see it as a kind of unfair handicap).

The variety of WWII vessels represented there is good (pretty much every ship ever made during WWII) and after your initial "training" levels, you can declare for the US, British, German, or Japanese navys (thus giving you exclusive access to their ships). I made it all the way to light cruisers before I had decided that I'd had enough.

A serious souring point for me though was the amount of torpedoes you could spread out from a larger ship (5-6 torp spreads in a single volley). kind of a cheap way to land a kill to me.

Edited by Skull Leader
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Yup. Me and Skull here pretty much had a little unofficial flotilla with friends from all over. The game was fun for me. But it takes too damn long to upgrade. One wrong mistake in investing your prestige points and you're screwed.

My advice for those of you wanting to level up VERY quickly: join the IJN and load them up with nothing but torpedoes and fire away. You pretty much pwned the game that way.

Of course, the above method automatically makes you a torp whore, the target of every torp-hating player in there.

There are players who prefer to fight the old-fashioned way: big guns. Be warned, it is not an easy game.

I still have my account. I might even give it out.

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