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SMT Monster... good things come to those who wait

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Sorry guys. Things have been quite hectic recently in my life, so I haven't been around too often.

I gotta be honest, I get pretty bummed about my whole experience with my Monster. I made that sucker many years ago now. There was no 1/72, and the 1/144 Yellow Submarine kit was just appearing. I made it for myself to go with the rest of my 1/100 stuff, but during it's construction, I had to make molds for various parts. I showed my progress here but it only got a luke warm reception. I made a few decals for it, and a fictional history and nosearts as sort of a thanks to MW and certain members who were friendly and helpful to me back then. A couple people were interested in getting a copy. I made up the molds and poured a few then sold them. I think 2 or 3, but it was enough to cover my costs and get myself a couple of copies.

Nobody else seemed to be too interested, so it kinda slipped away into the cracks. Then A couple years ago, people started asking where to get one again. I did not have the money or the time to make new molds. SMT was very popular and reputable then. I offered the Monster master to them in June of 2003, and I would get a pecentage of each sale along with 2 kits, and he would do the rest. SMT was big into Star Wars, and made some beautiful kits cheap. It looked like a win/win deal all around.

I don't know what happened, but the Monster kept getting put back. I can recall about 8 kits off the top of my head that came after he had the Monster, but were kitted and sold before the Monster. They were big kits too.

In the meantime, SMT starts slipping. Orders are left unfilled for months, and in a couple of cases a year. SMT starts losing it's excellent reputation.

Every response was always it's almost done. So a loong time goes by. SMT finally makes a pre order anouncement and some people jump on it. Another really long time goes by, (You'd have to ask LSTO how long he waited) and people start asking me what's up. I am not sure but ask SMT letting them know people are getting angry. Again the it's almost there emails. Then just this past May, LSTO got his. As an aside, I still haven't recieved anything from SMT yet. Nice guy, but poor business man I suppose.

Then a week or so ago, SMT announces they are scaling way back and want to slow down. I thought they were closing , so I asked for my copies and master back. SMT says, they are still producing. But now I see the price is almost doubled.

So as of this moment, I don't know what's going on.

But I do offer a sincere thanks for the moral support. B))

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Amen, GH.

I might as well give you my experience. I had nothing but great success with SMT a couple of years ago when I got a Y-wing and an AT-AT. I was a big fan of SMT. Then I heard that Gundamhead had done what he said in the post above. I was absolutely psyched. I absolutely LOOOOOOVE the HWR MKII Monster. And I thought GH did a top notch job.

I thought the SMT Monster was a steal at $175 for a BIG BIG BIG honkin' piece of resin. I preordered it in May of 2004 with the expectation that it would ship in June/July. Months and months went by. Colin always answered emails, but suggested it was coming soon. My emails got more impatient, but always cordial.

Finally, it came in May. However, it didn't come with a nice box, decals or even construction directions. I think Thor got one too. GH knew how much I wanted this so he made a great copy of his instructions and a little history of the beast. He did this out of the kindness of his heart... I think I still owe him several beers for this.

I've asked several times about the decals, but Colin gives me the "its coming" line. Now I don't know what to think. SMT's price increase and cryptic message about scaling back leaves me scratching my head.

The threads on Starshipmodeler.com are very cordial and nice. Everyone feels bad that Colin's dad died. Me especially since I just lost my father last week. But it still doesn't change the fact that he has not delivered. You can be an incredibly nice guy and a horrible business man. I get the feeling that everyone who has an outstanding order is very bitter, but afraid of being considered insensitive.

I don't know what will become of GH's masters, but I know there are a lot of people who would like one. I've been approached by a couple people wanting to recast mine, but there is ABSOLUTELY no way I'd ever do that. If people want it, then why can't we buy the rights and put it in the hands of someone who'll actually deliver? I am friends with John and Linda at SSM (they are in my modeling club) and I think they are also good business people. I just think they'd do a better job than SMT would.

Also, I am very excited for Mike Salzo's 1/72nd. I will buy this as well for three reasons. 1) I love the Monster, 2) I like Mike (not that way) and I like to support people who I consider friends, and 3) Mike is an excellent caster and a joy to do business with. I bought the Incom T-65 from him and it is the best kit I own.

Well, that's it. I feel better that I got all that off my chest. :D

Edited by Less than Super Ostrich
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I feel for ya Gundamhead, no one likes to see a project that they worked hard on get the shaft like the Monster has. SMT are nuts if they think people will shell out 250 big ones, when a few weeks ago it was listed as $170, especially given their reliability of late. I think Mikes would be a better buy, considering he'd be about 10 times more reliable, in a larger scale for not a lot more.

If I have this straight, you haven't received any payment yet, and SMT claim to still be producing kits? Couldn't you just tell them to call it even, get the masters back and strike a deal with another caster?

On the upside you'll always have support from the guys here, I am still working on the Spiderug, but it's nearing completion (yeah right!) and I reckon it's a great little kit. Thanks to you and Jesse for making it available.

Cheers from a grateful modeller,


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Sorry to hear the horror stories surrounding the 1/100 monster. I was very interested in getting one myself, but with all the delays SMT was giving customers I couldn't bring myself to pre order one. Now that the price is up to $250 its out of my range to get one. :angry: I hope this isn't the end for the monster, I still would like one in this scale.

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