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Noob question on YF-19


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Collectors I assume want everything. So maybe if the rarity and age of something grows with time, and becomes harder to get, its collector value goes up? Same idea might be with comic books. The first print is always more valuable than the second print cuz it's the original from an older time?

If they mass produced low vis valkyrie or reissued more, the value of the item would go down even though the thing is the same. Having a collection of the rarest things probably makes people feel l33t amoungst other collectors because they possess a thing that no longer is made or exists for others to have. (I often imagine what it would be like if the line of 1/48 were no longer made ever again and how this would affect prices on ebay. Even things that you might think are junk in your garage sale, people will pay enormous prices for stuff you thought nobody cared about.)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Welcome! Please learn how to use the search feature and read the FAQ section created first before creating new topics. Odds are if you thought of it, the questions has already been asked and answered. ;)

The VF19 has been experiencing a price increase but don't get the 1st edition it has too many errors. As for the price, it is whatever people are willing to pay, you can't look at the toy and say oh b/c it's the first edition it's going to be worth more. That is simply not true and especially with the YF19s.

Some people are just completionists so they will get all the variations created and extras too. Just look around in the 1/48 collection thread you will easily get an idea who buys multiples and who is a completionist. Also, new collectors start late all the time, most are uninformed b/c they fail to research/read, they driving up the prices and evilbay one of the worst places to shop for them. Sure you might find a rare item, but if you shop internationally instead of just on evilbay, you'd be surprised by the prices.

If you are on a tight budget you might want to stay away collecting Yamato 1/48, 1/60 and 1/72s altogether, or at least from the older ones. Try and save and get a newer one for the 1/48, the later releases for the VF-1S for example have less errors and are comparatively cheaper.

Lastly, please READ the OLDER posts and FAQs, odds are your questions have already been answered. Please do not post until you do research first. Thank you, everyone on the board will appreciate your cooperation. :)

Edited by Fortress_Maximus
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As for the price, it is whatever people are willing to pay, you can't look at the toy and say oh b/c it's the first edition it's going to be worth more. That is simply not true and especially with the YF19s.

Maybe, but no one can predict the future. Collectors don't open the box to handle the toy so the mistakes might not be that much of an issue to them as much as being able to own an item they percieve to be of high value to them. Otherwise why is it that people suddenly want to buy up stuff that becomes harder and harder to find? (herd mentality) But when an item is in thier face, (low visibility) automatically they assume the item isn't worth getting immediately when no one is else is eager for it? I think the same idea of age boosting value of an item can be attributed to toys since people normally think that once something is no longer made (even if it was inferior to later versions) they are getting items that are soon to be rare and a pain in the ass to find when they want it.

Also how much disposable income the person has might make a difference since money might not be an issue to them so much as getting the item now! now! now! (the "lazy-but-well-off guy who won't research who buys all the masterpieces out of impatience. :D)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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