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Best UC Gundam Series?

Kamui 777

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Okay, to everyone who keeps saying that Zeta is the most overrated Gundam, I would challenge that the 08th MS Team takes that award. Zeta is full of human characters dealing with the war, and their own short-comings, in their own ways. Zeta also has some of the best mecha (Gundam Mk II, Marasai, Gaplant...), and blends the the human side of the story with some solid mecha action.

The 08th MS, on the other hand, has jack diddly squat. It was by far the worst of the Gundam stories, save G-Saviour. Aside from the Gouf Custom, the mecha were ugly as sin, and that initial bit about they make the MS combat seem like tank warfare was not only not fully developed, but not that great to begin with. I'd be willing to forgive all this if the characters and story were any good, but the characters were horrid, and the story went nowhere. When I say that, aside from G-Saviour, 08th MS is my least favorite Gundam, I don't mean least favorite as the one I like the least of a group of things that all really kick ass, I mean it's my least favorite like Macross 7 is AgentOne's least favorite Macross.

0083 is similarly overrated, but not as bad. Everyone seems to love 0083 because it looks gorgeous, has some great mecha, and has some over the top combat scenes. If you like all that, but don't care much about story, then 0083 is perfect for you! I'm just not super fond of it it because I do happen to care about story, and 0083's not just lacking in story, it has more holes in the plot than Michael Moore's got in his boxers.

And Keith, yeah, 0080 is small and incosequential... but that's the charm of it. It's so human. You're not seeing the war from the whole picture the way you do in the original TV series... you're seeing it as it affects a small group of people in an out-of -the-way colony. Bernie, Al, and Chris aren't the heroes of the One Year War like the crew of the White Base... they're just three people who are doing what they think is right in their situations. They're not Newtypes... they're just human.

Nope Zeta still wins as most overrated Gundam series. ;) Could be nominated as a most overrated anime series in general, IMO. Its good but not great.

Didn't say it was bad... its just for years I heard "Zeta is THEE Gundam series" I watched it and thought meh its ok I guess. I'm not really a fan of Tomino anyway.

Gundam MS08th team was more of a side story than say Zeta which was a sequel. That's why the story really went nowhere. Like Macross Plus for example.

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Someone, somewhere, somehow! needs to release those SD OVA's. At least as extra's with say Zeta (would have been perfect) or ZZ (there's still time Bandai, and that would justify the purchase!).

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