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Computer issue, thought i'd try the MW thinktank.


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Hey guys. My new laptop has the NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 videocard.

this isn't to be confused with the NVIDIA GeForce FX5200, the important part is the little "go" before then #.

anyway. the specs on this thing mean that games should run pretty dern nice on my computer buy for some reason my card (all of these cards) doesn't play nice with DirectX.

Do any of you technical guys out there know of any fixes for this bug? all my drivers and my entire computer is up to date.

I've looked all over the web, but i'm nott very good at finding solutions to this sort of thing so if the mods would PLEASE leave this up for a few days i'd much appreciate it.

Thanks all.

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Which game are you having problems with,, please go into more detail on what problem you're having,, "doesn't play nice with direct x" is of little help to anyone.

can you list what spec in your system?

sure I can do a search on Dell.com, but it should be better if you list them incase you customize any of the setting from dell.

Like cpu speed, ram, hd, the programs you're running in the background while you're playing game, which game.. etc.

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yeah, you're going to have to give us more info... are you saying DX9 won't install?

because the geforce FX go5200 is DX9 compatible... I know several people with this chip and they have no problems...

Are you using the latest drivers from nvidia?

are you getting a warning during install that says: stop or continue and has some bit about the drviers not having passed MS spec or something? if so, ignore it and install anyways.

have you ran windows update and gotten all the driver updates? I had problems with the newer drivers until I got the driver update from windows update and then it ran fine.

have you tried installing DX9c?

and it could be the game... for instance, homeworld 2 crashes my comp after about 30 min of play... very weird but doom3 runs just fine and puts much more stress on my system...

edit: various spelling errors.

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Unfortunately, there are a number of programs that have problems with the mobile versions of current video cards, such as the "go". Usually, games/programs will state this incompatibility on the box.

I would love nothing more than to go outside somewhere, plop down and play a few rounds of DOOM or Black Hawk Down, but it looks like the desktop is where those things will be had...

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Ok guys, this is what i've got:

Dell INSPIRON i5150

Mobile Intel® Pentium®

4 CPU 2.80GHz

2.79 GHz

512 MB of RAM

My OS is Microsoft Windows XP Version 2002.

NVIDIA GeForce FX go5200 video card.

my biggest problem is when i play anything involving textures, it slows way down. and i dont' mean it runs at a bad frame rate. no it runs like its running in slow motion. like the matrix. SLLLOOOOWWW... then it will speed back up again. It's very frustraiting.

The game i play right now is RAINBOW SIX 3: Raven Sheild. i have to turn EVERYTHING down to low and keep the lowest resolution screen size to even get any performance. even then it still does it slow motion trick at seemingly random times.

i tried AvP (original game, not avp2) and it ran at like 4 Frames per Second.

my home computer has lower stats in every department from my Laptop, and runs both of these games fine.

the only game that runs ok on my laptop, is Dungeon Seige.

dungeon siege, avp and rainbow6 are the only games i have so thats all i can work with right now.

ok, anymore questions just ask. thanks guys.

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okay, here's what I think the problem is...

I'm guessing from your system specs that the geforce go fx5200 you have only has 32 megs of ram in it... shouldn't be a problem but I think I remember reading dell clocks their go fx5200 kinda slow.

also, and probably more important, the rainbow six game doesn't support the chipset....


this is a guy who helps users upgrade their video cards, haven't used him before so don't blame me...

sorry but it looks like it's hardware and software in this case, you might want to email the support guys at both bell adn rainbow six and see if there is an unoffical work around as well.

stuff you might want to try...

get the latest drivers, and patches.. they might help.

also take a look at this page:


these guys overclocked a toshiba that ran the go fx5200 and they mention the name of the program they used to do it... uhm I'm not suggesting you do this in anyway, I'm only pointing out some guys who did some things to a computer that is similar to yours... in no way do I assume responsibility for any actions that you might take with this information....

these guys were able to play UT-2003 at a pretty high res at decent fps...

definitely make sure you get any and all driver updates... check dell, they might have some stuff for you BIOS and system drivers.

check nvidia and make sure you have the latest drivers

and windows update and get any critical drivers.

and see if there are any patches for the games...

if you have 32 megs of ram on the video card, I would strongly consider upgrading if it isn't too much trouble.

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