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Found 3 results

  1. Let's share real world technical references of Macross variable aircrafts that we noticed I'm going to start with an oddball VA-3 Intruder Silhouette inspiration: A-6E Split feet design inspiration: H.S. Buccaneer S2B
  2. It's been a while since I've been on here, just moved into a new apartment and I started unpacking my Macross Collection. But I've always loved this community, so I'm back. If you were to pick a design from any Macross product (Show, movie, game etc...) To bring up to Advanced Variable Fighter specs, which one would you choose? I'll kick it off. I'd probably choose the VF-0, since it was the first, UN Varibale fighter to see deployment, It seems logical. That and the fact that it has the original feel with the more modern design cues, it kinda begs to be brought up to spec.
  3. Last night I was messing around with my Isamu YF-29 and thinking about some of the criticisms it's received for being very "Super Robot" like in many respects. It obviously has a lot of pointy bits hanging off of it and it's bristling with weapons. It got me thinking about the different weapon load-outs on all of the Valks and I realized that it took iterations from the 19, 21/22, 24/25/27 to eventually reach weapon load out parity with the VF-17. Something I found funny considering the 17 is about the opposite of the 29 in look (though no less pointy.) But look at it. The 17 has medium cannons in the forearms, the 29 has the high bore cannons on it's back. The 17 has the smaller cannons mounted towards the cockpit/chest. The 29 has smaller cannons in the wing roots which become the greeble bits on the hips in Gerwalk/Battroid. The 17 and 29 both have their main gun pods. They both also have rear facing light lasers as well. In addition the 17 has internal mini-missiles launchers in the shoulders. The 29 has the same. The 17 has internal room for heavier missiles as well, the 29 instead has more mini-missiles mounted to the legs. And that's before either of them have their Fast Packs mounted, which gives them both a lot more missiles. That's some pretty effective craft when you consider how little some of the other fighters carry. The VF-1 and 11 both only have their small bore lasers, gun pod and wing mounted missiles on their own. They seem positively defenseless. I thought it was interesting one extremely showy Valk and one very utilitarian looking Valk both wind up having very similar loud outs.
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