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Found 7 results

  1. Hey guys, I just got into this hobby and looking for about 20+ display stands. I know the ones people recommend yeti or flightpose but they are both sold out (Yeti seems to be discontinued) so I was wondering if you guys have any other recommendation? I don't want to use the standard display that comes with the dx chogokin because I read that they leave mark or scratch the toy. Thanks in advance!
  2. I happened to stumble across this bit of animation the other day and was wondering if anyone knew where its from!? It only runs for a few seconds but its still crazy awesome!! I noticed it runs a bit faster than normal whilst displayed here but you can still see it clearly enough..
  3. Not sure if this is the right place. Dug through my computer and found these interesting Macross items. I think the scrambled Valkyrie is a better remake of VF-1 than the VF-0. One could see hints of VF-11 too in the scrambled Valkyrie design. I don't know much about the Star Crusade. Anyone have more info on these two, especially line art or pics, could you share?
  4. I was going to send a link but the feature doesn't seem to work... See attached pix: (edit: not even the picture shows) Anyway the ISBN numbers are: ISBN-10: 4584205086 ISBN-13: 978-4584205082
  5. Hello MW Forums! As the thread title suggests, I have never built a model before and I am here to humbly request for some help. Because frankly, I have no idea where else to ask. To add to the challenge, my first model will be a Variable-Fighter. Bandai 1:72 VF-27 Lucifer to be exact. So yeah. An inexperienced person trying to build a complex kit: something is bound to go wrong. That is why I am seeking the wise model builders of this forum to aid me through my first journey. But that doesn't mean that I didn't do some research of my own. I've read MechTech’s Beginner’s Model Building, a good overall tutorial to understand the basics. I've also read/saw Jarrod’s fantastic review of his VF-25. I plan to transform my VF-27 frequently and treat it more like a toy than a model. So although I aspire to have the skills to create such detailed work like Jarrod’s, right now I just want to add enough details on my first model so it doesn't look like a cheap plastic toy. To begin with, I have 3 main questions: 1) Like the other VF-25 kits, the VF-27 model kit comes with both decals and stickers. Would stickers suffice or should I just take the time and effort of adding the decals? From what I gathered, the stickers are meant to be used for inexperienced modelers like myself. If I were to use stickers, I fear that they will eventually peel off after many transformations. I could try adding a top coat to seal the stickers, but then I worry about accidentally sealing the model in place with the sealant. One more thing, is it obvious that stickers are, well, stickers compared to decals from a distance? Although the picture is blurry, a stickered VF-27 doesn't look that bad: On the other hand, I fear if I chose to use the decals I will mess-up a few of them due to my inexperience. But there has to be a first time for everything. Do decals wear off easily over time? In the end, which one should I use as a first-time modeler? 2) Another question, how do you create crisp black lines for detailing seen in Jarrod’s VF-25 model? I did a little research and found some Gundam ink pens that are used to fill in the indents of their models, and any excess are wiped away. Which begs the question, how well does the ink stay if it can be simply wiped away? Is there another method for adding the lines? 3) Lastly, although the VF-27 model doesn't need paint (except the pilots), are there places or pieces of the model that you would recommend, or essential, to paint? A review from HobbyLink painted some ‘innards’ of the VF-27 with gunmetal. Simple, but effective at emphasizing the piece: In general, what should I be aware of when building the model? What must I do and what newbie mistakes should I avoid doing? Gah, I have so many questions! I know most of my questions should really be based on my preference, but I really don’t want to screw-up my first model. Call me a wimp, but I am not diverting from the instruction manual without any help. My kit won’t be arriving for another week, so I appreciate and any tips and tricks, even insults, that you would like to share before I begin my endeavor. Thanks!
  6. Hello guys. I´ve recently bought a vf-25f 1 / 72 Bandai. I would like to buy the Super Parts for this model but I have a doubt. are they removable?? I have seen some manuals that the armor must be assembled to the rest of the model and apparently can not be removed once the model is finished. can clarify this doubt? thank you very much.
  7. Can anyone of you guys help me out with some head scratchers? I heard Eva-04 was only lightly mentioned in the manga (not in my hands yet) and in the series, I haven't watched the series for ages and was wondering wether some wise guy knows where it was developed, and why and how and what happened to the silver monster? Was it mass produced? Was this the Russian Eva produced/researched type? Maybe it was another country that produced these, no idea. I thought the Eva-03 was american. Gah! Help please! Specifically wanted info on wether i should invest in buying the SOC/Revotech models. They do look cool, and i need an Eva to fit in my ultra secret sick fantasy of the only Eva-04 coming in to aid Asuka in her (Eva-02's ) dying moments during the Eva-05 rampage.
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