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Posts posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Well, if the Tokamak Fusion Reactor is any indication, a magnetic field would be necessary to hold it together. Otherwise, the plasma would dissipate. This doesn't contribute to thrust. Zentraedi, especially High Commanders, like Britai, are much tougher than humans. Especially since the Mauler seemed to do little, and the GU-11 was worthless. Even after that, he WALKED, unassisted, up the side of the ship in hard vacuum.

    Weight and shielding? First off, the ECA is strong and comparatively light. Secondly, the strongest parts of the frame would have to be in the engine nacelle; the weight is supported by them in all 3 modes.

    Fuel tanks? Look at the attached picture. Those things are either fuel tanks or coolant tanks.

    Explode? Fusion reactors, while unstable, are only so, due to proton bombardment and corrosion of the reactor's inner surface. If proper shielding could be made to prevent this corrosion... Look at the heat pile clusters in the Macross, every capital ship from there on, and in Mars Base. Fusion Reactors. My guess is OTec. And again, ECA. That stuff seems to be everywhere. We can harness the energy in a fusion reaction, we just can't sustain one without MASSIVE DAMAGE (Attack its weakpoint...) to the reactor.

    And doesn't it fry everything in its path? The way plasma dissipates would give it a heat range similar, though hotter towards the engine, as the F-14. We see people always away from the engines, so no one gets fried. No vehicles are near the engines. And when we do see someone near them, it's on the ground, in my theory's third, not-previously-mentioned mode, Reactor mode. This is when no thrust, whatsoever, is being produced, and the engine is simply sustaining nuclear fusion for power. This is useful for being in Battroid mode, when ground combat is most common, and no thrust is necessary, as the legs are hydro-electrically driven.

  2. I think it's pretty good! I just pick on the little things so much, people think I think it's not!

    And even without the speaker, the cabin isn't pressurized, so it's a soundless vaccuum in the cockpit. I always insist when a pilot is speaking, you're hearing his radio transmission. Even in real life, it's true.

  3. Well, it probably uses Hydro-nuclear Fusion to superheat the air in the combustion chamber for Air-ram mode. This would make sense, as the rounded shape of the turbine is necessary to accelerate Hydrogen atoms to high enough speeds to cause fusion. Also, the plasma could be expelled as exhaust, giving incredible amounts of thrust, generated by driving a magnetic field down the engine nacelle, forcing the plasma outward. This would explain the purple-blue exhaust of the VF-1. Superheated Hydrogen Plasma glows purple to blue. Bolly, I may have just cracked the riddle of Kawamori's sci-fi engine!

  4. Well, I like it... And my biggest problems were with the LQ sample... I just pick on the little things... And I mean, it does get annoying. If there were fewer lines with that effect, it woulda slipped right past. Moving on...

    Also, Cypher, those helmets are not at all fishbowly... The visor is, but... The mic's right there in front of your mouth, mounted where the respirator should be...

    Also, I've heard this effect elsewhere, heard other effects for this genre (and in fact this anime) of dub, and in my experience, this is something used before. It's a common sound effect.

  5. Dermeister: Well, the fighters most often modelled are part of the Skull Air Wing. It's the entire group of VF-1s based on the Prometheus and SDF-1. An air wing encompasses several squadrons, who have at most, 24 active pilots. During wartime emergency, like the entirety of Space War I, all pilots are assigned to active duty. This said, it would not be illogical for there to be 35 to 40 people per squadron actively flying, but for the hundreds of VF-1s seen to all be flying. We see the non-Skull VF-1A UN Guard models at Alaska Base. You never see the Air Wing Logo on any of the planes, save for the Skull Team planes. (Roy, Hikaru, Max, Kakizaki) They are the pilots in Skull Squadron, the namesake squadron of the Air Wing. Now do you see?

  6. Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm talking about, Cypher. It was then on in the LQ. It'll probably be rectified in the HQ, but I'm just pointing it out.

    The Helmets are too exaggerated. Like I said, hit up Roosterteeth to see what they used.

    In my experience, Roy's a drunken older brother. He's wise in his own way, and outwardly not torn up by war. His voice doesn't show the effects of a life of war, rather a life of piloting. The scratchy Roy in this makes me think of the former.

    All that said, it is Hikuro's production. Not mine. He does what he does, and I gotta accept it.

    That's my nickel. Beat that, Time Lord! :p

  7. I wasn't expecting much. I've seen some HORRIBLE fandubs before. This is a million times better than some of the ones I've seen.

    I didn't mean to offend, it's just that some voices don't quite capture the character's spirit properly. Same goes for Roy. He sounds like some 13 year old got sick and tried to speak with a scratchy voice. Roy's not scratchy! He's a half-witted, stuck-up nerf herder, but he's not scruffy-looking. He's supposed to be the cool guy everyone likes, not the gruff war veteran that lives down the street.

    And watch it yourself, Hik. The audio often finds itself running faster than the character's mouth. The Zentraedi lines seem to fit, but watching some of the human lines...

    His intro wasn't the only time you stuttered. "The-the artificial gravity's *indiscernable* s-screwed up!" I mean, I guess the lines could be construed as anxiety or something, but... Maybe they meant to sound that way, but sounded erroneous. I dunno.

    As for the static mic, you could put it in audacity and remove the recording's background noise.

  8. My problems:

    The audio's not sync'd well and it looks like a bad Chinese movie

    Roy's voice is too rough. Did that VA ever have to undergo tracheal surgery?

    Some of the lines (namely the Hikaru ones -_-) are a bit stuttered. For example, "The-the artificial gravity's *Indiscernable* s-screwed up!"

    Hikaru needs a noise-cancelling microphone

    The helmet effect is exaggerated. Ask the Roosterteeth guys how they got theirs.

    All of Roy's lines during the fight before their capture are indiscernable, even past the point of intoxication

    Max is too off-hand when he speaks

    Hayao is too... Um... Take Max, Roy, Hikaru, and a moron and put them together and that's his voice

    I mean, no offense to any of the VAs, but DAMN. I guess Misa, Claudia, and Minmay's VAs did good.

    On that note, Sammie's (I refuse to say Shammie) VA needs to speak up.

    Again, no offense, there's just a bunch of things wrong with it. From editing to recording to casting. Sorry if I sound harsh, but it's what I see and hear.

    Also, the Japanese subtitles for the Zentraedi make it hard to read the English ones.

    All in all, I give the LQ Sample a 5.231/10. Maybe the full version will be better. Some of the audio syncing can be traced to overcompression, so if it seems right in HQ, I guess that's ok.

  9. I see. Well, looking at the internals schematic of the VF-1 Battroid, it seems the entire engine assembly is in the lower leg. All that's in the upper is a second compressor unit, which I have no doubt is used for air ram mode, since it would double the compression rate of the engine, as well as work only in an atmosphere.


  10. I'm not gonna measure anything, anymore, if you're all gonna bitch about the units.

    ...And who says I'm not childish?...

    Almost all valks have backpack thrusters. I'm just saying that Gundams have foot thrusters, too. Not only backpack thrusters.

    March: Well, I dabble a bit in Robotech, where it's not considered an error, but an experimental version of the VF-1. So, I pointed out that Robotech fans call it the YF-1R. It's actually the fruit of 2 people animating the same scene, alternating frames. However, one was told to draw a VF-1J, the other an A. I'm pretty sure the one doing the J was right, but when they spliced the film together, it was a valk with a weird head and 3 cannons. In Robotech continuity, this is an experimental Veritech on a combat test, and it's essentially a VF-1J with advanced electronics, and a pulse cannon in the head unit.

    And on the final note I will speak on the subject, I never said anyone was wrong in that post. In fact, in some form of a technicality, no matter what you say, you're right. For example, if I were to ask what a VF-1 was called, and someone said Mark, they'd be wrong. There's no technicality for that. This person fails at life. END!

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