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Posts posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Actually there is some info out on the next Ace Combat game to be released, not a lot of details but here is what we know:

    Country A is a small peaceful country, that gets attacked by Country B. You play some unnamed pilot in A whose squadron does a good job with the initial counterattack... and then OMG Country B uses its super h4x weapon (built by some Belkan dude) to pwn all the planes of country A, so A's military falls back. Then you fly some random missions, and devise a plan to take down the h4x weapon... yea wohooo! Country B's trump card is down... then A's forces advances all the way to B's capital, and then: "CRAP OMG WTF" ... yep, another super weapon, which A's elite squadron promptly destroys by flying inside it. Finally, you fly into the sunset and AWACS goes like, "War is bad... mmmkay?"

    The end. B))


    But he said Macross.

    Details for Ace Combat Frontier:

    Macross Frontier is a small peaceful colonization vessel, that gets attacked by the Vajra. You play some unnamed pilot in Frontier whose squadron does a good job with the initial counterattack... and then OMG the Vajra uses its super h4x weapon (built by some Protoculture dude) to pwn all the planes of Frontier, so Frontier's military falls back. Then you fly some random missions, and devise a plan to take down the h4x weapon... yea wohooo! The Vajra's trump card is down... then Frontier's forces advances all the way to the Vajra's capital, and then: "CRAP OMG WTF" ... yep, another super weapon, which Frontier's elite squadron promptly destroys by flying inside it. Finally, you fly into the sunset and AWACS goes like, "War is bad... mmmkay?"

    Oddly enough, that's the synopsis for the entire anime...

  2. Mr March: Seeing as to how they are EM catapults, you could launch the VFs with different velocities so that they all arrive at roughly the same time, regardless of when they were launched.

    Except logic dictates that they would launch all fighters at the maximum safe acceleration, therefore giving maximum launch velocity. Faster, and the Gs cause harmful effects. Slower, and you've made the operation less effective.

    March: I call the lines that look like catapults catapults.

    Chrono: Nimitz classes have 4? I thought they only had 3...

    Drop chutes are pretty effective.

    So, here's what they did for TIEs in Star Wars: The hangars have launch arms that hold multiple TIEs, parallel to each other. TIE 1 leaves, then TIE 2, then 3, etc. Multiply this by the total number of launch arms in a carrier, and in theory, within the space of a minute, 100 or more TIEs can be launched from a single Star Destroyer. Recovery is a bit harder, as they must fly into a bottom-mounted hangar and let a docking arm attach to the top of the fighter.

  3. You know you've watched too much Macross when:

    You think about putting a rocket motor into the Dr Pepper can on your desk

    Your school binder's back half is filled with drawings of VFs

    Your Java program variables are named after Macross characters

    You're throwing your friend's birthday party 10 days early because that is the day!

    You make a video game trailer a Macross-ified version

    You MAKE your jet transformers transform into GERWALK

    You make a paper VF-1S into a fully-transforming version

    You randomly scream Trans! at shocking sights

    You scream Deculture 3 times in anger at the thought of the guy that beat you in a dogfight

    You think of an Arwing and X-wing (Star Fox and Star Wars, respectively) as VFs

    You would trade every GUNDAM model you own for the new VF-25F Alto or the VF-25S Ozma 1/72 Bandai

    You think constantly about the technologies of the VFs

    You made a theory that makes sense about the above subject

    You plan on getting your friends in the school band to get together and play a song from Macross

    You fear entering your room because the walls are white and the floor is wood

    You fear your cat because she's brown and white

    You fear pineapples

    You stay well away from your grandmother's upside-down cake (Even though it's amazingly epic)

    You have said yes to 7 or more of these

    You're growing a mullet to be like Roy Focker

    You never comb to be like Hikaru

    (Girls)You always shriek before entering the shower

    (Back to Coed)You still grieve over Roy's death

    You still grieve over Michael's death

    You dream about being elbow-deep in a valkyrie

    You know each and every easter egg in DYRL?

    You've spotted Appale Genki at least once in Frontier

    You'd sell your one good arm to play Ace Frontier

    You stay away from your father because he wears brown shoes

    You get a white car with red accents because you think it will get you 2 girls

    You realize your mistake of adding yellow to a white car in the hospital after crashing

    You could swear that flatbed truck's license plate said "ARMD-01"

    You wish YOU had that license plate number

    You decide to quit reading this and watch Macross

  4. I'm making a simple video from the Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation trailer. It's like someone's redux of an Ace Combat 5 trailer with Macross Zero footage. I'm making it with Macross Frontier filling in the gaps, however. I'll update this whenever I get through some more work.

    WIP: 12/01/2008

    WIP: 12/03/2008

    WIP: 12/04/2008

    WIP: 12/05/2008

    WIP: 12/06/2008

    Tell me what you think, so far!

  5. Well, I think GERWALK would work better than battroid, since the '51 folds up in all sorts of weird ways for Battroid, but just flips the legs and arms out for GERWALK. Just hover over the whatchit, docking arm, transform, docking arm pushes 51 into vertical position and retracts.

    As for the drop bay idea, how about Halo 3's Pelican drop bays?

    And who, might I ask, proposed storing VFs as GERWALKs?

  6. That docking arm never looked stable to me... Why do you think Harriers don't use 'em?

    Anyway, one of my theories from way back in SDFM is that the Artificial Gravity creates more or less a bubble of roughly 1g. This bubble happens to envelop the landing deck, since the weapons stores are all under it. The catapult is necessary to move it out of the bubble with enough speed to escape without drifting aimlessly down with the gravity flow. I made that up to explain why the VF-1s always went DOWN after takeoff in space. (Watch closely and you'll see what I mean.)

    GERWALK. Not GERwalk. It's the little things that get me...

    AFAIK, the SV-51 is called the Gamma or the Alpha, depending on the model. The team leader model's the Gamma, the cannon fodder, the Alpha. That's how I've always seen it. NATO Reporting name: SV-51 Vulture.

  7. Well, considering that VFs are designed as planes, should the need for aerial combat (And we see this in Frontier 12 and 13) is necessary. As such, landing gear are present for ground landings. On that note, the NMCs and the Quarter are also designed to work in atmospheres, and so have landing decks. The Guantanamo class carriers the 171s launch from would not work in such environments.

    GERWALK is entirely Acronym. (Ground Effective Reinforcement of Winged Armament with Locomotive Knee-joint) From there, I like the SV-51 in Gerwalk 3rd most. The 25 and 27 take up 1st and second, respectively. My opinion, though. Anyway, the SV-51 Alpha is the cannon fodder and the gamma is the S of the SV-51s. (Like VF-1S, VF-19S, 25S, etc) Let's see... Return... I'd say Gerwalk and land on a landing platform, where it is then clamped, it transforms back into fighter, retracts the wings, and there we go. (By the way, you mean ROV, not UAV.)

    No, you can't name it the Cormorant. It's named. Sorry.

  8. I liked the little nuances in the VFs. For example, Alto slaving Luca's RVF-25 to his Ex-gear. Or the VF-25's return to old having the legs and arms in the same position as in the original Valkyrie, and even looking like one, but still having all kinds of really, really cool modernizations.

    And on that note, I love civilian Ex-gear. Episode one, who remembers the catapult on the roof? I thought that was awesome. Wish I had an Ex-gear. *Drools*

    The smoothness of the "Shell-downs" that, in my opinion, blows the ones in 7 out of the... er... not water... "Who said "Shell-off? Shell down! Shell down!"

    Totsugeki Love Heart!

  9. @Fade: At it's weight, I'm not surprised it's displacing that much water. You gotta remember that the red section of the hull is the minimum displacement depth. Depending on what's loaded on the carrier at the time (Like the Prometheus's new, full load of weapons, VFs, and supplies), its bouyancy may increase or decrease. Though, now that you mention it, it seems a bit deep...

  10. Well, Hikuro, I finally got everything downloaded and joined. I watched it today, and I gotta say this: I'm crying.

    It's just that good, man. Sure, there were some sync issues (Hardest part, or so I've heard) and I wish there was less static in a few people's lines, but overall, best damn fandub I've seen. And besides, sync and fuzz are beyond human fallibility. I'd say this deserves a 10.12/10. You did damned good, and I'm really regretting all the bad things I've said. You done good. You made a guy who never gives anything above a 9 give a 10+. Good job.

    And that goes to all of the cast and crew, as well. Good job.

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