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Posts posted by westfall

  1. So far they only did the 2199 arc, which runs for 26 episodes + Ark of the Stars (which takes place mainly between episodes 24 and 25). No announcemet for a remake of season 2 has been made but the foundations are there, well established within the released material.

  2. That display Yamato is indeed 1/100 scale and in full 2199 version detail, right down to Okita standing inside his cabin. And there are actually 2 of them as it was spotted at 2 different venues in the same day. Unless it could actually warp, that's the only explanation. :)

  3. Just came


    1) TMI

    2) Well done on the Blu-Ray front. Myself, i still gotta get volumes 3, 5, 6 and 7 though i have all the episodes in all 3 formats + Voyage on hard drive. Wanted to get them now but with the budget buster that the Complete Collection is, they'll have to go on standby. :D

    BTW, for those wondering about the size of the 2199 Figuarts Zero figures, Yuki will be around 15cm tall, so around the same size as the 1/12 figures. Not too bad. :)

  4. I have the 2 1/12 scale figures of Yuki and Yamamoto and though smaller, and therefore more shelf space friendly, they are still a good size, not to mention in scanle with Bandai's Analyzer. The 5 figures that have been presented are quite nice and i have only 2 "complaints". Apparently that Yuki will be the first and is schedulled for release only in May... :( and, even though i hope more figures in the line will follow and i do love the character, why is Frakken coming out instead of Domel?

  5. Ooh, that's nice. I like my Yamato Nadeshiko's and she fits the bill twice over. But I'm struggling to remember her. Is she one of the bridge operations staff?

    At some point 'chubby girl' might just get her very own 1/8 figure :p

    She was actually cute... Pity the only scene where they actually show her face ended up with Makoto blocking her. XDDD

  6. Yamato 2199 - A Voyage to Remember is a compilation film so its not meant to be a cinematic masterpiece in terms of plot. If you want that watch the series. This is meant as a primer for those who haven't seen the series yet but want to get the jist of it before watching Ark of the Stars. The fact the movie ends as Yamato leaves Iscandar (with the rest of the voyage as an in credits montage) is not innocent, as it leads right in to the part of the story where Ark takes place. All in all, though the plot is striped to a minimum, the eye candy still makes it a good view. Even if just to spot those new cuts that were added. :D Believe me, i've seen movies that are a lot worse, even not being compilations. If you want a sci-fi movie with plot... stick to Interstellar or just power-watch the series. It only takes 10 hours to watch. :D

  7. Physical dimensions aside, the biggest error in Yurisha's figure is that neither her thighs or her chest are actually exposed on the show, those sections are actually covered by her body suit and are a lighter color than her skin.

  8. Can anyone tell me anything about this?


    Is it models or drawings/artwork of the mechanics? Does anyone have it? Is it worth getting?

    Its another modeling book, this one gathering articles published in Model Graphix magazine. Much like the 2 from Dengeki Hobby and the one from Hobby Japan.

    In terms of art books, the only ones announced is a book by PIA that will be released in late November and the Yamato 2199 Complete Works mega set. (In size and price)

  9. That sounds great! I love art books. How does one get all 3 books outside of Japan? Will the regular places like HLJ carry this (as a 3book set)?

    For now, its not possible. HOWEVER... Nobuteru Yuuki's art book was also a Japan exclusive but now its on retail with Amazon offering it for pre-orders. So there's always hope. And given i believe the delay in volume 3 relative to the others is in order not to spoil Ark, if a future retail release does see the light of day, it might be a 3 volume on the spot deal. :)

  10. Is it 2 books? (Vol 1 & 2) available Dec 6th 2014? with Vol 3. available in 2015?

    Wow, 21,990 Y that's a bit steep.

    Actually 3 books with a suplement of still unknown content). The 21.990 yen are for the whole collection, you buy the volume 1+ 2+ Box, available in december, and with it you get a voucher for Volume 3 + suplements which is sent to the publisher so they can send it to you later (early 2015). This only works within Japan, of course.

    As for the price, yeah, its a steep tag. But compared to the original series "Silver Books", from which this collection draws its inspiration, its actually a bit cheaper than people on the know expected. And it is the ultimate production materials collection so... it is out of most fans reach but if you can save enough to buy it, its totally worth it. :)

  11. What was the f**kup?

    Look carefully at the shots of Yamato during the torpedo bombers attack. Many people didn't notice it until i pointed it out to them but its an incredibly obvious fail... once you notice it. XD You're just so immersed on the action it just goes unseen. But once you see it you'll go "Wait...!!! Was it like that the whole time?!"

  12. From blogger August Ragone:

    NEW FOOTAGE FEATURED IN "VOYAGE OF REMEMBRANCE"! The upcoming theatrical feature compilation, condensing the 26-episodes of SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO: 2199, VOYAGE OF REMEMBRANCE, will feature several newly animated shots to enhance the story. Just revealed by the Yamato Crew website, and posted below, mostly involve scenes from the decisive Battle at the Rainbow Star Cluster! The film bows in Japan on October 11th, and will begin screenings in select theaters in the US, starting on October 24th in Los Angeles. Perhaps, there will be more new scenes to bridge the footage for this compilation, which will also be released on DVD and Blu-ray!

    Yamato Crew announcement: http://yamatocrew.jp/crew/info/140829-4


    Hopefully, this new scene will fix the massive f**kup that happened in the original episode 20 of 2199. XD

  13. Would it be better if it wasn't orange? :rolleyes:

    I'm curious to see what happens with the story now that the cool weapon of doom has been removed as a plot device. I don't see it as a negative, but as an incentive to find different solutions to complex problems in the story. The better episodes of 2199, and even the original SBY, always dialed down the effectiveness of the wave motion gun, or introduced some obstacle to keep it from saving the day.

    Ah, thank you. I thought that they were building to a Season 2 with the Comet Empire.

    Also, the Cosmo Reverser is not a neutering of the Yamato, it's the ultimate expression of completing it's mission. That being said, it does look a little silly.

    They are building the foundations in which to build season 2 IF they decide to do it.

    We know that Okita promised to Starsha not to use the WMG again but given he dies upon returning to Earth, and this new threat might prove even worse than the Garmillas, the UNCF either flat out breaks the promise or Starsha might be convinced to allow its use given the mutual threat of Gatlantis. So if season 2 is done, i'm sure WMG's will be back and once the CRS has done its job, there's no reason not to rebuild Yamato's.

  14. So does the new series take place between the last 2 episodes of 2199? Before they use the Cosmo reverser?

    It's not a new series, it's a movie. And it takes place in the 2 month gap between episodes 24 and 25. As for those complaining about the "plug", it's not a plug but part of the Cosmo Reverse itself as it was assembled where the WMG used to be. Even if what you call "plug" was removed, there would be no WMG to be fired as it was physically disassembled on Iscandar to build the CRS in its place.

  15. Big update at the 2199 Official Site and Yamato Crew.

    Most important, a new 30 second teaser trailer for Ark of the Stars:

    Next, the reveal of new cast members, a new key art illustration. and a revised story synopsis.


    "In 2199.

    After reaching its destination, Iscandar, and receiving the Cosmo Reverse System, Yamato prepares to leave the Great Magellanic Galaxy.

    But as they reach the outer edge of the LMG, it encounters a mysterious task force. The commander identifies himself as Goran Dagamu of the Gutaba Expeditionary Rapid Assault Force, under supervision of the Great Capital City, "Gatlantis", and he demands Yamato to surrender.

    Yamato wants to avoid the battle and hurry back to Earth but Dagamu's onslaught increases as he unleashes a power of a beam weapon capable of transcending space.

    The name of his weapon - the Impact Flame Gun. It is the latest weapon of proud Gatlantis.

    Yamato is saved in the nick of time by warping, but they wander into a different space bathed in a pale grey light.

    As if controled by an outside will, Yamato's rudder turns, and they are invited to a mysterious planet.

    Kodai, Kiryu, Sawamura, Niimi and five of Aihara's men descend to the planet to collect information. Once on the ground, they come across something that shouldn't be there, an ancient war ship (boat).

    Dagamu warps after Yamato by following its space wake, reaching the grey colored space. The planet shining in front of his eyes, where Yamato was invited, is the very treasure planet he had been looking for.

    Dagamu heads for the planet with his Flame Gun in order to burn the annoying Yamato."



  16. A while back, Nobutreu Yuuki posted a tweet where he announced he'd be releasing a book with Yamato 2199 materials at the upcoming Comiket 86. Having purchased a similarly released book with his works for SPC Herlock ~ The Endless Odyssey ~ Outside Legend (that's a mouthfull) i just knew we were in for quite a treat. What i couldn't even begin to imagine was...how big, no...HUGE...that treat would be. Yesterday, a press release on the (i believe) publisher's site, Anime Style, followed by Yamato 2199's Official Site, layed it out for us.

    For starters, it's not one book. But two. (Deja vu?!)

    Under the collective title "SBY2199 Nobuteru Yuuki ~ Collection of Original Pictures", the set comprises 1 color book with 392 pages and 1 b&w book with 502 pages, both B5 size. Yes, your math is not wrong. That's a total of 894 pages TOTAL. (And not that many with text) That's about as much as all the previous art books combined. The price? 8000 yen +tax. Yes, it's high but considering the treasure trove it is and the sheer volume of it, it's actually a bargain.

    Now, the hard part. This won't be available in retail, at least no plans are currently in place for that. It will be released on 3 separate venues:

    - First, at the aforementioned Comiket 86, which will take place from August 15th to the 17th. It will be sold with an exclusive bonus called "Collection of Color Original Pictures ~ Episodes 7 & 20 (B5 size, 12 pages);

    - In September, both Yamato Crew and Anime Style will released the set on their respective online shops and, like the Comiket 86 release, each will have an exclusive bonus. Yamato Crew will have 4 Color Reproductions, A4 size; while Anime Style will have a "Collection of Color Original Pictures ~ Episode 26 (B5 size, 12 pages).

    So, unless you manage to somehow aquire all 3, you'll miss something. But at least you'll own a remarkable piece of Yamato art. The press release can be viewed, along with a small sample of content on both sites below.



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