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Posts posted by westfall

  1. Both versions were basically the same, though in "Farewell", Andromeda has just taken off and Kodai's Patrol Ship inadvertently flies into her flight path. The scene is rather quick, while in Yamato 2 we have all that talk about who has the right of way, lasting a few minutes. And of course, the Patrol Ship is replaced by Yamato.

  2. 21 hours ago, TehPW said:

    It's not been fully determined that he dies... just that his jet is damaged.

    Well, he still made it to chapter 7 where most if the major character deaths will occurr, if they intend to be as bloody as the original. The rescue he pulls in episode 21 is Kato's true return to honor and Yamato.

    Still hoping they let him survive this time around. No twin brother BS, please.

  3. 17 hours ago, kalvasflam said:

    yeah, and the bigger question is why bother?  All those WMGs, and all they were against were fodder.  Guess I'll look forward to the subbed versions.


     I believe the fleet they attack is the Annihilation Missile fleet which is protected by the shield surrounding the cage. WMG fire wouldn't penetrate it. As a way to attack indirectly, Ginga's main weapon acts as an energy booster that overloads the seeded WM cores, causing a similar effect to that seen in episode 7. The powerless ships drift out of formation and the missiles' coliding cause a chain reaction that destroys the fleet.

  4. 4 hours ago, wm cheng said:

    Hey I'm starting to like that special Cosmotiger (I'm not sure what its called) but that awkward dark grey gangly fighter with all the huge oversized missile pods - does Bandai make a model of this?


    Btw - is anyone else getting this 0yen on all HLJ prices tonight? 

    No models of Cosmo Tiger I so far. If one comes out, it'll probably be as part of the Mecha Collection line, as Bandai seems to have abandoned the 1/72 line. And the 1/1000 line for that matter... all that we have are recolored ships, nothing really new. Gatlantis ships were totally ignored, a shame really. Aside the Nazca-class from Ark, they should have at least released a couple more kits. That's the most disapointing aspect of 2202, IMHO. With 2199 we got a compreensive line of models, plenty of artbooks and CDs. 2202 is a bust in that regard. No artbooks even announced, the 1/1000 had 4 new models (retooled Yamato, Andromeda, Dreadnought and Ginga). The rest were either recolored/repackaged versions of these or older kits or slight mods (Apollo Norm). The focus was shifted to the off scale Mecha Colle line which, although great, lacks the impact of the 1/1000 line. And we've gotten 1 soundtrack CD and 3 singles. By this point in 2199 we were already at 3 CDs and many more singles. And all that in a smaller amount of time since 2199 was already wraping up at this point while 2202 will go well over 2 years to be fully released.

  5. Given the statements made by Sanada and Kodai in episode 17, and how the story seems to be leaning towards Farewell rather that Yamato 2, Teresa might not appear anymore except in vision form. Sanada said she can't come to our dimension, as direct contact would result in our universe essentially collapsing, which is actually Zordar's ultimate goal. So if Fukui keeps that logic, she can't come over and end Zordar. Unless Ginga's transdimensional WMG field thingy can contain her and prevent contact. We'll be seeing that do some weird stuff tomorrow, after Kato and the Blackbird drones do their thing.

  6. 5 hours ago, TehPW said:

    I saw something on Facebook that looked like some kind of mod for the main guns, today... any ideas what that was about?

    If you saw ourstarblazers.com post, that's the second issue of a test run on a collectors magazine, with parts for a 2202 1/350 scale Yamato. This issue has the parts for one of the main guns. If the magazine goes on, the finished ship will be almost 1 meter long, mostly die cast and full of gimmicks.

  7. The dubbed version of Yamato 2202 will have to go on hiatus at some point. There are 14 episodes already out with 4 more coming out in Japanese theatres in May 25th, home video about a month after that. IF Funimation starts streaming 2202 right after 2199 ends (episode 26 will be released on May 2nd), best case scenario will allow them to release the episodes of chapter 5 from August 15 onward. This does allow enough time for the home video release to run its usual course. VVVVID.it usually releases the italian subtitled episodes at about that time frame (though they delayed the chapter 4 release for a month). But then, they either wait for chapters 6 and 7 to run their theatrical and home video course, and release each set of 4 episodes with an appropriate time delay (about 1.5 to 2 months after the home video release), or they split the series in half, release part one now and part two either after 2202 has ran its course or next year.

    As other people have stated elsewhere, Funimation hasn't made any announcement for a possible dub of the movies. Streaming those for a few weeks each would buy them some time. But if we take their spring release statement literaly, they will start streaming 2202 in less than two months, and have to make a decision by then.

  8. 23 hours ago, speed_dude said:

    If someone is interested to fansub them, I have eps 11-14 of 2202. (Yes, I know C-A normally subs them, but I find them too slow).

    I've provided C-A with the movie format so they start translation but they still need the actual episodes to time the subs properly. I usualy send them a copy of the episodes when they come out in retail but if you can help speed up the process, since I assume you've gotten an advanced copy, they can get it done quicker. Last chapter was about 2 months for the subs to come out, which was quicker than the previous releases. Can you provide a link to the episodes through PM? It would be greatly apreciated.

  9. 7 hours ago, UN Spacy said:

    Okay...just watched episode 9...question.


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    WHAT was that blue tunnel all about?! I understand Kodai wanting to save Yuki bit WTF was that?



    Supposedly, the collapse of Stravase created an unstable dimensional fault (dubbed in the subs as a gravity storm). Instead of making splat on the planet's surface, Kodai and Yuki, as well as the Garmillas ships, were sucked into it as the planet collapsed. The WMG shot caused the fault to re-sync with normal space. The planet was consumed in the process but the Type-100 and Garmillas ships were released.

    Or putting it simply, timey-wimey-quantum-stuff.

  10. 6 hours ago, wm cheng said:

    Any place to download the dubbed versions? hoping to get my young daughter into this.  How far along with the dubbed versions are they?  At what rate are they coming out and is there going to be an eventual Bluray release?

    Yes, but I doubt I can share the sites here. You should find them easily enough with a Google search, though. They're releasing an episode every wednesday night. No news yet about a Blu-Ray release of this version.


  11. From what's been gathered on a few blogs, the deal with the Gatlanteans in this version is...


    they're a race artificially created by some long gone civilization. Yep, much like the Zentraedi in Macross, they were made for war. After their masters disapeared (either on their own or by the Gatlanteans hands, it's still unknown), they set out to spread their view of Love. Their perception on love and other feelings is much different of our own, they may not even grasp some concepts, as Zordar tells Dessler that he wants him to teach Gatlantis the true meaning of "obsession" by giving him a chance to seek vengeance on his ultimate prey, Yamato.

    Another point is that all Gatlanteans are clones and apparently there are no females. How Sabera fits into that particular plot point is still unknown. She's either not a true Gatlantean or she's an aberration (maybe like what happened to the Moclans in episode 3 of The Orville). As an example, the young boy seen sparring with Zavival at the start of episode 10 is Goland's clone, probably meant to take his "father's" place.

    As for the suicide bombs seen in episode 9, they have been dead since the attack on Planet 11, much like Redrauz. Gatlantis seems capable of reviving their victims and then controling them. How this works is yet unknown. But it does raise some interesting questions. The biggest one at the end of chapter 3 is if Saito was actually killed after Nagakura's shuttle took off, and is now one of those undead, with Zordar waiting to activate him when the time comes. This theory comes from the fact that all he saw during the second Cosmo Wave was a dark shadow that resembles Zordar. But it might just be a misdirect. A lot of questions to be answered in the next instalments.


  12. On 25/09/2017 at 10:24 PM, Johannes Huber said:

    Sorry, I must have missed it (oh dear, I have to force myself to go back and watch ep 2 again;)...). Thanks for the correct:)


    To clarify, you're not totally wrong. The ship design was originaly from Yamato Resurrection, where the ship was called "Yuki". It's the cargo/salvage ship Kodai commands at the start of the movie. Makoto Kobayashi - who made the designs for Resurrection - took the design and made some slight modifications, thus creating the Kisaragi, commanded by Ota and seen in episode 2.

  13. On 29/07/2017 at 10:44 PM, skaianDestiny said:

    The hell are you talking about?  The Andromeda and Dreadnought launch and retrieve fighters the same way as the Yamato, ie through the ventral hanger door.  Are you implying that the Yamato launches her fighters from the side hanger doors even though they don't even connect?

    Apollo Norm and her sister have all their planes in the big hanger everyone makes fun of.  They have 12 openings, so they can launch 12 fighters at a time.  Andromeda, Dreadnought, and Yamato can only launch one at a time.

    I really don't see what's so challenging to understand.

    Have you even seen episode 5?! Guess not. If you had, you would've seen what the hell I'm talking about. 

    Apollo Norm launches fighters from the top hangar and from the side domes. They slide out and have 6 launch tubes pointing up and 6 more pointing down. So that's another 12 tubes. That makes a total of 48 launch tubes.  Given that aside the massive hangar on top, they're the same as Andromeda, there's a chance Andromeda has the same lateral launch system.

    As far as Yamato goes, I haven't implied anything. Didn't even mention it in that comment.

    So far we haven't seen either Andromeda or any of the Dreadnoughts actually launch fighters so I don't know where you're getting the idea that they launch them from the ventral hatch.

    Maybe you should actually see the episodes before becoming confrontational and getting in people's faces. 

    Here's a visual aid.


  14. On 27/07/2017 at 7:36 PM, skaianDestiny said:

    Same as the Yamato.  The 1/1000 models of the Andromeda and Dreadnought have an aft ventral hanger door.

    If they launch like those of the Apollo-Norm, then the ventral hatch must be to retrieve the fighters, as they would launch from the lateral domes. Each houses 6 launchers. Personally, I think it looks a bit ridiculous, especially the rate of launch of the fighters.

  15. On 15/07/2017 at 4:37 PM, skaianDestiny said:

    Because the entire point of the bew EDF ships is that they all contain Wave Motion Guns.  They had them in the original, and with the huge emphasis that has been placed on Earth using WMGs now there's very little reason to think that the cruisers and lesser ships won't mount them as well.

    The Murasame and Kongo class ships that make the bulk of the fleet don't have them. The E.Class is meant as a patrol cruiser, so there's no reason to assume that it has a WMG just because of the opening on the bow. And the similar ships in the original series didn't have WMG's. The emphasis on 2202 is on Earth breaking the promise of not using Wave-Motion Guns and using the Dance of Time to allow their proliferation. That is embodied in the A and D classes, which are the only ones we see being built inside the time anomaly facility, aside some Destoria-class battleships.

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