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Posts posted by westfall

  1. As for the unreleased material:

    I finished running through the 25 episodes of the show and tonight i'll go through the Deculture and Yack-Deculture Editions of episode 1.

    As soon as i have the time to do it, i'll sift through all my data and post my findings here.

    One thing i can tell you right now, a full BGM edition is totally possible. Ive got roughly 2,5 to 3 hours of music (discarding repeats and smaller cues that are part of the bigger ones). So even if there are some cues that are slightly bigger than what we ear in the show they can put it in 2 CDs, 3 tops.

    Another thing that surprised me is that the unreleased tracks make for the bulk of the music used in the show. I was surprised that some of the most known and beloved BGM tracks from OSTs 1 and 2, like Tally HO! or Reminiscence Trumpet (I'm talking about my personal taste here,) are almost unused. I had the feeling they were used A LOT more than they actually are.

    And as i had posted before, "Is this love?" is nowhere to be seen.

    Well, i'll leave my ramblings for the actual post wich i'll put up as soon as possible.

  2. I fly my Yammies around a lot... I just feel lucky to have an anime nut for a girlfriend. She at least understands it, though probably doesn't empathize...

    You're a lucky man. I wish there were girls like that in my city. But it's like looking for a drop in the ocean.

    Back on topic... sort of..., i expect my SDF-1 to arrive in the next couple of days. It will keep me occupied until the Quarter comes out.

  3. Umm... DYRL was an awesome the remake of Macross TV. ;)

    Anyone who thinks DYRL "wasn't that good" should get their head examined. IMHO. :ph34r:

    When i said they should do a remake of SDFM i was talking in terms of a TV series. I NEVER said DYRL wasn't good, it's a great film. What i said was the TV series was really poor and that a remake with with Frontiers animation quality would be awesome.

    that would be cool. provided that the original mikimoto designs would be used. MF character designs on the old crew just won't work for me. :p

    Yeah, they should keep the original designs. Just update the animation. The only things i would maybe change would be update the story a bit and the music. SDFM's music is not bad but as i said, put a Yoko Kanno soundtrack on it and i'll be in heaven.

  4. ...Wasn't Frontier a remake of SDF TV? :p

    I hate remakes. However, THIS is how remakes are meant to be made. RoE OWNS!

    I wouldn't call Frontier a remake. As a 25th anniversary celebration project it has A LOT of references to SDFM as well as to Plus, 7 and Zero. But its not a remake.

    RoE, now that IS a remake. And you're right, it's awesome. If only all remakes were done as RoE... :D

  5. Personally, if forced to choose one, i would choose DYRL.

    But what would be really awesome? A TV series with the animation quality of the movie.

    I know most people are against remakes but after seeing Macross Frontier and all that VF-25 eye candy, who wouldn't like a remake of the original Macross with state of the art animation? The original, with all its strengths is seriously lacking, going from standard 80's quality (for the most part) to flat out mediocre quality. I mean, i like it but sometimes... argh! it hurts your eyes.

    Same story (with just a few tweaks) + quality animation = awesome. Have Kanno do the soundtrack and i'll be in Macross heaven.

    It's part of my anime wish trifecta: SDF Macross remake + GITS SAC Season 3 + Akira TV Series (or OVA).

  6. OptimusX doesn't have the 4th disc of the remastered Macross Plus DVD box set, I do.

    The 4th disc of the LE remastered Macross Plus box set has

    Macross Plus trailers for the OVA, movie and PSX game,

    PSX game remastered video footage

    (basically just scenes from the OVA),

    begining and end credits from the OVAs and Movie,


    Shoji Kawamori documentary, where he gets to fly with in fighter jet to get a

    better understanding of flight combat.

    I posted the Shoji Kawamori docuementary as an .avi

    under the iMacross4 remastered Macross Plus folder.

    No translations were done for any of these videos.


    Yes, the updated remastered Macross Plus movie and OVAs retain their original menu structure.

    could you upload the 4th disc, please? For die-hard fans, its a must.

    Also, kudos for your work in More Macross Love, it's a nice "non-director's cut" and a good way for people to see some rare stuff like the game clips.

  7. Anyone else loving the track "is this LOVE?" as much as I am? I can't seem to get enough of it. I wish they would release more BGM!!!

    Funny thing is that track ISN'T even on the show. I just rewatched the whole series and will start rewatching again to make a "Track by episode" list, and i didn't ear it anywhere. I thought it was from the episodes that take place at Miyoshi Academy (Star Date and High School Queen) but not a sniff. Does anyone know where this is from?

  8. Yoko kanno soundtracks suffer from the fact that only some main themes are reused and each episode gets either new music or rearranged cues. This causes the amount of music unreleased to be huge. GITS SAC had 6 or 7 CDs out and still there's a wealth of unreleased material. Even the effort of fans that ripped unreleased cues directly from the DVDs and shared it i still managed to find stuff missing.

    I wish they would start giving BGMs the respect they deserve. Almost all song of Macross F have been released. Hey, i like the songs but give us the BGMs.

    If they don't want to risk putting money on a CD that might not sell (although i think it would), then released them for download, either on the official site or on iTunes, or something, in exchange for a DL fee. That way they still get money with only the expense of putting the music on the net, and we get all the BGMs we love. Think about it, people in charge.

    For now i'm stuck listening to unreleased tracks with either bad quality sound due to voice removal or with voices over them, it's still better than nothing, at least until someone comes up with a better alternative.

  9. Same here. I don't play with them, I merely display them. However the fact alone that my shelf is covered in them, is odd enough. XD

    Oh well.. Try telling others that each piece is a masterpiece & a work of art, costing no less than 200 bucks a pop - therefor them not being toys, but rather high end collector items? :p

    I predict an overpriced figure, costing $175USD complete with exploding shoulder screws ala DX. (kidding)

    Playing with them? Who would? I transformed my VF-0S once, just because if you buy a transforming toy you just have to do i, but other than that, it sits there on its shelf, looking awesome, 24/7/365. I do ocasionally hold it and fly it around - admit it, you do to.

    Even the model VF-25's won't be transformed often once they're assembled but since i plan on getting the whole Skull Squadron, i'll probably display a fighter in each mode.

    Alto and Michel's beg to be displayed in Battroid form (Michel sniping a tearget and Alto with Super Packs in Kabuki pose). Luca's in fighter mode with his Ghost (does anyone know if it brings the 3 or just 1?) and finally Ozma's in Gerwalk with Armored Pack - ever since i saw it in episode 2 in that mode, i fell in love with it.

    As for the SDF-1 and Macross Quarter, i'll probably display them in each mode for a couple of months and then, very carefully, transform them and display them like that.

    What would be REALLY nice would be for everyone to ha enough budget to buy 2 or 3 (depending on how many modes it has) of each. Hey, a guy can dream, right?

  10. I am a grown man who plays with transformable robot toys. What do you think? :(

    You are so right.

    And what's worse, if a woman ever made me choose between my "toys" and her, do i even have to ask who would win?

    My only hope is to find one that is as nuts about this stuff as i am. (I'm gonna die a very lonely man).

    Back on topic, i'm waiting for the SDF-1, and i hope what most of you guys say is true and i eventually forget about the expense. Even if i don't, i'm getting the Quarter as soon as it comes out.

    As a side note, does anyone know how big a Zentradi mother ship ("Nupetiet Vernigtz" or whatever they're actually called) would be at 1/5000 scale?

  11. Still hoping for a complete Macross Frontier BGM CD.


    I second that. So much other stuff they need to put out, including some mixes & remixes of the instrumental tracks that were cool.


    With me, that makes 3. And i'm sure thare are more out there who want a full BGM CD(s). The amount of unreleased material in Macross F is staggering and what's worse, some of the best tracks are amongst them. The Vajra's attack, the BGM meddley in the pursuit sequence in episode 2, and many, many more. Publish them already, enough with vocal compilations with the nth version of Aimo. GIVE US YOKO KANNO'S BGMs NOW!!

  12. 3)...and the mystery set of which I have not found any pictures of: BAN956045

    Can someone save me from utter ignorance and confusion please!!? :mellow:

    that mistery set is the HGIF set 2 wich comes with Michel in school uniform, Alto in school uniform (WHY?) sitting down, "Ranka and Sheryl as in the cover of the Lion Single" + "Ranka and Sheryl as in the cover of the Lion Single color variant".

    Quite frankly, if i only get Michel and "Ranka and Sheryl as in the cover of the Lion Single" i'll be happy, the color variant is just pointless (as in the 1st set BTW) as is another figure of Alto in school uniform.

    Rather they had Luca, Nanase, micron Klan, OZMA, Kathy, Grace, Leon, BOBBY,Canaria, Captain William, the Quarter controlers, etc. etc.

    There are so many great characters they could put out instead of wasting our time and money with silly color variants and the same character in new position... come on. If they wanted to put another Alto out why not in his flight suit, in EX-Gear or, just for the fun of it, in his Kabuki costume? Step up and give us more characters instead of repainted ones.

  13. The Bandai set (8pcs) has just been shipped to me by HLJ. Hope i'm as lucky as with HGIF set 1 in wich i only got 1 repeat Sheryl and missed Brera.

    In this one the stats are better, each set has 8 packs wich means you will get at least 2 repeats but since you have 8 chances to get 6 figs instead of 6 to 6 as in the HGIF, the odds of getting the full set are better.

    Alto in SMS uniform and Klan are the ones i want most, next are one of the sheryl's and ranka, and i won't mind that much if i miss the 2nd Sheryl and the Nyan-Nyan mascot.

    Of course i get the full set i'll be a very happy fella.

  14. I'm translating the english subs to portuguese and until now AonE's subs, wich have been used by Blinx'01 in its upload of vol. 1 to 4 at asiandvdclub, seem to be the best. Still i've tweaked a lot of stuff.

    Where i still find myself compromising a lot is when it comes to military terminology. Ozma for example, is a Major in terms of rank and a squadron leader or flight commander in terms of position within Skull Squadron. In english using leader is good but in portuguese the word "lider" is used in other instances wich makes me call him "comandante" (commander). And the old Captain conumdrum, its a rank but its also the name given to the officer that commands a ship. Some fansubs call OZMA a captain but he is "Tai-sho" wich translates better to leader or commander, captain would be "Kan-cho".

    As for the "-chan" and "sempai" i'll just leave them. no matter how you translate them it never feels right and this way you get a more authentic flavor.

    I've already translated 5 or 6 episodes and i'll use these subs with the BDRip by [QYQ] to make my own DVDs. Biggest project i got my hands on yet. That is until i start Gundam 00, that will be the death of me.

  15. glad my wild theory about HLJ's pre-orders was correct.

    Just pre-ordered the super-pack and a couple SMS action bases.

    I think i'll only get Packs for Alto's VF-25. Luca's VF is a very different design and will look good as a stand-alone along with the ghosts - has anyone confirmed the number of ghosts that will come with it? - and hopefully an Armored pack will come for Ozma. That will be really sweet, i love the armored.

    IMO Alto's is the one that gains the most from having the Super Packs attached. Maybe in the future if Michael's VF looks too "naked" i'll get some for it too but for now 1 Pack will suffice.

    Save some cash for the Armored and for DX Macross Quarter. Not to mention i just bought the WHAM 1/5000 SDF-1 Movie Color at HLJ. I resisted for as long as i could but it won.

    Am i rambling? Guess so. LOL.

  16. I'm not sure if this is the case with the new kits but i'll keep my eyes open at HLJ. When Luca's VF first appeared on the site it also had the indication "ORDER STOP" but when i went back a day or two after pre-orders were open. has anyone seen the pre-orders enabled? if not, it might just be the case of having something new posted on the site and, to allow people to know its there, they post it with "ORDER STOP" and leave it that way for some time and then start allowing pre-orders. I sure hope that's the case. But even if it isn't, the way these babies have been selling, i'm sure Bandai will re-stock quickly.

    On another topic, does anyone know if the Alto Costum VF-25 that comes with Super packs is different in any way from the original release or will it be the same exact model except, of course, having parts to build the Super-Packs? I already have the Messiah so i'll probably only get the stand alone Packs, but if there are differences, enginearing wise, to the model, i might have to start thinking of buying the bundle.

  17. i´d rather buy a model if the quality is on par with the VF-25's but if DX is all that comes out i'll probably grab one.

    IF it's really 40cm long. The only reason that i haven't bought the reissued 1/5000 SDF-1 is because it's just too damn small.(Not to mention, from what i've seen on a video on youtube, quite flimsy despite having diecast parts.)

    Bandai shoul just step up and give the fans a good quality transformable model of SDF-1, Battle Frontier and Macross Quarter ( would asking for Battle Galaxy be too much?), along with some other ships. Who here would't buy a Zentraedi Battle Cruiser if it was 40 or 50 cm long? They've proven they can do it with the Messiahs. Sure, Gundams are their bread and butter but Frontier's models have been flying off the shelves. COME ON, BANDAI, GIVE US THE GOOD STUFF.

  18. I got my VF-0S this week from HLJ and is in perfect shape, nothing broken or missing. I have one problem though. How in space-fire do you get the intake covers out? I tried pushing them like it says in the instructions but none of them moves. Any ideas???

  19. He he these things pop up regularly at MW

    I have all of them (well all the ones I have ever seen ) as big avi files they are cool to watch even if you dont speak any Japanese.

    where you get them?

    I would like to know that too. Seing them on youtube is nice but having a better quality avi files would be awesome.

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