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Posts posted by nexxstrait

  1. You didn't read back more than a page, did you? There were plenty of us who were put off by the horrible dialog and gross overacting that plagues just about every scene that doesn't involve robots fighting monsters. The scientists are flat out horrid, and ruin every scene they are in. And it takes some [sarcasm] real directorial talent [/sarcasm] to get a sub-par performance out of Idris Elba, but somehow del Toro managed to do just that.

    We have seen two different movies then

  2. My eva connection is the mind syncing. Now if they make kaiju+jaeger, then they have to sync with a monster. The other curious thing :

    Before pentacoswhatever blew up, he said "you can find me in the drift".

    Will his consciousness be floating around somewhere? Can they put it in a kaiju so it will still kind be syncing with another human until it goes "berserk"?

    nah, it's just the "memories" part he was referring to.

  3. Apparently yes, according to Kotaku:


    That sounds really awesome. Unfortunately, in my theatre, it was dubbed over, so it looked really weird and out of sync, and totally lost its intended effect.

    This is a must-buy Blu Ray for me, whatever special edition gets released. I do hope the line above doesn't get dubbed over.. and would it be too hard to wish for a Japanese track too?

    In Italy that scene is definitely in Japanese with subtitles. Mako says something in Japanese to Pentecost and Raleigh responds in Japanese. Don't know why they dubbed it over in English. Perhaps they thought it may have been too much for the "average person"? Bah...

  4. Wow! I thought I was done after the Macross Frontier Bandai renewals... but this sucked me back. Gotta get at least one though - hopefully without the markup and drama! It really looks great - I can't believe how far they've come from the v1 VF-1s.

    Well, we gave them a lot of funds to develope their skils :p

  5. Saw it

    What I liked:

    • The robots. They were better than the whirling piles of garbage the Transformers were in the live action movie series.

    What I DID NOT like:

    I think you also missed The Genius Idea of the Anti Kaiju Wall. An X-tall wall (5 years in the making) to keep out monsters. Hoping they cannot fly. Which they do. Oww

  6. I think probably a lot of the Yamato fans feel like I (as a Hasegawa fan) feel: It is pretty frustrating to see people gush over the Bandai VF-1, act like there were no modern VF-1 kits or modern transforming Valks on the market until Bandai swooped in to save the day, or go on about how gorgeous the kit is and how amazing Bandai's engineering is. To me, the level of love the kit's receiving from its fans seems more than a little undeserved - and I swear, some of these folks must be showering the kit with love just because it came from Bandai... I can find no other explanation. :)

    As much as I love the VF1 Yammie (but I still prefer the 1/48s over the 1/60s v2), the neck thing has always bothered me along with the huge side gaps later patched with side covers which should have been there in the first place, and some other nitpick things. Don't get me started on exploding shoulders, no one seems to remember that thing was an ominous design flaw (when and expensive toy bursts into pieces after the first transformation, praises are the last thing that comes to my mind). When the VF1 hi metal came out, I had hopes for a 1/60 version as I liked it much more than the Yammie (proportionwise).

    So, to everyone its own, no nedd to fight among us!

    I like to build Macross models and I'm eager to get my hands on mine and start building it.

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