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Posts posted by logos

  1. There is obviously a problem with the material used for the 1S run or it`s something to do with the shoulder being to tight (stressing the hinge while moving the shoulder). It`s the same hinge that is being used on the 1A as far as I can tell nobody has been reporting problems on the 1A which is supposed to have a looser shoulder.

    I just hope that once I get the replacement parts they don`t have the same problem.

    Does anyone who ordered replacement shoulder hinges know if they came with decent instructions for the replacement?

    Also does anyone know what the part numbers are for the left and right should assemblies? Overdrive says they are supposed to be in the manual but I have the manual at work (where I appreciate my 1S) and I can't check to confirm.

  2. I treat my VF-1S like a pampered princes there is no way I should have a shoulder crack....but guess what, checked my VF-1S today and cracks on BOTH shoulder hinges! Argh! Guess I am going to have to dig into my manual and find the part number for those pieces so I can order them from Overdrive tomorrow. They aren't broke yet and I thought I was treating them gingerly....... this makes me so fricken mad! Hopefully this won't cost me more than 20 bucks for parts and shipping then.

    FYI I love this toy but for $100+ this breakage really pisses me off!

    I am so waiting on the VF-11B now to see if anyone reports any problems.

  3. I wonder if they will come out with a version without the fastpacks? I like the VF-11B but at $269.4 Can (with shipping from Overdrive) I think I can live without them if it cut at least 30-40 bucks off of the price. I only spent $190 with shipping for my YF-19 last year so that's a bit steep. That or I need the Canadian dollar to start getting back at parity with the US green back again. And I don't see that happening unless we hit above $80 a barrel oil again. :unsure:

  4. I imagine that if the destriods turn out well for Yamato (I just purchased the OD Tomohawk and Defender) we are going to see the enemy Zentradi mechs next. God I would love a 1/60 Glaug and the Regult in the same price range as the destroids.

    Anyway all I want to see from Yamato is a VF-0D.... oh and in blue if they don't mind!

    Now I just have to justify purchasing a VF-11B. I took me 4 months on the destroids. Lets see $187.99US + $39.20US shipping now convert to Canadian funds....$269.4 Can............Ok just got over my heart attack...........ah what the hell my niece that was just born tonight doesn't need a present..... :mellow::wacko::unsure:

    God I suck. :lol:

  5. Kind of like the yellow from that picture. The Rifleman..uhm..Defender looks a bit more dark and dirty than some of the other pics (so hopefully it is just camera flash making it look lighter in color than it actually is). Assuming I finally get my Warhammer..uhm..Tomohawk (Please ship already!) and I like it I'll get this one too. Now I just hope that there is an Archer..uhm..Spartan and a Marauder..uhm..Glaug coming out soon as well. It would also be awesome if they brought out a 1/60 Reguld.

    Damn can anybody tell that I want to dust off my old Battletech stuff and start playing again?

  6. I always thought it was I kind of brown like the tomo but maybe I am wrong. I would love to see the Rifleman/Defender in black though but maybe that is just the battletech nerd in me. Looks cool though even in yellow. Now I just have to get the Spartan. Did anybody ever find any pics on that one?


  7. from a thread on toysdailly




    Ohhhhhhh myyyy gooooooooodddddddd! Just kidding. Cool picks! Wish it had some more ground crew, especially for the price. Ah who am I kidding all I am going to do with those little figs is figure up interesting ways to show them being crushed!

  8. Well it's September. Anyone know (roughly) what day Tomahawk is releasing on? I had one on preorder but had a wallet crunch because I picked up some flexi stands and a Sony PRS-505 digital book (which is the cat's ass by the way!) and now I am officially back on Ichiban for awhile. If the Tomahawk does not come out till the end of the month I might be able to get enough scratch together.

  9. After watching ep 22 last night that would so be yes. And I want it in Alto colors with the fast packs. Like Graham said we probably won't see a 1/60 version though, which sucks as I am looking at getting all the Macross line in 1/60 only (except for the SDF-1 of course).

  10. Is it me or does it look like there is weathering on the the 1/48 D in those pics? If any Valk of the 1/60 Valks came out with I weathered scheme I would so buy it. Weathering just makes it look better as far as I am concerned. Oh and because I can't help myself...pic.


  11. Sweet pics logos. Do your co-workers dig it?

    Ah you noticed that was from an office.

    A guy 4 cubilcles away from me has starwars stuff displayed in his office so nobody says anything except the shop guys. I check'em if they do so they've learned. The only person who is really interested in them is the resident old fart who is a WWII plane fanatic (he thinks the P-47 is the greatest plane ever made). He is also into Starwars. He looks at them everytime he goes buy and sometimes comments that the wings are too small and they will never fly and I gust laugh and shake my head.

    Pics are ok. I took them with my KAZR so they could be way better. Here is another one just for S&G.


  12. Finally got my 1/60 Scale VF-1S Roy Focker with the super packs and I love it! Hands down the best in initial product quality (from my limited experience). I love the way that it feels so solid in my hands. My only grip is the bloody hip bar (and from this thread apparently I am not the only one). Got a feeling that one of these days I might break it but considering I will only probably have this Valk in Fighter and Gerwalk mode it's fine. It looks so awesome in those modes!

    My only grip is now I am going to have buy the VF-1J now too. There goes that Tomohawk I was going to purchase....

    Quick question as well. How does the cockpit/nose come off? Can't figure out how it goes and if I buy a VF-1A or J I want Hikaru saving Roy this time!

    Included a couple of pics. One has my new valk and the other I included for fun. Now I only need the 1/60 from Frontier and I can hopefully stop for awhile......who am I kidding!



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