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Posts posted by Zentrandude

  1. Thus the reason Sony TV's have the most over-driven red of all.  It sells.  Redder+brighter=better (to the masses), and even service mode adjustments can't get the red down to "normal" on most Sony TV's.  I remember years ago it took forever to convince my dad to get a Toshiba TV, and not the reddest one in the store.  (This was back when Toshiba and Sony alternated every few months as to who had the best tube TV's).  And he was very much set on the absolute reddest one they had (a Hitachi I think), with about 1/2 inch visible bleed of red into all surrounding colors because it was SO bright.


    I know what you mean by that. when I was younger back in the 80/90s I taught california must be realy sunny becuase all the actors looked sunburnt being all red.

  2. So in that way, it'll be similar to the PS2's position in Japan. Except, unlike DVDs, not everyone (or very many people at all, I suspect) will be wanting Blu-Ray players.


    But they'll get them.

    Unlike HD DVD in which...the average person won't go out and buy an HD DVD player at $500 nor would they at $300, nor $250, nor $199 if they have their $39 DVD player from China that's basically a drive in a plastic box.

    But tell them they get a new High Definition disc player in addition to the game console they just bought included that they can use if they get an HDTV? That is the way to win over the public.

    I don't think the 2 new formats would ever take off like DVD did, but one has a way of becoming the new format in a way the other wishes it could. Stand alones and add ons for something the average joe won't see as a major step up from DVD? Nope. Trojan horse it into something average Joe is gonna buy anyways? Yep.


    wait till 2008 and see what walmart puts out for 20 bucks and we will find the winner.

  3. all kubrick films blow, suck, lick, bite and eat ass.

    they are just plain bad.

    blade runner is a take a nap kinda film, akira was crap too.

    blade was a b- at best

    star wars 1-3 asstacular example of hoe to be a chocolate thief

    titanic eats it raw

    dr. strangelove is not funny

    woody the pedophile allen blows the homeless

    casablanca can stay in the shiteville library

    i find that most classics chew upon the anus of rabid baboons depending on the viewer.


    Its the last song weird al sings before he dies from od after taking 5 pounds of crack.

  4. I hated Sin City. I thought it really wished it was film noir buit completely failed at what film noir is. You can tell it's not going to pull film noir off in the first minutes.


    I didn't liked Sin City too but my reasons was It tried too hard to tell eveyone's story and ends up being too much work too follow whos alive and whos dead. Bad Story flow

  5. This is a sad, sad topic.  Consider the potential for destruction there is in this world and the morons in charge...

    Ugh, I don't wanna think about it.


    LOL, I'm sure you'll be just fine. :rolleyes:


    Yeah, I'm over it. :lol:


    liar. you want to buy my bunker. 10million dollars very cheap ;)

  6. It's a bad sign when someone keeps telling you to wait, and wait, and wait.  It tends to be that they're trying to scam you by making you wait past the day limit thing so you're screwed if you file a complaint.

    At least with a MR lightsaber you can't cut yourself like with a real sword (like having an accident while cleaning the blade).  Real guns make loud noise, can hurt your hand and wrist from recoil, covers you in gunpowder so you stink, and then you have to clean it.  I prefer the toy world. :D  Imagine if you swung your real lightsaber wrong and cut your hand off, or a chunk of your head, or something like that! lol


    What? your not my son :p

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