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Posts posted by Zentrandude

  1. I wish Shatner and Hasselhoff would make a movie together. That'd be kickass.


    Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

    I think its the only movie that both are in.


    Was Shatner in that? I guess it's the ultimate movie then. Come to think of it with that movie you get Hasslehoff, Shatner and Chuck Norris. :blink:


    But no Vin Diesel or Mister T.


    God himself would envy the power of the movie if those two was in it.

  2. I liked this movie alot. Im now a fanboy. Sign me up for scientology!!!

    Then tom cruise woke up.

    Tom: dam it was all a dream. One day I won't make a good movie suck like back in the 80s/90s when I was a real movie star.

    What also pissed me off is when they where captured and tom cruise manages to feed it some hand grenades. The pod drops the cages full of human filterlizer and from that high up they should be dead even if they landed on a tree. Also the van working, I swear I heard the mechanic say he didn't replace any parts yet but yet its working now.

  3. I do like the ship designs look differnt alliance looks pretty high tech and clean, firefly looks generic and old, and reavers spikey with nice skeleton accessories. Can't figure out how reavers manage to get a huge ship like the ones the alliance fought against in the movie. They are all from one spot. ;);) .

  4. Never had a tab broke on the model before the joints exploded, but I do recomend sanding down the polycaps. Think those things expand due to temp diffences in the day/night cycle and pop goes joint.

    Also the foil stickers don't stick too well. best to paint it.

    edit: heres a pic of one of the joints from the model kit after some digging into my spare parts box.


  5. Wesker your avatar gave me a headache!  :wacko:


    He's not even supposed to have an animated avatar. Roy will delete it once he sees it.


    Exactly, which is why I have been branded with this custom title like some others. :p

    Someone should send that crab from Crab Battle to take out Uwe Bolle.


    Guess I was lucky. I just got the 3 day vaction.

    Back to topic.

    Yah the Illuminati-type group is very b movie style. it does has some quirks.

    If he made the movie based on the first game what do you think would Uwe use?

    A. the metal gear


    B. the super computer with big boss running around in circles.

  6. Gotta agree with SD on all his points about Anna Lucia. Then again wasn't she LAPD? ;)

    LOL! Hurly has been on the island for almost 3 months and he hasn't dropped a single pound! Last night we saw the prelude to a romance with the blonde shrink, more evidence that the show is going to be more dramatic versus the edge of your seat mystery. I hope that is just premediated bitching, next week looks like a good action packed episode.


    More than that, I think hes gaining more weight. must be the dharma initiative additives in the food in the bunker.

    I hope in the future arntz comes back from the million peices of flesh when he blew himself up and starts haunting hurly with his "pleasent attitude". :lol:

  7. For char development. Im waiting if they make the guy who plays hurly to lose weight. He can't be fat forever :lol: they might have to write in a script that a cargo plane full of food crashes on the island as they go on living there.

  8. So, thoughts, comments on last night's episode?

    This island is just too much! Now that plane just happend to also have something to do with Mr. Eko? And why did the black smoke not do anything to him? What the frell is happening to Michael? Is he going crazy already or is Walt really chatting with him! Damn them for not letting us read what Walt replied to him!  <_<


    I liked that the plane was linked to eko, my only gripe about it was the choice in planes. A small 2 engine shouldn't have the range to cross the pacific ocean and would it be more logical to head east to the asian drug markets or head to the west coast of africa and grab a bigger plane to cross the atlantic to south america then head up north.

    Michael is nuts and im guessing infected with those things. the doctor looked at the screen and it was blank when they was talking. Plus I don't think micael knows enough about computers to use cls command.

  9. There are VF-1s with green highlights like Hayao Kakizaki's VF-1 in DYRL?. There are a few un-official paint schemes out there which have green camo painted on and another with green highlights.


    He Dies :lol:

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