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Posts posted by Godzilla

  1. Well what do you guys think when they ever issue a VF-1D? And Minmei and Hikaru in civy flight suit gummies? :p

    Actuallly I like the TV flightsuits. The DRYL is just too flashy. I would like to see a gummy pack but wouldn't that be too much for Yamato? As much I am being obessed with the VF-4, I don't think a 1/48 one will happen. The reason why I dont like VF 1/60 because some detail is missing like the catapult piece, opening canopy, etc. The 1/48 has the detail we see from the TV and movie versions. We don't have to replace the cockpit canopy piece with the cover, the gun pod fits snuggly without touching the ground, removing the legs to transform it, etc.

  2. Bah. I'm a RT fan but I already have the DVDs and seen the story. Since my interest in RT has been lessing I see no need to buy this. Not worth the money in my opinion nor my time.

    I agree. I am in the same boat with you as well. I also bought the Digitally remastered Macross. I think it is more entertaing than Robotech. Problem is that I grew up on it. The more I look at Robotech, the less interested I am. Macross on the other hand, my interest has been growing after seeing some of the new valks. Then I find out I can get a better valk from Yamato than Toynami. I got the whole collection since it was bigger than the 1/60 yammie. After the 1/48, I can never go back. :D

  3. I'll obsess about hoping what they will release! ;)

    Knudge-knudge wink-wink VF-4 knudge-knudge wink-wink :D Oh do I wish! :lol:

    Me too friend. Me too. This is where we pray to the yamato gods. ;)

  4. Another Sith hint of the Day,  B))

    Are there any better and bigger scans of that page?

    It's not a hint or secret. I've stated many times on the forums that all of Yamato's future new transforming VF toys after the 1/48 would use CAD.


    If that is the case, I hope the VF-4 is in the works.

  5. Man, I have a list way too long for this board on this category. Many are already mentioned.... Ice pirates, Battlefield Earth, Matrix Revolutions... Anybody remember that Sci-Fi movie starring David Hasselhoff where I remember one scene this guy calls out to his mothership to stop "time" so they all can escape from the planet before it blew up. Now that took the cake.

  6. Well, I here is what I have:

    Robotech Battlecry (Not too bad but gets boring but it the first game to fly the VF-1)

    Starwars: Rogues Squadron II (finally on level 6)


    Madden NFL 2003

    Nascar Thunder 2003

    Games I would like to get for the GC:

    Madden 2004


    2003 All-star baseball

    Mario Cart

    Starwars Rogue Squadron 3

    Wallace and Grommit

    Spyhunter 1 and 2

    I will skip Medal of Honor because I have the series on PC.

  7. ...(*speaking on the subject of T4)  Ok so a movie that will have the plot to destroy Skynet using futuristic lasers and terminators. Well crap... there goes the neighborhood... mindless shooting and destruction movie? [sarcasm]Oh fun and joy. [/sarcasm]

    *added by Agent ONE

    So Aliens was just a movie about killing bugs?... Saving Private Ryan was about just finding some dude in the battle field?... The Bible was just about nailing some dude to some wood?...

    You symplify anything to make it sound stupid. T4 has some awesome potential... it was serve as both a sequel to T3 and a pre-quel to Terminator. A flim has never served the purpose of BOTH those things, ever.

    Look I didnt ask to get flamed and it is freedom here on the boards for me to speak my opinion. If you like t3 fine and you expressed it. I have my damn right to express my opinion on the movie like you did. I also have the right to express my speculation.

    Saving Private Ryan was more than saving a man, it was actual history incorporated. It was a better movie than T3 hands down. Even though it was fiction, it showed the life how it was in WW2. I know b/c I talked to some of the vets at the Veterans Adminsitration where my mom worked there. They say it was exactly how it was. To me that was powerful scene in the first 30-45 min of the movie where they landed in Omaha beach.

    On T4, I am talking about what kind of plot they are going to add? What send another terminator in the past? Oh wait, there is no past because we are at the future err present... um you get the gist. So we show the war, like that we havent seen bit and pieces of it in all 3 movies. The plot is getting old simple as that. Sure some of you are die hards so you will like it. I am just saying like I haven't other sci-fi action film that will be like this. The future, saving man kind yadda yadda yadda, ok seen it, need fresh material. Just like Matrix. Movie one was great... the rest... you guess how I feel about it.

    Frankly, I am just BORED. Movies are getting old. Hollywood needs some fresh material instead of going into comic books, video games, and remakes. (I will refrain my soapbox there as well). And like this year was enough of the man vs machines movies. Gee like we had the movie year of Asteriods hitting Earth movies or the the disaster films like Volcano, Twister, Dantes Peak, The Storm, Titanic... the themes are getting old. Once Saving Private Ryan came out then we had Thin Red Line, Pearl Harbor, Captain Cornelious (whatever the movie with Cage and Cruz), Windtalkers, U571 (Can we see the theme here?). And now we have remakes like the Italian Job (which wasnt bad), Swat, Shaft, etc. You just see the reoccurring theme and it OLD.

  8. I just saw it last night since my friend bought it. All I can that Kristen Lokken (sp?) is one hot babe but overall the movie sucked. I think the plot of T3 or for the series is worned out. Oh gee we get to see the "future"? The plots in 1 and 2 was decent. Sure some things could be better but they were better than T3. Glad I did not buy the DVD nor see it in the theater. OH gee T-101 has to protect John's wife. Same plot that is getting old now we not only protect john conner but his wife also. the TX failed the mission b/c it only killed 4 of the 22 lieutenants. And now T4 is gonna be like what? The war against the machines. Ok so a movie that will have the plot to destroy Skynet using futuristic lasers and terminators. Well crap... there goes the neighborhood... mindless shooting and destruction movie? [sarcasm]Oh fun and joy. [/sarcasm]

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