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Posts posted by raptormesh

  1. It's funny how many people thought that when it was released. I on the other hand thought it was awesome! :rolleyes:

    I agree, they should do an exclusive on all of the other destroids including the cheyenne. I would gladly jump through all the hoops to get one of each at a minimum.

    If exclusive you meant available via HLJ and other HK shops then count me in :p.

  2. While I don't think I like the gap, I guess it's necessary to get enough room for the feet to move up and down –and even to open- in fighter mode.

    It does look like Bandai has addressed all the shortcoming of the DX 25. And now they're just around 30% of the molds away from a V.2 VF-25. I mean, all the mechanisms seem to be ok, they only have to change the head, chest plate, back plate, wings, thigh kittle and outer side of the lower legs and fins. Come on, Bandai, just do it!

    I have both a 1/100 25 and 29 and i'd say they share maybe 30% of the mold, the legs and the nosecone perhaps.

  3. i think everyone's wishing for that. my only real complaints about the current 1/60 YF-19 are the gullet and the fit issues in fighter mode. if Yamato does make a 1/60 v.2 YF-19, i hope they go back to the ratcheted ankles... not really liking the metal rod+balljoint that the Kai is sporting.


    I've got a first edition 1/60 and it's locked tight in fighter mode. I could flip it around it without pieces moving. Always thought it's only loose in gerwalk, and to some extent battroid mode? I'd say if you're a big fan of the YF-19 go for the renewal edition, ver 3 won't be out in a long time. Again, Yamato will need to remold most parts of the toy to get from the Kai to the YF.

  4. True, but those were also double sided somehow :huh: Though, I don't remember seeing the guns ever fire forward in fighter mode, so they may have been just the rear end of the gun protruding for some reason. I do remember thinking those were mounted so far back it might be dangerous to fire them forward in fighter. We did see the other ends of those guns used like Q-Rau guns in battroid though.

    Those elbow guns are double sided lasers, that's why they are so compact.

  5. I plan on getting at least one of these, probably two, but I really can't decide which ones I'd want. Ideally, I'd get a Millia S and Gamlin D model, but I don't know if I want to wait to see if they make the red one before getting an S.

    I'd get two Gamlin Ds myself, and that's it. Feel very little motivation to buy a Milia mecha without her Max counterpart :).

  6. Yes that would be it, does anyone remember the name of the ship itself, I can't find my 707 disc.

    And thank you for the replies.

    Apollo-Norm. Thanks for bringing up this anime, it's amazing and really tickled my love for all things naval.

  7. All valkyries are meant to be shiny and have gloss finishes. It's adults who twenty years later want them to be flat finished and look like models of real airplanes instead of super awesome transforming robot planes.

    I beg to differ. Also what's wrong with wanting them to look like real airplanes? Is there a hard rule somewhere on how to enjoy Macross valks? ^_^

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