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Posts posted by raptormesh

  1. i'm tempted... the color scheme is growing on me... the red looks good when side-by-side with the VF-27. heard from local stores that re-stocks are set to arrive in 2 weeks time... hhhmmmmm.

    oh, btw, how's the mechanism for getting that crotch thrust look? does it lock or is the joint just tight enough to hold that position?

    Yeah it locks, and the the joints on mine are in fact a teensy too tight.

  2. Mine just arrived, gleeee.

    Edit, just a few notes:


    - The tampo prints.

    - Fairly solid construction, no QC issues off the box.

    - The many gimmicks, very good play value.

    - Quite posable.


    - No qualms really. However, it doesn't hide the fact that it's a toy first and foremost - a perfect variable chogokin. Hence, I don't quite get that feeling of awe when I open up Yamato valks for the first time. It may be the gloss. Let me put it this way, with Yammies I usually stare and display them for at least a week before I transform them first to gerwalk and then battroid. With this, I immediately started transforming it to battroid mode and started playing/posing.

    - Oh, the rubber head lasers.

    It's definitely worth the money as it just screams a high end well designed toy. However, despite it being double the cost of my sturmvogels I would still grab my 22s in a hypothetical "house on fire, can only grab one valk" scenario.

  3. It'll be impossible to pull that weird gerwalk stance unique to VF-17 without proper weight distribution. Not fan of that look, prefer standard droopy nose gerwalk myself, but some people may want that.

    Yeah, perhaps they may have to put a bit more diecast into the legs to balance it, which will stress the joints even more. I don't know it just looks to have a lot more volume than either VF-22 or VF-19.

  4. It's much easier for techs to work and maintain the valks when it's in Fighter mode, panels are accessible and you don't need ladders and extra panels to reach folded areas. This is probably why Fighter mode is the preferred configuration when pilots comes to land, and take off. Unless of course, valks require zero maintenance which I find hard to believe. Again, I prefer to think them as tools of war and not magical rainbow eating super robots.

    Not sure why I am responding rationally to this guy, I must hate myself.

    On to the topic at hand, I wonder how much die-cast would be used as this valk is quite bulky.

  5. yes, VFs are aircrafts first and foremost with a robot mode and a one-of-a-kind in between mode.

    i think the guy was thinking Gundam w/ waverider mode when he said "Landing gears are for pussies"... w/c are robots that are docked in their hangars as robots and not like VFs that are docked in their hangars as aircrafts.

    Yeah the main reason I got into Macross is because it's focused on fighter modes and dogfights, and not super robots giving each other beamjobs.

  6. Finally got my payment notice. They wouldn't ship without the poster due to "store policies" so only via EMS so that's 4000 yen just for shipping. This is the most I've paid for one valk so far(2 Sturmvogels), won't be buying more for a long time I'm sure. On the plus side, it'll be here soon enough!

    Visual comparison here :)


    Both are amazing!

    Sweet! It'll be a hard comparison, as they both do justice to their on screen counterparts.

  7. Glad they announced this before the YF-29 went on sale; It was starting to look cool but I'd much rather have a VF-25. I don't even want to think about how much of pain it will be to get all the armor versions though. :wacko:

    Yeah, I'm not going to start collecting the 25 and the so many variants. Waiting for the VF-171 though.

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