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Posts posted by tundrayeti

  1. Thanks Grayson I think it will definitely work much better. Well everyone the weekend was very productive thanks to Thor. All that is left to do is make the mold for the boom truck which will arrive today, and then cast the hell out of it. I should be shipping out this weekend!

    With Christmas on the way i know some people wanted in on this but due to everything that's going on with the holidays, I will be taking orders for all scales till the end of January. The only set i will be taking money for is the 1/72 scale. This will give me enough time to have the other sets printed and then make molds. delivery time will be shorter on the next few sets. My plan is to have all the sets ready to go for Wonderfest in May. Hope all my fellow American Macrossworlders had a nice holiday weekend.

  2. This will be a resin kit that will need to be assembled and painted. Once I Have the masters ready I will post pictures. They will pretty much look like the 1/72 set though. I am merely just seeing who would want in on this so that I can justify cost of materials etc.

  3. Okay not a whole lot of interest in the 1/60 set. I've only had a few people that have contacted me that were interested in the 1/60 scale set. No takers for the 1/48 set yet either. (Well except for Kicker, I put you down I'm pretty sure you are interested) B)) IF you are interested in either of these sets don't hesitate to send me a pm, otherwise this may not happen. No money will exchange hands until the masters for these sets are in hand. I may postpone those sets till after Christmas since some people have expressed concerns with the holiday. Just give me some feedback, and Once the 1/72 set is completed, I will post pics of the whole set. Still waiting on the boom truck modification. it is in the process of being printed. So don't be shy, send me a pm just expressing your interest.

  4. Thanks everyone for the understanding. Well the old design probably would have worked I wasn't getting that warm fuzzy feeling from it. this design also incorporates an improved boom system for the base. The base will not only have the post for support, it will also sit in a pocket. Of course with all the kinks worked out these designs will transfer over to the 1/60 and 1/48 scale sets. so far i only have 3 people interested in the 1/60 scale set. So come on guys get on the list or it may be skipped. I might as start taking orders for the 1/48 scale set as well. No money will be taken until the masters are in hand. So if you want in one this set, let me know now so i can get an idea of what i will need material wise.

    Thanks again everyone

  5. Hello All, just another quick update.

    After getting some input from a couple members and due to the fact I'm not really happy with how the boom truck is turning out, I have modified the boom truck model to make it easier to cast and more importantly, easier to assemble and detail. The mods have already been ordered but this will delay the release of the 1/72 scale set. I apologize, but I'm sure everyone would rather I get it right. I have attached a picture of the modified model. Please post any comments. It won't be delayed much, just a couple days. So I'm now looking to ship these out after thanksgiving weekend. On the positive side though, all the bugs are being worked out on this set, so the others will go more smoothly.



  6. Okay just another quick update. I was gonna post this last night but I fell asleep. here are the some more of the casted parts. The forklift truck came out great. The tow tractor did not come out good, so it will have a new mold made, but I threw a quick wash on it so you guys can at least see the detail on it. I also got an email from the printers saying the detail parts are now being mad so it's all coming together guys. Anyone who still wants a set pm me. keep those 1/60 orders coming guys, next stop 1/48!


  7. Hello all. the 1/72 ground vehicle sets are almost complete. I am now taking orders for the 1/60 scale ground vehicle set. For those who are not aware of what this is about please check on my thread here the set will consist of the same vehicles, but just to re address them they are as follows:

    boom truck

    ac/power unit

    tow tractor

    fuel/water tanker truck

    gunpod carrier

    engine carrier


    set will be going for $148 plus shipping. Individual vehicles can be purchased for $23 each except for the boom truck which will be $35 due to it's size. Right now I am simply taking orders. Anyone interested please send me a PM to get on the list. Payment will not taken until the masters are in hand, but if you are curious to see how they will look the 1/72 set can be seen in the thread linked above.

    Thanks for looking!

  8. When you get a chance could you post a picture with all the vehicles included in the set?

    I will be posting pictures of the whole set once I have them. My silicon is still curing so It will be late Sunday. the only hiccup is the printing service I use ran out of the detail material. So all the small parts like wheels and steering wheel are still on order but the main parts are here.

  9. Got another update. My modifications arrived today and I have started making molds. The 1/72 set will ship by Thanksgiving. Thanks to everyone who got the 1/72 set. Your patience will pay off soon. I didn't get all of the order, still waiting for the wheels and steering wheels. They should be here before the deadline. In the meantime, I will now be taking orders for the 1/60 scale set. Send me a PM if you want a set. they will basically be the same as the 1/72 set, so the parts i have already posted will be what you get, just bigger. I will be able to add a bit more to this set like an extend-able boom. I will also get started on the 1/48 boom truck since it will be able to be CNC machined. So for now, if you want a 1/60 set, send me a PM and get on the list now.

    I will post the rest of the casted parts in the set this weekend.

    Thanks everyone!

  10. Hello everyone. Just an update. Here are some of the first castings of the ac unit and the engine carrier. I will be doing the boom truck this weekend. I am still waiting on my modified reprints to arrive but they should be there within the week.

    Also, I am having some of the smaller details printed out. this will not add to the cost of the kit, it is more cost effective and easier than casting some of those tiny parts. Anyone still interested in a 1/72 set please PM me.

    I have also converted the 3d models to 1/60 and I will be sending them off to be printed next week. anyone interested in a 1/60 set please send me a PM so i can put you on the list. Hang in there guys it's happening,

    Hopefully I will b e shipping the 1/72 kits in about 2 weeks. Thanks to everyone for your patience, work has been keeping me very busy.


  11. Hello all. Just a quick update. Things have been crazy with getting my kids ready for Halloween. Still waiting on the modifications to the few models but they should be here this week. I have some of the molds made and will begin casting the 1/72 set this week. Thanks for your patience and understanding. My kids have to come first. Thanks to those of you who have put deposits down. Orders are still being accepted. I have done some math and some of the smaller parts are easier to have printed than casted. This will not affect the model, and should make things easier. So if you still want a set, please PM me so payment arrangements can be made. I have enough money to start on the 1/60 scale so it will be coming soon. Thanks to everyone for your support. Hope you all had a great Halloween!!!

  12. Thanks again for all the support guys. casting is going painstakingly slow. I will let you guys know that there are steering wheels for these vehicles. I am having them printed up right now. The columns on these are about .04' (1mm) in diameter. It's much easier to have them printed, these are way too small to be casted. I am considering having some of the wheels printed as well since they are small. This will not add any cost to the kit it is still $100 plus shipping. I have about 12 orders so far so get in while you can. I will put a couple of these on ebay so I'm confident that they will sell. I will start the 1/60 scale soon,so I will start taking orders now so I can start getting supplies. 1/48 is next so be patient guys they are coming! I am still waiting on my reprints for the water truck and the tractor. I have learned a few things this first go and future prints will have sprues to make casting easier. I am so loving this process!I will also put out the reminder that additional vehicles can be purchased for $18 each, $25 for the Boom Truck.

    I have also been busy with custom Diorama kits as well. Check out the Thread here guys if you haven't If your gonna get the valks, the ground equipment and other vehicles might as wedll give them a home. Check it out here

    I will keep posting updates and hopefully soon I will have some pictures

  13. Okay everyone. The Time has come! I will start casting this weekend. I will post some pictures of some of the models primered etc. tonight. I have ordered the parts with the changes and they will arrive very soon, but I will now start taking orders for the 1/72 scale ground support vehicle set. Didn't really have to do too much, they haven't changed much from the pictures posted previously. Just to reiterate, the price per kit is $100 plus shipping. I will use shipping with tracking so you will know where your stuff is. For international shipping I will try using the prepaid boxes.

    So if you are interested PM me and we can start making payment arrangements. I should have these ready to go out in about 2-3 weeks. I will also post pictures of the casted parts so if you want to wait to see those that's fine. If i can get enough prepaids, i will move on to the 1/60 scale.

    I am going to try and experiment and see if I can do the boom truck for the larger scales on my CNC. I think it will work since these will be larger and it will also help cut costs with the printing process. i will play with it a bit this weekend and see what it look like.

  14. Okay, quick update here. Made the modifications to the tractor and it looks much closer to the lineart now. The cockpit for this tractor is the same size as the AC unit which we all know the seated figure will fit in. I have also made some small modifications to the water truck. I made prints on paper and I will take some comparative photos for this weekend.


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