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Posts posted by tundrayeti

  1. You are going to bankrupt me. :) Awesome job. I'll be ordering a few.

    Question is, which scale? Do I go after the 1:60 or the 1:48?

    LOL well right now I am just testing to see how much intrest there would be in the 1/60 scale. I am taking orders now for the 1/48. The 1/48 should be ready in 3-4 weeks. I'll PM you with the details.

  2. The masters for the 1/48 scale have arrived. Here are the photos. The 1/60 set will be identical except for the size. I have some priming and sanding to smooth out some of the curved edges. (the 3dprinting process does that) but the 1/72 set came out great and I made improvements on the 1/48 scale set. Please feel free to add comments or ask questions. If you are interested in a set please PM me.

    First the Boom truck. The cab and boom will be CNC machined. The final result looked really good in 1/72 scale.


    Next the rest of the set plus some shots of some of the details and parts. The wheels even have the lug nuts on them.




    If you want to see more pictures or have any questions, Please feel free to ask.

  3. Okay everyone the 1/48 Masters are here! They look really good and the updated modifications work really well. Okay well on with the eye candy.

    First the boom truck. This sucker is HUGE! i have also included some comparison photos with a cel phone and a 1/100 scale boom truck. The cab will be CNC machined like it was on the 1/72 set.

    I will also be machining the boom itself so that it will have more details such as being able to extend. If you look at the parts photos you can see I actually made the piston work.


    Next the rest of the set and some shots of the other parts.




    So please post your comments and/or questions. I will now start making the molds for these and start to accept payments for the preorders. Anyone else that is interested can still get a set,

    just send me a PM.

  4. I'm interested in some 1/60 support vehicles and figures, though I still have to recover from my spending over the last couple of months. More pics would be very helpful to gather more interest. Some people might be on the fence, and need something convincing to tip them over.

    Also, as customers, we prefer to have some pictures of finished products, or at least concept drawings available to help us visualise and should not have to hunt high and low or them.

    Hope this goes well for everyone!

    I will be showing pics of thew masters when I get them. There are plenty of concept drawings on the thread linked above. I will post them here though. The purpose of this thread is to merely see how many people would be interested. No Money will be accepted until The masters are in my hands and displayed for all to see. Basically i"m just testing the water.

  5. Even better. Will you post pics here, or are they gonna stay in the other thread?

    I will post pics in both threads. The scale I am working on right now is 1/48. Those will be the pics displayed. Except for size, the 1/60 scale set will be identical. The purpose of this thread is to get an idea of how many people would be interested so that I can guage cost of materials, etc. Any money made is poured into the next project and so on. This new process I am trying is turning out very well so I really want suggestions and idea for future kits. Jason, you and I have talked before about our dream kits. This is the beginning, so I'm starting out small and working my way up.

  6. Yes the vehicles will be offered individually. $32 for the boom truck due to it's size and the rest will be $21 each.

    since changes were made from the original designs, I will be showing the 1/48 scale masters when they are avaliable.

    the 3D designs from the other thread will give everyone a good idea of what to expect. Please feel free to ask questions and

    make suggestions since the other sets are still in development. there will be a military vehicle set with the APC and all the jeeps.

    There will also be a civilian vehicle set. still getting suggestions for that one.

    Sorry about that I posted the individual prices for the 1/48th scale. The prices for 1/60 have been updated. My mind was stuck in 1/48 mode.

  7. Will vehicles be offered for sale individually as well? The price of the full set may be a bit prohibitive, or include items of no interest, to some.

    Yes the vehicles will be offered individually. $32 for the boom truck due to it's size and the rest will be $21 each.

    since changes were made from the original designs, I will be showing the 1/48 scale masters when they are avaliable.

    the 3D designs from the other thread will give everyone a good idea of what to expect. Please feel free to ask questions and

    make suggestions since the other sets are still in development. there will be a military vehicle set with the APC and all the jeeps.

    There will also be a civilian vehicle set. still getting suggestions for that one.

  8. Hello all. This has been an ongoing project in the building and customizing section and someone suggested that I post here for the 1/60 scale set to get better exposure. So here I am. I am is the process of making ground support vehicle sets in multiple scales. I have already done 1/72 and I am in the process of doing 1/48. I would like to see how many folks would be interested in a 1/60 scale set. I already have a couple folks on the list, but hope to get better exposure here. The set consists of seven vehicles that include the boom truck, power unit, tow tractor, fuel vehicle, forklift, fuel trailer and gunpod carrier. I will post photos again soon but they can also be seen on the thread here.

    if you are interested in a set either pm me or just post on this thread. I am merely trying to see how many people will be interested. the set will be going for around $148 plus shipping. Thanks for looking!

  9. Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday.

    Well here is the update most of you have been waiting for. I have pictures of the design modifications for the ground vehicle sets. I will be ordering the 1/48 masters before the new year. Please add your 2 cents because I hope to get enough opinions so that any modifications can be made before the masters are ordered. So please tell me if these are better or if anyone has an idea for an improvement please let me know. The 1/48 Set is coming as soon as the designs are approved by the majority. I will then post in the toys section for the 1/60 and see if more interest can be generated for that set. Then I will move on to the Military and Civilian vehicle sets. So make your opinion heard!

    Thanks All


    I have also redesigned the fuel/water trailer. For some reasons the JPG came out bad. I will try again later but the 2 halves have been eliminated for a capsule type design.

  10. Thanks for the comments Bill, the 1/72 set was definately the "guinea pig" of these sets. The small little speed bumps will be smoothed out for the future scale sets. My hope is to come back to the 1/72 set and Iron out the bugs. I will be posting my design modifications to the set before the new year and then hopefully get the 1/48 scale set out soon. This will be the part where your feedback is important. The nice thing about this process is that everyone here on the forum can put in their opinions and thus make the final result the best it can be. Keep an eye out for the pictures of the modifications as i do them and please don't be afraid to give your opinions. they are invaluable to me to tweak these designs and make a better kit in the end.

  11. Okay, shipped out most of the 1/72 kits today. Anyone who wants one can still get one.

    Okay well due to MORE popular demand, it looks like the next set will be 1/48. (okay Kicker you can stop cheering now :p ) I haven't abandoned 1/60, there was just more demand for the 1/48 scale. If you aren't on the list, please PM me and let me know. I will be tweaking my 3D designs for this scale and have the masters printed. I probably won't have the masters till after the New Year. I will not take any money till the masters are in hand and I am ready to make molds. So, if anyone is interested, please PM me and get on the list. My cost estimate for the 1/48 Kit will be around $200. I will have a more accurate number once i get the quote for printing the Masters.

    To the guys that are getting your 1/72 kits soon - Please Post pictures I wanna see how these come out!

  12. Okay guys. been busting my butt this weekend and finished the last few parts. Here is the boom truck and gunpod carrier. let me know what you guys think. The Boom Truck main body is resin cast and the cab is made from styrene that I did on my CNC machine. Some of the other detail parts were pretty cost effective to print. All that is left to do is some detail parts and then i will CNC machine some Boom Truck windows and this baby will ship this week. I appreciate everyone's patience but the boom truck looks great and assembles so much easier. I will let each person know via PM when their kt shipped and when they should get it. I've gotten some more inquiries, and I am still taking orders for all three scales for this set. I will be ordering the masters for the 1/60 and 1/48 scales soon.

    sorry for the picture quality, my camera was doing funky stuff.


  13. Okay guys, i have gotten requests for pictures of the kits when they are available. Well here are some pics of a couple vehicles in the set.

    Tractor and tow bar


    Power unit




    water/fuel tank trailer


    water truck


    Here's the boom


    More on the way guys comments are welcome.

  14. Okay guys, i have gotten requests for pictures of the kits when they are available. Well here are some pics of a couple vehicles in the set. The boom truck is in the process of being molded right now and I was making parts in the gunpod carrier molds. But here are the rest plus some other goodies so you guys can see what's coming.

    Tractor and tow bar


    Power unit




    water/fuel tank trailer (i guess we should get an official name. Can anyone translate from the lineart?)


    water truck (official name for this would be nice too)


    Here's the boom


    And here are some pics of the gunpod carrier parts and some steering wheels and other stuff:


    More on the way guys comments are welcome.

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