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Britai 7018

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Posts posted by Britai 7018

  1. cant say much for the other Gundams... but 0083 is one of my favorite series of all time. take away all the continuity problems w/ the other series. on its own, its fantastic... characterization, mecha designs, story, the soundtrack... they were all great. and i do agree that its a cashcow for bandai... those mechs are everywhere. i think they're kawamori designs.

  2. Just wanted to let all the people who have broken PS2s or XBoxs... EB Games will buy back any of these broken systems for $50 in store credit. I know its not much... but hey, better than just a hunk of plastic...

    Sales of Gamecube have always been slower than the PS2 and XBox, but it was never intended to compete head to head... if you look at the game libraries, the PS2 and XBox library is now looking very very similar (new release wise). The Gamecube has more unique games... this is both good and bad I guess.

    The price drop is a good thing, no question.

  3. this is the first Star Wars FPS i've touched since the original Dark Forces, and its pretttty fun... light sabers are hard to use, but alot better than i had imagined.

    instead of Men of Valor or MoH: Pacific Assault, check out "Call of Duty"... its out at the beginning of November. Also, by the same guys who did MoH. you can d/l the demo now

  4. Its a little old news now, but Homeworld is officially out, the 17th was the official release date for EB Games. They sell it for $49.99 and theres a $10 Gift Voucher you can mail in for.

    $10 Gift Vouchers are also available for: Jedi Knight Academy, Tron 2.0 and D&D Temple of Something Something. Some other games too...

  5. I ordered mine from Marcia's locker on monday, and got it today (fast shipping!)

    I didn't get the big white box since I requested a normal hair Minmay, which he put in, unfortunately I guess he didn't put back the exact same figures that came in the box because I got 2 clear hair Mylenes and no Ishtar, and the rest of my figures were clear hair except for Minmay.

    So basically I'm looking to trade for an Ishtar figure. Thanks !

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