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claude grant

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Posts posted by claude grant

  1. Never begin any project uninspired. You'll only end up disappointed, or less than completely satisfied, in the final result. Save that sweet design for your best effort!

    As far as paint schemes go, I am feeling that new 1/60 Yamato Cavaliers pattern myself.

  2. As we speak, this is what I am working on.

    But not to make existing parts, mainly modifications and conversion parts.

    God, I hope you're serious about doing some of your killer 1/48 mods & conversions as 'obtainable' upgrade kits...that would be awesome, and I would buy them!

  3. Child, you ain't nuthin' but the truf! If this is the level of work that you plan on doing for the 1/48s, then you can count me in for ALL of your 1/48 macross products! That's just stellar work; and knowing it derived from a one shot mistake/in joke makes it all the more stunning!

    You like 'customers' for your 'customs' IScustoms?...then just keep up the 1/48 support and you'll have mine!

  4. If I can afford this, I am so all over this that it's not even funny!! Two questions though... (1)

    will this be durable material?, and (2) are you planning on doing a VF-1T as well?

    I am glad to see & support any projects that further enhance the 1/48 Yammies! Still in awe of these figures even if Yamato never makes another version of them.

  5. Now that's what I'm talking bout! That's just the sort of legacy that this legendary build deserves!

    This is killer news MT, and I wish you all the continued success and accolades that this project brings to your door! You have really & truly earned this sir.

    Might as well drop a line to all the other Japanese sci-fi oriented publications now. "GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!", indeed.

  6. If you plan on playing with this beauty then you should probably glue all of your pieces on tight; however, if you are like me, and only pose your high end collectibles occasionally when you decide to dust, if even then, then a dry fitting should suffice.

    I didn't use a drop of glue anywhere on my SDF-1, and all the parts fit like the best snap-fit kits I've ever built.

    Again, if you 'play' with this thing then glue it, but if you 'pose & display' then you should be ok.

  7. Though this really is an underappreciated service that you're providing, there is no denying the fact that the end results are of some seriously well thought out, expertly executed, and desirable pieces (really diggin' the gunpod carrier!) from the Macross universe.

    So in that regard, a sincere THANK YOU from me for the work that you are doing for the fan community. Please keep this service going if you can.

    Pm'd you about some things as well.

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