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claude grant

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Posts posted by claude grant

  1. Absolutely Tober...and immediately when my money was returned to my acct., via Paypal & my lending institution, that's when my access to HLJ ceased to exist. My 10+ years of free advertising for their company, loyalty to their platform, and not to mention several thousand dollars worth of purchases, meant nothing to them.

    Had thought about going to Otakon one of these past years and talk to one of their booth personnel to see if I could get a warm body response, but came to my senses quickly. I'd be a fool to spend money just to inform them that they, or someone within their organization, tried to rob me? That's good money after bad. Decided to make better use of my resources and look for other options instead.

    A lot of these internet companies are starting to fall prey to the same mindset that's made so many brick & mortars fall by the wayside...and what it boils down to is a lack of quality customer service, and the fact that they think they're the only game in town. What was once a hassle, and expenditure of resources (gas, time, phone calls, 'real' leg work, etc...) when it came to finding replacements for your goods & services, can now be done, in most instances, as effortlessly as changing a channel with the remote.

    Long story short (I know, too late for that :lol: ), I no longer soapbox for any of these companies anymore; it just so happens that some of my current orders have been with Amiami, and knock on wood, so far so good. And should they decide to become too problematic, then on to the next one. And if I can't find a company that I like, then so be it. It was fun while it lasted, but life holds other pleasures than just the headaches of toy collecting.

    Just remember, Tober, and I know you already know this, but it bears repeating...it's your money and you have more options than ever concerning where, when, why, & how you spend it, so make sure you get what you pay for. I, like many of these other talkbackers, truly love this hobby, but I don't want to get this fact twisted one iota...I won't put up with anymore bull ish to enjoy it. Those days are gone like they never existed in the first place.

    Sorry for diatribing...think I finally got that outta my craw for good! Be blessed

  2. Don't know what they did to Graham, but as for the "HLJ is king" support, I will never even attempt to do business with them again in life.

    Had been ordering from HLJ for about ten years with an impeccable track record, when an erroneous charge for over 1/2 a grand shows up in my online acct. Contacted HLJ about it and they blacklisted me, and closed my acct. without ever doing an investigation. Never once did they respond to my inquiry about what were the items I 'allegedly' ordered. Guess my urgent tone was too strong for them. I still have all the emails & shipping notices to/from them during this period. They seem to have gotten worse since they moved into the new warehouse facility too. Unfortunately, I think their growth spurt allowed them to either acquire, or inspire, some "thieves in the temple" so to speak.

    And to think of all the free press & good word of mouth I gave this company when asked by friends where to go for their hobby needs...

    My first test with Amiami was an $700.00+ (approx) order for 2 Yamato 1/3000 SDF-1s; and they passed it with flying colors. Have used them 4 times since with no problems, and I have a RAH Evangelion on pre-order with them currently...will be curious to see if this no refund/no replacement yellow slip will be included in this order.

  3. Just 2 beautiful for words! If you would just do the various head designs @ this level, I can definitely see myself getting 1 of each variant. Keep it up Dan & Co.

  4. Let me get some test pieces first, so I can see how they turn out and make any adjustments that might be needed, but I would be happy to make them available. Would people (other than me) actually want to pay over $100 for a 1/24 DYRL VF-1S head? The whole valk would have to end up over $1000!

    To be honest, I probably would buy something like this if it could be broken down into 10 or more stages/sets to keep the overall cost manageable. Your stunning work has me sold on what could possibly be one of the hottest fan made/designed items I've seen in some time!

    I was really hoping Yamato would do a 'bells & whistles + everything but the kitchen sink' 1/24 VF-1 ultimate version collectible w/A,D,J & S head variations, and swappable dual-seater cockpit included, but I'm delusional like that :lol:.

    So yeah, I'd be totally down for something like this done in an affordable way. At the very least, I hope that you can do the other head variations in 1/24. Would make for one hell of an awesome display!

  5. My goodness!! Looking at your stunning work is like taking both the red AND blue pill from the Matrix simultaneously; wouldn't know what to expect, but the results would probably be apex experiences in both worlds!

    I sure hope you plan on giving this treatment to the other iconic sdfm tv/dyrl valk head units! Just superior work!!

    Please keep this going Mr. Bickell, best humpday surprise ever!

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