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Posts posted by Tober

  1. With HLJ.com... the Starscream USA edition is that the same box(art) as the ones that will be released in the US?

    I was hoping to grab a Japanese releasebox with the new original colour SS... any help guys would be heaps appreciated. :D

    It will be the same Classics style box as the USA release with one or two stickers authenticating it as a legitimate TF release for Japan. Basically the same deal as with the Japanese releases of the Movie toys.

    The USA edition release is due to hit TRU here in November.

  2. Then remove them? If that's your biggest beef with the figure, then just take them off. It's only $50 anyway.

    That's the first part of the plan. Thing is that I don't think it's going to be easy to remove the burn marks without the panel lining coming off with it, which would create inconsistency. So the larger plan is to remove what I dont like and airbrush what I do. I'll be very happy if it's only $50 down here.

  3. So who's gonna buy Starscream?

    Depends how much TRU charge us (Aussies) and weather there is any difference between the USA and Japan release.

    The USA color scheme looks crap. It still looks like a kid hit it with spray paint and a grey marker even though they have toned it down from the test shot. The coloring of the exhaust area is a complete mess. It would be a pain stripping all of the stickers and paint before priming it... ;)

  4. IGN.com - ILM on Transformers Effects

    QUESTION: What is the ratio or car-to-robot? It would appear that the robots contain much more material than could actually fit into their car form.

    FARRAR: It's a cheat. There is scaling up and down and sizes of parts may increase or decrease in going from the car to the transformed robot. The upshot was that we added a tremendous amount of parts and pieces beyond our first designs. Optimus got a huge layering of parts. Again, you're making a movie, so you're always judging what you're creating by what the camera sees, so you're constantly saying, 'Oh, we need a hubcab here, a clutch-plate there.' We had to add a lot of movement that we didn't anticipate in the beginning.

  5. I have a bit of an oddball question, but hey, no harm in asking, right?

    What kind of reference, other than film stills are out there for the new Optimus Prime? Might there be anything along the lines of full 360 degree CG renders that could be put through a 3D printer by chance? Just in case someone out there might be interested in making a 1/24 scale model... Or something :ph34r:

    Ben Procter's site has a fair bit of information about the development of OP for the movie but I don't think there are any turntable animations for him, there are some of Bumblebee however.

    Final Rendering of OP by ILM

    The information you need for 3D printing (rapid prototyping) is actual 3D geometry data. Even when assembled the formatting needs to be very precise. It is also still extremely expensive for larger models. I think it was MW member Fulcy who had some RP done for his gerwalk model so maybe pick his brains about it.

    I too look for ward to the day where I can just walk into a 3D Kinkos and print out a 1/24 Yamato valk. ;)

  6. I was waiting for this to come out before I bought a MP-5. Still, $150 for one TF is a lot.

    Anyways---so after all was said and done, what places had "easily removed with no glue residue" MP-5's? Because now I want to buy one, and need to know who will (probably) have the "least altered" MP-5's coming in the 2nd production batch.

    Ages3+ definately have unaltered MP-5 and I think TFSource also get theirs unaltered - give them an email to confirm tho.

    I don't remember anyone having any difficulties removing the plugs from places like BBTS or HLJ - every review I remember reading says that they pretty much fell right out or required no effort at all to pull out.

  7. A little off topic (still TF related!!!) - here is a pic i did today while bored (well, nothing to do) at work!

    Its an E.J Su (I think) design from the new G1 Transformers series from IDW Comics.

    There is a bigger version on my DA page.


    Nice style. What are you rendering out of? Can it transform? ( i.e. be animated transforming)

    I'm creating MP Starscream myself but it's hard to dedicate the time to it.

  8. Has there been any fighter mode pics released yet? I guess other than Fan customs.


    Because the image on the back of the box shows the scorch marks and the packaging for both editions is the same I think the two editions will be the same despite a magazine article that claimed there would be sme differences in the markings (which could refer to a single Destron sticker being the only difference).

  9. My SDCC Rodimus arrived on Monday. The color is a bit brighter than KP, but still good. That feels like the end of an epic for me too. I do own every Alternator and used to have every BT before the line was cancelled. Those and Masterpiece are the only TF lines I collect. I have pre-ordered BT-18 Rijer - which will make 4 Ford GT variations.

    The Japanese version of Hasbro's Masterpiece Starscream does have carbon/scorch/weathering/poo on it as well. It is still unknown how it differs from the Walmart release, if it does.

    And it wouldn't suprise me in the slightest if Takara do release an 'Animation Color' variation as well, e.g. MP-7, depending on the success of Hasbro's version.

  10. I got my MP3 Soundwave today, and - damn... what a fine transformer it is!!!

    I'm as giddy as a school girl!!!

    Very cool, and nice proportions, articulation is a tad on the loose side, but he looks kick ass next to my classics.

    One satisfied customer.

    It was quite expensive considering its MP3 limitations, but a really nice figure.

    Thanks Takara Tomy - what will they think of next?

    The inevitable black repaint.

  11. RE: USA Edition Masterpiece Starscream

    I got this reply from F2F today...


    For the USA edition Masterpiece Starscream, I cannot confirm if there is any “weathering” on it at this time. The info I received from Takara-Tomy only indicate that he will have different weathering and markings from the Hasbro releases but I expect the differences to be minimal since the Hasbro packaging will be use anyway instead of the Takara package.


    So I'm guessing it's probable that there won't be much difference. :(

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